My crazy epic (Kyoko-verse, more of which really will be posted to lj someday; I really do have more written)
Author's Notes Heart-warming Childhood Tales stories mostly of Motoki and Mamoru, theoretically in the same continuity
Dark Side of the Moon Black Moon Clan, Ayakashi Sisters, theoretically in the same continuity but I'm keeping it somewhere between non-canon and subplot/backstory
Season 1
Real Nephrite/Naru [PG]
Jealous Kunzite/Zoisite, Reika, mentions of Ryo and Yumemi [PG]
Not Drunk Enough for This Setsuna, Kyoko/Jadeite, mention of Bokushi [PG]
Beautiful Kyoko, Kunzite [PG]
Bulletproof Beauty Kyoko, Kunzite [PG-13]
Sundays Nephrite/Naru [PG-13]
Dangers of Living youma OCs, mention of the sailor senshi [PG-13]
Season 2
Aeronausiphobia Jadeite, Kyoko, Ryo, Yukio, Shin, Joe, Yumemi
The City of... Ryo, Jadeite, Kyoko, Yukio [PG]
Season 3
Tadaima Ryo/Ami [PG]
Drifting past Umino/Naru, Usagi [PG]
Learning the Sword Jadeite, Kyoko [PG-13]
Hibernating Truth Oniwabandana, Shin [PG]
Asking Absolution unnamed youma [PG-13]
Two Attuned Ryo/Ami, Bunpo [PG]
Naru to Omoi tai Naru/Masato, Ryo [PG-13]
Twisted Chrysotile, Ryo, Zoisite/Kunzite, Jadeite/Beryl, Jadeite/Kyoko, Nephrite/Naru [PG-13]
The Dragon that Lurks in the Dark Chrysotile, Kyoko, Stalks-the-Silence, Ryo, Yukio, Shin, Jadeite, Masato, Naru, Sapphire/Petz, mention of Metallia, Enyo, Anko, Aventurine [PG]
Whirlwind Umino/Shada [PG]
Waking Jadeite/Kyoko, mentions of others [PG]
Comes Around Again Shin, King Endymion [PG]
Lost Star Minako [PG]
Last Holdout Rei, Minako, Makoto, Ami [PG]
Tainted Ryo/Ami [PG]
New Years' Dawn Kyoko, Shin [PG]
Unwritten History Serenity, Diamond, Sapphire, Ayakashi sisters, Topaz, Haruka, Michiru, Kyoko [PG]
Not a Motorboat Nagare, Ami/Ryo [PG]
Childhood Friends Chibiusa, Momoko [G]
In Grandma's Closet Mara, Minako's parents [PG]
Season 4
Out of Succession Yui, Vivianite [PG]
Hair Raising Chibiusa, Hotaru [PG]
Divided Loyalties Jade, Chibiusa, Obsidian, Aventurine, Nagare, Loran [PG]
Being Green Obsidian, Aventurine, Nagare [PG-13]
Media Obsidian, Aventurine [PG-13]
And Don't Talk to Anyone Vivianite, Rei, Yui [PG]
Guards the Gates Alone Setsuna, Yui/Rabe [PG]
Giving Away Jade, mentions of Kyoko, Mahana, Mizuho, Mia, Naru, Aventurine, Loran, Nagare [PG]
Glad To Have You Along Shingo, Raina [PG]
Distraction Mara, Nagare, Nanami, Yui [PG]
Far From the Sun Enyo/Hachiman, mention of Chrysotile [PG-13]
Too Jetlagged to Deal with It Ami, Suzume [PG]
Trust Obsidian, Suzume, Haruhi, Mai [PG]
Like None Before Setsuna's great-great-grandmother, Setsuna's father [PG]
Relatives Obsidian, Suzume, Haruhi, Mai [PG]
A Mystery Not Yet to be Answered Setsuna, Setsuna's great-grandmother [PG]
Heart to Heart Shingo, Raina [PG]
His and Her Majesty Chibiusa/Helios, mention of Katsu, Nanami, and the Quartet [PG]
Choosing Jadeite/Beryl, Kyoko [PG-13]
Arrr Jadeite/Kyoko [PG-13]
Justice Jadeite, Kunzite, mention of Kyoko [PG-13]
Release into the Wild Kunzite, Jadeite, Kyoko [PG]
Five Times Kyoko Almost Started the Next Great Fire of Tokyo and One Time She Did Kyoko, Mahana, Mizuho, Jadeite, Zoisite, mention of Rei, Beryl, and Kunzite [PG-13]
Sister of the Dark Kyoko, Jadeite, mention of Riki the Dark, crossover with Ai no Kusabi/Taming Riki by Kira [PG-13]
A Man's World Mamoru/Usagi, Jadeite/Kyoko, Nephrite/Naru, Zoisite/Kunzite, Jupiter/Motoki, Hina/Motoki, Luna, Mercury, Venus, Mars, one sided Hina/Mamoru, Zoisite/Mamoru, Beryl/Endymion [PG-13]
Lost Boy Setsuna, about Rin, cameos by Usagi and Kyoko, mention of Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru [PG]
True Love Kyoko, Mizuho, Mahana, miscellaneous gangsters [PG-13]
Down to the Dregs Jadeite/Kyoko, mention of Kurene and Beryl [PG-13]