Title: In Grandma' Closet
purplekitteTheme: Family--Heavy
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
“I’m faaaat~!”
“Honey, you’re not fat, that dress is just too big for you and bulky.”
“I’m like a blimp! I’ll never eat again.”
“Mara, if you were fat those clothes would be tight on you. They’re really loose because you’re not fat and they belonged to your mother when she was much older than you are now.”
Mara blinked at Grandma and Grandpa Aino. “I’m thinner than Mama?”
“Well, dear, Minako was grown up by the time she wore this…”
“Yay, yay, I’m thinner than Mama. I’m going to be so beautiful!”
Grandpa Aino looked over at his wife. “Is this supposed to start when they’re seven?”