This is a list of all of the things that I have posted on my journal that are sim related that may be of anyone's interest. Just a quick way to find what it is that you are looking for. I will try to keep this updated because I think that it will help me as well. The stuff that is under the title "old stuff" are things that I am no longer updating and... I'm not really sure if I can update them. Last time I tried to play that Sims 2 folder, it wasn't working so I started over with a completely new one. Anyway, hope this helps. :)
Canterbury Cove - a Build a City Challenge
Week One:
CarnahanWeek Two:
Carnahan Meadows/LiemanWeek Three:
Carnahan LiemanWeek Four:
Carnahan Lieman AlbrechtWeek Five:
Carnahan Lieman AlbrechtWeek Six:
Carnahan Lieman AlbrechtWeek Seven:
Carnahan Lieman Albrecht Carnahan 2 Carnahan 3 Carnahan 4Week Eight:
Carnahan Lieman Download a Canterbury Covian Harshire
Meet the InhabitantsYear 1 - Summer 1:
Garland Terra Arash Othmar Eniola Adalbern Erling Aneirin CyneheardYear 1 - Winter 1:
Garland Terra Arash Sims
Phoebe Malicks Eric Angstrom Melanie Nathanson Charles Baldwin and Marcus Freyer Rodger Halloway Alexar Zanders 13 Lucky Sims: 7 Female, 6 Male Marigold Mojado Mara Graves, Arthur Ward, Erin Gray, Chance Darium
Houses Four Starters Old Stuff
The Keiths - an OWBC:
One Two Three Four FiveDiary of a Queen Bee:
One Two