Carina: *Crawly crawly crawly over to Diamante, loves upon cousin!*
bittyNova: *scoot... hide. SCOOT! Hide.... Peek*
Diamante: *Prrrrr! X3*
bittyNova: *waaaaaatch*
Carina: *Happy clickstorm, snuggacousin*
Diamante: *Four-limbed CLINGSNUGGLE!*
Sparta: *crawls right over bittyNova*
bittyNova: *squeal click pop squeak YELL!*
Carina: *Squeak?* *Looks over, clickstorms at Sparta, scolding tone to her clicks for his upsetting of Sissy*
Diamante: *Raspy rumblins of dissaproval from this little bitty at Sparta*
Sparta: *hears NOOOO disapproval!* :D :D :D
Diamante: *FLUFFS at!*
bittyNova: *spanks brother right on his little black rubber buttpad!*
Sparta: *faceplant. YELL!*
Diamante: *Jumps a bit at that yell*
Carina: *More scoldings!*
bittyNova: *spank spank SPANK!* *sitting on brother now and looking at that skinny baby who sounds like her sister* *and also at that other baby*
Carina: *more razzing, huff, snuggaDiamante*
Diamante: *Takes after her Papa so is a sturdy little thing, snuggin back on Carina*
Carina: *IGNORES Sparta, loves upon cousin!*
bittyNova: *points to those other babies* Click click pop squeal squeak thrrrrpt! *also bounces on butt, which rattles brother's yell*
Diamante: *Totally lovin back on that baby, cuddles an all*
bittyNova: *rolls off brother and crawls cautiously over to see those two little girls* Pop pop pop beep....
Sparta: *goin' THAT way now. BYE!*
Diamante: *Prrprrprr!*
Carina: *Clicks at the bigger baby, still snuggling Diamante* *is more interested in cuddles than yells*
bittyNova: *pat pats on Carina's head. Doesn't really know about gentle yet*
Carina: *Squeak!*
Diamante: *Hey Carina, have a bitty hand pawing at your face. o3o*
bittyNova: *sits up and considers that squeak and the pawing*
Carina: *Clickstorm!*
Diamante: Heee! X3
bittyNova: bbbbbbbbbbbb....
Carina: *more clickstorm, wants snuggles from Sissy and cousin now*
bittyNova: *lowers her head and tastes Diamante*
Diamante: *Squeaks at that tastin* Eee!
Carina: *Chirrup* ?
bittyNova: *headtilt, soft pops and clicks*
Diamante: *Giggles, and tries to nibble on Nova*
Carina: *Will taste-test bittyNova now*
bittyNova: 0_0 Bbbbbbb..... *fell in Uncle Jack's drink tub. She HAS a flavor!*
Diamante: *Squeaks and nibbles more!*
Carina: *Squee! MOAR taste-testing!*
bittyNova: *headtilty, and then sticks her own finger in her mouth* 0_0 *nom nom nom!*
Diamante: Tasteee. X3
Carina: Om num num... *clickclickpopsqueakchirrrr*
Wheeljack: Oh sla...eeepytime. I lost one of Ironhide's kids. Nova? Nova, sweetie, you wanna penny?
Diamante: *Squirms over to cling on Nova and Carina both, so she can more easily nibble*
bittyNova: *nomming finger, brb*
Carina: *Bweee? at the funny-looking Unca Jack*
Wheeljack: *sees three babies where he expected one, and two aren't the right tech* ...The SLAG?
Diamante: *POINTS* Bad bad, tellin Mama!
Carina: Unca 'Jack cuss! X3
WakeJumper: *Will elbow husband in midsection*
Wheeljack: Gack! *shoots a little cleaning solution out his intakes* Awww, Jumper, look what you... what? Who's mama? 0_o ...You guys talk.
Diamante: Mama is Mama. *Because this explains EVERYTHING*
WakeJumper: *boggling a bit* ... Heeeey, 'Jack? Didn't that other me look kinda like the purple-y one?
Wheeljack: .... *squints one optic shut* Uh, yeah. Um, hey, that's the same purple as Carina wears.
Carina: *heard her name!* *Chirrup!*
Wheeljack: ... Carina.
Carina: *Chirrup!*
Wheeljack: *looks at his wife, and then looks at the bitty* Carina?
Carina: *Chirrup!*
WakeJumper: ... *Raised brow ridge*
Diamante: *Nuzzles on Carina* Ca'ina! ^___^
Wheeljack: *turns to his wife. Solemnly* It was nice knowin' ya, Jumper.
WakeJumper: ... *Clings to husband*
bittyNova: *falls over with feet in air* *clunk*
Carina: *Squeeeeeee! Points at bittyNova* *Clickstorm!*
Diamante: *Squeaks and chitters back at Carina*
Wheeljack: Meep! *hands drink to wife and goes to scoop up bittyNova, worried she's hurt herself*
Carina: *scoot scoot scoot to fuss over bittyNova!*
Diamante: *Clambers after Carina*
Wheeljack: *has THREE bitties!* 0_0 *straightens up and looks at them*
bittyNova: *tests one of her feet for flavor*
Carina: *Worried chirr*
Diamante: *...prr? o3o;*
WakeJumper: *Will check bittyNova over for injury*
bittyNova: *no dents! Watches the checking without taking her foot out of her mouth*
WakeJumper: *Relieved sigh* She's fine.... Ironhide won't want our heads this time...
Diamante: Papa! 8D
Carina: *Looks for Papa!*
Wheeljack: ...Papa? Don't tell me you're all Ironhide sprogs.
bittyNova: *around her foot* Bbbbb
Diamante: Papa papa! *Happy wiggles!*
Carina: *Clickstorm, sees no Papa, POUT*
Wheeljack: ...What is Ironhide doing letting his babies crawl around in the Nexus? *scowls behind his mask*
Diamante: *Feels CHEATED and screws up that little face in preparation for a tantrum*
Carina: *issa sneaky sneak already, despite only being about a year and a quarter old* *is SOOO gonna be worse than Ariel when she's older* *Whine, fuss, wants Papa! Wants to crawl in Papa's cannons again!*
WakeJumper: *Bites her lower lip components* Should I call our Ironhide?
Wheeljack: He can't come, remember? He's got that meeting thing.
bittyNova: *sticks her other foot over to Diamante's mouth*
Diamante: *Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaail-mphgmmm! OxO*
WakeJumper: ...Oh... right... *Facepalm* ... *Blink blink at bittyNova*
Carina: *FUSS.*
bittyNova: *looks at Carina, shares a spare finger*
Carina: *Fuss! Fuss-bhuhwhutnow?*
Diamante: *Tries to push that foot away to make her displeasure known. WILL NOT BE SWAYED! WANTS PAPA!*
Wheeljack: o.o Yeah... these're 'Hide's kids alright. *looks around again and does a general ping on Ironhide frequency*
lrIronhide: *looks around the sign, her brow plates drawn together in a scowl* What do you want?
Wheeljack: *bayformer 'Hide with girl voice and girl shape... BRAIN BREAK*
Carina: *Sissy finger out of mouth* Papa!
Diamante: *Screeeeeeeeaming bloody murder!* Paaaaaaapaaaaa!
WakeJumper: *hiding behind husband and going o.o;; now*
lrIronhide: *winces and flinches, her cannons opening out involuntarily* STOP THAT!
Diamante: *Starts at this, staring at 'Hide in tearful confusion*
bittyNova: *gives lrIronhide a Look*
Carina: BLAM! :D
lrIronhide: *staring at that Look* ...Kid reminds me of 'Mia...
Alex: ... *Was on his way to the Nexus Mall, but now both brows going to visit his hairline* Okay then...
Diamante: ...camums? *Teary eyed bebeh, oooh so sad*
lrIronhide: *cautiously walks closer* Yeah... cannons. So?
Carina: *Squeak, chatter, wiggle, reach for the notPapa!*
Alex: ... *moving closer as well, wants to get a better look at the other Ironhide's cannons*
Diamante: *Reeeaches for 'Hide. She's not Papa... but she's close!*
lrIronhide: *looks at WakeJumper* What the slag are they?
WakeJumper: *Startled squeak* B-Babies... *hiding behind husband now, kthx!*
Diamante: *Prrprrprr*
lrIronhide: ...Baby Cybertronians? *blink blink blink even as she absently offers a hand to that armful of small wiggly things*
Carina: *Clickstorming away, wants to see notPapa's cannons! Will jump over!*
Diamante: *Clambers over to that Not!Papa, chirrasping!*
Alex: And apparently, they like big guns... *chuckles and transforms, intending to show the bitties his cannons, which are pretty big, proportionally*
lrIronhide: *has an armful of babies. ...What does she do with them?*
bittyNova: *sees bitty Daddy! JUMP!*
Wheeljack: *snapped out of brain break* ACK!
mvIronhide: *Acks and catches the bitty that's not really all that bitty* *Skidplate, meet ground*
Diamante: *Squeals!*
Carina: *Clickstorm, will peek down into notPapa's cannon now, chirruping curiously*
lrIronhide: *watching the jumper instead of the ones she's holding* ...Is that one Chromia's?
Diamante: *Paws at the cannon she's clinging to, prring*
bittyNova: *poking bittyDaddy in the eye* Click click click
mvIronhide: *more ack, will try and gently discourage the bitty sitting on him from poking him in the optic*
Carina: Mama! *Looks around for Mama* *Pouts when she sees no Mama, before her attention goes back to the cannon... And then she's checking to see if she'll fit inside!*
Diamante: ...Mama? *Looking around all hopeful like... and not seeing her, will stick her head into that cannon*
lrIronhide: ...You mean they're all Chromia's?
Wheeljack: *dazed nod, is still staring at girlHide*
Carina: *There are advantages to being a skinny little bitty... namely, she can FIT in cannons!* *Poke poke poke*
lrIronhide: *registers something going on by her cannon, puts other hand up to steady the babies, thus bringing her other cannon in reach*
Diamante: *Trying to squirm her way into that newly accessible cannon, chirping!*
Carina: *Scoot scoot scoot, is IN notPapa's cannon!*
lrIronhide: *looks down at the ground again, where the little golden one is now tasting the little red guy*
mvIronhide: *has no flavor, but does have cookie, if bittyNova will stop tasting him long enough for him to get it out for her!*
Diamante: *Wiggling her way into that cannon, rather quickly. Like she's had... practice.*
Carina: *issa happeh bitteh. Hear her purring in there?*
bittyNova: *accidentally tickling Uncle*
mvIronhide: *lets out a very undignified squeak*
Diamante: *Bitty is just purring up a storm in that other cannon, settling in*
lrIronhide: *snerks at the squeak, and then pauses and looks for the babies she'd been holding. Looks at Wheeljack, and then looks at WakeJumper. Then stops and looks into her cannons* What the slagging pit???
Carina: *Happy bitty! Will not be dislodged!*
Diamante: *You'll never get thissun out!*
Wheeljack: *needs a drink, Jumper. Give!*
WakeJumper: *gives drink*
Wheeljack: *chugs drink*
WakeJumper: *Having a silent panic attack now*
bittyNova: *rolls over on back and tastes her foot again*
mvIronhide: *taking a few moments to get his wits about him before he moves to get a cookie out*
lrIronide: *shaking her cannons as she frowns down into them*
Diamante: *Not budging, but would BEAM up at 'Hide and wave*
Carina: *Bweee!!!* Mut'ny! Mut'ny! *Gigglefit!*
Diamante: ...Mut'y? *Happy grin*
lrIronhide: ... The slag?
Carina: Not-Papa cuss! *Gleeeee!*
hsvIronhide: *was sparklet tracking. Walks up to the group* I know that look.
WakeJumper: *skidplate, meet ground*
Wheeljack: *sinks to one knee under the force of dismay and too much drink too fast*
lrIronhide: *staring at this guy who looks nearly identical to her*
hsvIronhide: *grabs her nearer cannon and looks down it*
Diamante: *Is giggling up a storm*
Carina: *From the other cannon* Not-Papa, whee? *Hopeful*
hsvIronhide: ...Diamante???
lrIronhide: *looks at Carina* ...Wee?
Diamante: *Looks up and WIGGLES excitedly* PAPA!
Carina: *Clickstorm, wants to go for a ride!* Blam-whee?
hsvIronhide: *without looking away from the cannon he's peering down* Fire that gun and die, woman.
lrIronhide: ...
mvIronhide: *studying hsvIronhide and wondering if he's got big guns to compare to as well*
Diamante: *Chuuuurrasps at her Papa*
Carina: *Clickstorm, curls up into a ball, wants to go for ride!*
hsvIronhide: *to Diamante* Not Papa, pet. It's your uncle with the bigger cannons. *smile for the raspy bitty*
lrIronhide: Why the slag are they in there to start with???
Carina: Not-Papa cuss 'gain! *Gigglefit*
hsvIronhide: If you saw guns you'd fit in what would you do?
lrIronhide: ...Kick whoever was controlling them out.
Diamante: *Little whiiine* ...Not Papa?
hsvIronhide: Uncle. Don't you remember? We were in the restaurant. You got energon goodies.
Carina: *heard goodies! Will uncurl and peeeeeek out of the cannon she's in* Nom?
Diamante: *Remembers... but she's still gonna pout.* ...UncaPapa?
hsvIronhide: *offers Carina one of his cannons, feeling smug at the look on the female Ironhide's face as she sees it* Yes, Diamante. Uncle Papa.
Carina: *SQUEE! Jumps to Papa's cannon* Blam!
Diamante: *Reeeeaches for him! T~T*
mvIronhide: *slag, that's a big gun*
hsvIronhide: *has two bitties!* *smug old bot*
lrIronhide: *scowling at him puzzledly*
hsvIronhide: *adds reality code to com code and pings d2mvHide*
d2mvHide: *says he can't come, he has to find his Diamante*
hsvIronhide: *tells him where his Diamante is*
d2mvIronhide: *THERE!*
mvIronhide: ....
Carina: *Clickstorm from inside her Papa's cannon*
Diamante: *Is clinging to UncaPapa with little whimpers*
d2mvIronhide: *hands go toward his daughter* Diamante. Sweetheart, don't cry.
Diamante: *Transfers to CLING onto her Papa with a little sniffle* Papaaaa~...
mvIronhide: *Wonders to himself if this is what it will be like when he and 'Mia finally have kids*
bittyNova: *pokes little uncle in the side. More cookie, eh?*
mvIronhide: *Startled squeak, will give more cookie*
Carina: Papa, nom?
hsvIronhide: What have I said about crumbs in the cannons?
Carina: *poooout* *huff, curls up*
d2mvIronhide: You're joking. You have to make rules about that?
hsvIronhide: *gives him a 'did you just ask that?' look*
Diamante: *Presses her face in against her Papa's armor with little unhappyBitty shiverins*
Wheeljack: *trying to get bittyNova so that he can get out of the crazy while he still can*
WakeJumper: *is gonna need snugglin' when they get back home*
Wheeljack: *babygank! Arm around wife and GONE!*
black Hides: *blink at where he was, and then look back at babies*
mvIronhide: ... *Soft snerk, moves to stand up*
Carina: *curled up in Papa's cannon* Blam-whee?
hsvIronhide: Alright, but only one. *cannon aimed straight up. Fires it gently, then holds out his other hand to catch her*
Diamante: *Distracted from impending tears and staaares* 00!
Carina: *Squeeeeeeeeee! Happy clickstorms as she lands in Papa's hand*
mvIronhide: ... O_O
d2mvIronhide: 0_0 ...Does Chromia know you do that?
Diamante: ...Whee?
Carina: *chatter, chirrup, clicksquee, happy armflails!*
hsvIronhide: Of course she does. Have YOU ever been able to keep anything from that femme?
lrIronhide: ... *snort*
d2mvIronhide: ...No.
hsvIronhide: Right. Put her in there. *points his cannon at Diamante*
Diamante: *Squirms excitedly and REACHES for UncaPapa's cannon*
Carina: *Scrambling up Papa's arm to his shoulder, wants to see how high cousin can go!*
d2mvIronhide: ...Mia will kill me.
hsvIronhide: Nope. She'll just laugh.
d2mvIronhide: *sighs and puts Diamante in the cannon*
mvIronhide: ... I'm starting to understand why everyone says we're nutters.
Diamante: *Squeals excitedly, wiggling*
hsvIronhide: *points his cannon up and fires*
d2mv: *arms out to catch his daughter*
Carina: Ooooooo!
Diamante: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *Goes pretty high there, and squeaks when she lands in her Papa's arms, all curled up and giggling*
Carina: *scoot scoot scoot, will migrate for the other cannon*
lrIronhide: *looks down at the short guy, and then grabs him and stuffs him headfirst into hsvHide's cannon*
hsvHide: *shrugs and fires*
d2mvHide: *blinks and looks up, then snerks*
mvIronhide: *Startled string of obscenities, flaaaail*
Carina: *Squeaaal!* Bitty-Not-Papa cuss!!!
Diamante: *Uncurls to point* Badbad! Tellin' Mama!
black Hides: *all laughing hard*
mvIronhide: *Fumbling for his PINpoint, will make his escape!*
hsvHide: *watches the little guy vanish* Spoilsport. Let's go drink botbeer and feed the sparklets cookies.
mvHot Rod: *Appears a few moments later, nearby*
lrIronhide: *looks at this new small guy. Snags him and aims him at the cannon!*
mvHot Rod: *curls up to fit in the cannon better!* :D
Diamante: *Curls on her Papa and watches the fun*
hsvIronhide: *looks into the gun* Hot Rod, right?
mvHot Rod: Yup. :3
hsvIronhide: How hard?
d2mvHide: Hot Rod's glitched.
lrHide: I know. *watching*
mvHot Rod: Not hard enough to break me... I wanna catch some air. *Yes, there is a reason he and his alternates are considered nutjobs*
Carina: *watching from Papa's other arm, where she was just about to poke at the plating over Papa's other cannon*
hsvHide: Gotcha. *gun up and shoot!*
lr and d2mvHides: *tips heads back to watch the flight*
mvHot Rod: *Whoop! Uncurls once he's pretty high up in the air* :D *Totally cheated and brought a parachute*
Diamante: *Squeals excitedly, wiggling on her Papa* Heeeeee!
hsvHide: ...You talked to that small Ironhide didn't you?
mvHot Rod: *As he floats to the ground* Yup. :3 Blue wouldn't let me go without a 'chute though...
lrHide: ...Who's Blue?
mvHot Rod: My mate, Bluestreak. *nods as he touches down, then vanishes beneath the parachute for a few moments*
hsvHide: *picks him up by the parachute*
d2mvHide: *snerks at that, his hand gently patting Diamante's little back*
mvHot Rod: Ack! Hey, easy! I gotta keep this thing intact for when I go BASE jumping later this month!
Diamante: *Prrs and nuzzles on her Papa happily*
hsvHide: *rolls the chute properly, though one handed, then stuffs it back in the pack and stuffs the smaller mech into his cannon again* BASE jumping?
mvHot Rod: *As he's stuffed into the cannon again* Yeah... Going to South America for research, and the part of the continent I'm gonna be in has some wickedly awesome cliffs....
hsvHide: *aims for long instead of high this time* *fires* Huh.
lrHide: Two creds says he splats on that sign.
d2mvHide: *loving his bitty* The Black Dog sign? Heh.
mvHot Rod: *hasn't quite gotten the hang of steering, just barely clips the sign, goes over the warehouse, and gets tangled in a tree*
Carina: Fail! *Gigglefit*
hsvHide: Alright. One more ride for each sparklet, and lets go drink while we wait for the glitch to get out of that tree.
Diamante: *Perks up at the promise of another ride*
mvHot Rod: *Getting taunted by tiny femmes as he tries to get out of the tree*
Carina: *Clickstorm!* Blam-Whee!!!!
hsvHide: Who should go first, 'Rina?
Carina: *headtilt, considering, then she's pointing at Diamante*
hsvHide: *soft pride* Good girl. *offers cannon to niece*
Diamante: *Chirps and would climb into that cannon, purring at Carina as she did*
Carina: *Clickstorm, scoots to get to a good spot to watch cousin go whee*
d2mvHide: *helps his little one into the cannon, and then backs off and is ready to catch*
lrHide: *ready to catch too*
hsvHide: Ready, 'Mante?
Diamante: *Hunkers down and cuuurls* Yah! Wheee!
hsvHide: *shoots the babby!*
Carina: *Squeeeee! Clickstorm as she watches*
Diamante: *SQUEALS as she's shot up again... this time, flailing a bit on her way down*
lrHide: *catches the babby! And then tosses her gently to her daddy*
d2mvHide: Hey! Careful!
Diamante: *Chirrasps at her Papa adoringly*
Carina: *Clickstorm!*
hsvHide: *offers gun to his own daughter now*
Carina: *Dives in and curls up, happy bitty!*
hsvHide: *shoots his baby into the air!*
Carina: *Happy squeeeeeeeee! Squeaks when she's caught, will clickstorm about the ride*
Diamante: *Claps for Carina!* Yaaaaaay!
hsvHide: *snuzzles his daughter as he folds up his cannon, and then will lead the way to go drink and talk and watch the sparklets eat cookies at the Black Dog* *and make bets on how long it'll take Hot Rod to get out of that tree*
((Written with
sparkshield and