Title: A Slow Burn Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Character/Pairing: Spike/Buffy, Dawn/OMC Rating: PG/K+ Challenge/Prompt: Open_on_Sunday #633: Slow Warning(s): None Word Count: 100 Date Written: 3 July, 2016 Summary: ( Love is like a good smoke. )
Title: Real Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Character/Pairing: Dawn, Buffy Rating: G/K Challenge/Prompt: Open_on_Sunday: Empty Room Warning(s): None Word Count: 100 Date Written: 3 January, 2016 Summary: ( The lies don't lessen the pain, but the reality does. )
Author: feliciacraft Title: A Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich for Dawn Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Character/Pairing: Dawn&Spike Rating: PG-13 Warning(s): Mention of violence Prompt: “meant to be” Word Count: 100
Title: Not Forgotten Rating: PG Pairing/s: none Character/s: Spike, Buffy, Dawn Summary: Spike kept his word Warnings: reference to Buffy’s death/ressurection Word Count: 100
Working Title: Age Old Argument Author: Kat Lee Character/Pairing: Spike, Dawn Rating: G/K Challenge: Share Word Count: 100 Summary: ( Dawn's not sharing. )
Blame it on being raised on a Hellmouth. Or perhaps, and more accurately, on the fact that Dawn had made friends among the supernatural since her early teens. But the fact was that she loved details that other found bizarre at best and repulsing at worst
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It may have taken five full seconds for Dawn to name the sight in Buffy's living room, but she'd spent the last four with her eyes scrunched closed. "Oh my God
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