Not Forgotten

Feb 24, 2015 01:18

Title: Not Forgotten
Rating: PG
Pairing/s: none
Character/s: Spike, Buffy, Dawn
Summary: Spike kept his word
Warnings: reference to Buffy’s death/ressurection
Word Count: 100

“Till the end of the world”, that’s what he’d said to Buffy when she said she counted on Spike to protect her sister.

That was before her idiot friends had worked their magic, dragged Buffy back to the land of the living after she’d finally found her well-earned peace and comfort in death.

He discreetly watched at a safe distance while Dawn walked home by herself from the library at dusk. His responsibility to protect the girl was still in place, as far as Spike was concerned. Buffy was back, but it wasn’t the end of the world just yet.

spike, btvs6, dawn, buffy

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