The Keiths - an OWBC: Chapter Five

Nov 11, 2009 13:08

I know, I know. It's practically been ten thousand years since I have posted an update, but first my computer broke, and then I've been super busy with school... and blah blah blah. So anyway, here is Chapter Five of my OWBC in which Bobby and Bernard go to college! Enjoy. [=

Upon arriving, Bobby and Bernard weren't exactly dressed to kill (unless you count that puffy hair making me want to gouge my eyes out...). However, I could tell that with a little fixing up they were going to be hot.

So they set off to the nearest clothing store where Bobby met Sadie Kane from the Secret Society which I am hoping to get the boys into.
"I see you are wearing an awesome jacket. I would like one." Bobby stated.
"Jacket, what awesome jacket? I don't know what you are talking about!"

While Bobby chatted up Sadie, Bernard bought some much more suitable clothes for the two of them.

And while checking his items out he ran across Bobby's old girlfriend, Katherine.
"So, do you know if Bobby is flirting with that girl? Does he have a girlfriend? He won't return my phone calls anymore..." Katherine said with a sniffle.
"I'm sorry," Bernard said gently, "but I think he is just a bit too old for you now."
Katherine sighed.

Later, back at the dorm we learn that SS girl happens to live in the same dorm as the boys. This is very convenient.
"So, I hear there is like this awesome building where you have all this cool stuff!" Bobby said excitedly.
"I still have NO idea what you are talking about..." Sadie said and walked away, whistling innocently.

Here is a really horrible picture of Bernard's makeover, but as you can tell, he looks much better. [=

And here is Bobby, looking as sexy as ever. If only I were marrying simselves into this OWBC... *sigh*

Because the boys were in a great mood from having just moved in I sent Bobby off to work on his term paper to get it out of the way early.
I like my students to get A+'s every semester. I work them hard.

Bernard, who is a little more money minded went to work in the cafeteria.
"Now, young man, no pulling pranks with the sprinklers, no burning the food, and no sticking things that don't belong in the food either!" The cafeteria lady snapped.
"What would you classify 'things that don't belong' as?" Bernard said while trying not to chuckle.
"Eh! Just do your job!"

"I see you are wearing one of those awesome jackets as well! But most importantly, I see that you are the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen. What is your name?" Bobby said as he walked up to the pretty blonde that he had spotted from across the room.
"My name is Maria Addison", the blonde said shyly.

The two then talked of grilled cheese, which is Bobby's secondary aspiration. This of course means good things for Maria. If Bobby is going to marry someone, they need to like to talk about grilled cheese.

"You know," Bobby said as he leaned in close to Maria, "You are very pretty.
Maria blushed. "Thanks," she whispered.

"I know that we just met, but would you be willing to go on a date with me?"
She accepted. Of course.

By the end of the date the two of them had started a bit of a relationship and had developed quite the crush on each other.

And the next day Maria called to say that she had really enjoyed the date and hoped that they would go on another one soon.

During all this, poor Bernard was not having much luck with finding a date of his own.
"Bernard, WOOH! You are one sexy man beast."
"Why... thank you Professor Athena... but I really don't think that's appropriate."
"It's college," she said with a smile, "what did you expect?"

"I see you not wearing your awesome jacket today. Why is that?" Bobby asked Sadie when he saw her later that day in the hall.
"I really wish, Bobby, that you would stop bringing that up. It's rather annoying."

"Why the angry face?" Bobby asked, and then tickled her. At first she didn't like it but she eventually gave in.
"Alright, I guess you aren't SO bad..." she said with a smile.

"Really?" Bobby asked as he leaned in a little closer to her. "You're not so bad yourself. In fact, I kinda like you..."

He then walked around behind her and gave her a little back massage.
"Thank you. That's really nice of you," Sadie said and smiled shyly.

Then Bobby grabbed her and planted a kiss right on her lips.

I'm thinking he likes her a bit too. And although I didn't catch it, she returns the feeling.

A few hours after, Bobby headed off to his final exam and passed the semester with an A+ and made it onto the dean's list.

He then started work on his term paper.

Later that night, Greg stopped by to check on the boys.
"Hey Bernard! How're ya doin' with all this college stuff?" He asked when Bernard came out to greet him.
"Really good, Dad. I've been getting good grades and meeting a lot of new people. It's been really fun."
"Well that is might good ta hear. Do ya know if yer brother is anywhere around here?"
"I'm sure he is somewhere Dad." Bernard smiled.

Bobby came out a bit later to talk to his dad.
"So, have ya met anyone special while here?" Greg asked.
Bobby didn't know how to answer that... he didn't really think he had. Sure, he had a few crushes, but it was nothing major. "Not yet, Dad." He decided to say and then the two talked about sports.

Meanwhile, Bernard went off to his final exam.

Bobby asked Maria on another date and they went bowling at the sports center.

They were having a really good time until...

Maria got duped by The Charlatan.

Right after the date Bobby left to go get some food and made himself a grilled cheese sandwich at a local shop.

While there he ran into none other than Katherine, his high school sweetheart... who was still in high school.
"Hey Bobby! Long time no see! How have you been?" Katherine asked with the largest grin on her face.
"Oh, you know, pretty good. College has been making me really busy with classes, assignments, and term papers and whatnot..." Bobby felt a bit trapped and was hoping that they wouldn't have to talk to long.
"Well... how come..." Katherine started to ask but stopped short. "Well, I should get back to work. It was nice to see you." She said and walked away.

On his way out, Bobby spotted another hot blonde working as a barista at the coffee stand. He stopped to talk to her for a bit.

"I know you may think I am a little young for you, but you are really hot!" Bobby said, daring to compliment her on her looks.
"Well... thank you." She replied with a coy smile. "Maybe we should go on a date sometime?"

Bobby agreed wholeheartedly. He learned that her name was Billie Molina and they exchanged numbers and talked about grilled cheese, which pretty much sealed the deal for Bobby. He definitely wanted to take her out.

By the time that Bobby got back, Bernard had returned from his final exam and had passed the semester with an A+ and had also earned a spot on the dean's list. Maria looked around hopefully for Bobby but was unable to find him.
"How come I don't have any girls yet?"
Well... um... uhh...

Because of my lack of an answer, Bernard decided to get started on his work in hopes that with a bit of free time, I might let him find a date.

When Bobby returned he paid the bills and danced with Sadie a little.

Sunnie called as well and made him promise her that he was working hard and wasn't letting any girls get in the way of his education.

"Come on, Mom. Don't you believe in me?" He whined.
"Of course I do Dear, it's just something that I have to do."

"Alright Mom, I understand. I love you and I will talk to you later." Then he hung up.

Other than Bobby's dates there were a lot of things that were going on at the college...

Such as assignments,



random dormies sleeping in the boys' beds,

annoying cheerleaders,

and a karaoke machine that I bought for the boys to give them something fun to do and to raise Bobby's pleasure aspiration.

Later, Bernard finally got his wish, and with none of my doing. Ruth Leonardson all by herself, and without even ACR's help, went over to hold hands with Bernard.

And as they talked about homework, they developed a crush on each other.

"You know Dixie, I know we've been living in this dorm together for awhile and we've never really talked because I'm really shy and I don't do well meeting new people which is weird since my brother is and so I've wanted to talk to you but never really have done so because I'm so nervous and... well... Anyway..."

"I just think you are really cute..." Bernard finally spat out to the girl that he had been admiring ever since he arrived at the dorms.

"Thank you Bernard, you are pretty cute yourself..." she replied.
And the two are now crushing.

So what am I going to do with all these crushes in one dorm? You guessed it! I am going to have them start a Greek House next time that I play them. For now though, I am going to head back to the main house and work on getting the other kids ready to head off to college themselves. I will leave you with this lovely picture as one of the reasons I find University so enjoyable and yet so annoying at the same time...

Random dormies walking around in their undies while other dormies stink up the whole place.

Until next time!
Happy simming. [=

sims 2, the keiths - an owbc

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