Yes, I AM already back with an update. Over the weekend I was able to play all day on Saturday and got through the Liemans. The main reason that it takes me so long to update is because it takes me so long to play. I've read that for some people, they can get through one household in about an hour or two. For me, it takes much more than that. Probably at least five or six. I might consider changing the time spent at each household to only a season, but I'm not sure yet... Anyway, on with the story.
Rachel makes living out in the middle of nowhere worth it. Definitely. I am so glad that I made the decision to leave the "big city" and come out to Canterbury Cove.
Our lives are pretty hectic sometimes. What with the triplets being so young and Cameron still a kid himself. But we love them all.
Because of this, Rachel has told me that she wants to focus more on the kids and is trying to make her life more family oriented.
(Evan and Cayla)
Before we knew it the triplets were older and better able to manage themselves. It sure made it easier for us to work at Rachel's business, Fresh Fish and Veggies.
Rachel's store has definitely been attracting a lot more customers.
And not only does she sell a lot, but a lot of people come just to fish in her little pond, which she encourages.
Although things at the business were going well, things at home were a little harder and we were having a bit of bad luck. First, someone or something knocked over our trash bin and made quite a mess that I had to clean up.
Then I got poison ivy while out on a hike.
But the worst was that we had the third fire in our house since living here!
I ran to call the fire department and they said they would send someone as soon as possible. Of course, with living so far out it was going to take them much longer to get here than it would if we lived in the city.
So Rachel worked on putting it out herself.
And when the firewoman got to our house she helped tame the last of it and make sure that there were no sparks left. We tipped her greatly for her help.
But things weren't all bad. Rachel's paintings were selling really well.
So well that she would seem to get into a zone while painting.
I was better learning how to build robots.
And I purchased a new business called Douglas Firniture that sells wooden furniture. In doing so, I hoped to earn some more money for our household because we've been a little low on funds.
The very first day that I opened my business, a reporter came to check it out.
However, she disappointed me by not writing a review.
My store has been doing really well.
After my business was doing better, the reviewer returned and this time wrote a good review and gave me an award. I must say, I am pretty proud of my work.
Of course, we didn't only focus on business. We made sure to teach Cayla, Devon, and Evan how to properly do their homework so hopefully they can become more successful later in life.
Soon it was Cameron's birthday. It only seems like a few weeks ago that he was born. Time sure does fly. Rachel had the idea to invite over some of our neighbors and also the Carnahan quadruplets so that Cameron could make some friends.
Cameron seemed really excited to be growing up.
Cameron grew up quite handsomely and sort of surprised his mother and I that he wanted to focus on fortune. He said that in a little budding town, entrepreneurs who weren't afraid to try things out were needed.
The party ended up being really fun and a good time was had by all.
Rachel gave Cameron a quick trim and I think he looks quite handsome. He looks a lot like his mother.
And he has shown interest in continuing his mother's business by learning how to fish.
However, his true hobby is fitness.
Of course, being a teen, Cameron wanted to be able to stay more in touch with his new found friends so we sent him off to Russell Carnahan's Electric Avenue and he bought himself a cell phone.
With the new money earned from my business, I was able to expand Rachel's garden. She was really happy about it and spends a lot of her free time taking care of her plants...
or fishing.
Soon after Cameron's birthday, it was time for Rachel to get older as well. We threw a big party and invited all our new friends in Canterbury Cove.
One of the people that Rachel invited seemed very strange and had a weird glow to her. I was very intrigued by this, but Rachel wouldn't tell me more about her, and although I am a knowledge sim, I do have some manners and I didn't want to be rude by asking her prying questions, so I still don't know why she glows.
During the party I noticed our new neighbor Alina Albrecht flirting with my friend Eric. He seemed totally smitten and I wonder if that would go anywhere. Last I heard, she was seeing quite a bit of Joel Webber.
When Rachel looked at her cake she seemed happy which I found a bit odd. When someone asked her why she was smiling she said, "I've had a great life so far, and I'm pretty sure that it can only get better.
Happy Birthday Darling.
To me, even though Rachel is older, she is still beautiful. I'm sure that nothing will change between us.
The party was, again, a great success.
So far, Rachel hasn't let her age interfere with anything in her life, including her gardening and I don't think she ever will. It is one of the main reasons that I love her.
Rotation: 5
Households: 2 of 3
Playable Sims: 14
# of Total Residents (PS + Graves): 14
Community Lots: 7 (0 NPC)
Business Districts: 0
Universities: 0
Downtown: No
Sim Multiplier: 2
Population: 42
CAS Sims Available: 5/8
University Funds: $71,364
Number of Fires: 3
Number of Burglaries: 1
Number of Electrocutions: 0
Number of Graves: 0
Club Carnahan - Russell Carnahan - 6
Electric Avenue - Russell Carnahan - 10
Odds and Ends - Russell Carnahan - 4
Purrfect Pets - Jackie Carnahan - 9
Fresh Fish and Veggies - Rachel Lieman - 7
Douglas Firniture - Edward Lieman - 5
Albrecht Auditorium - Richard Albrecht - 0
Alina's - Alina Albrecht - 0
Business - 0/1
Law Enforcement - 0/1
Music - Unl
Slacker - 0/1