Random Ramblings

Dec 07, 2009 18:28

Some days I have the random urge to write... and this is one of those days. I hope you don't mind the random ramblings that will follow henceforth.

First of all, today for me was a pretty exciting day because... I finally figured out what I scored on my SAT and I think I did pretty well! I took it on November 7th and the scores came out a few weeks ago but my dad had the login information and since he and I weren't talking because of well... that is a whole other story in itself... so anyway... It started out that we tried to log on but my dad could not remember any of his login information for whatever reason and so we spent about ten minutes trying to figure out how to log on to the stupid website. Mostly the issue was that my dad used an e-mail address that didn't even exist... who knew you could do that!? Anyway, he finally ended up calling the place and after they asked him a few questions he finally made it to the page where you could change your password. He typed in the password and it said, "You must include at least one number in your password," so he put a number in. Then when he hit enter the stupid thing said, "Your new password cannot be the same as your old password." And I just thought to myself... "Wow... we went through all this trouble for nothing." And this entire time I am sitting metaphorically on the edge of my seat, hoping that I did well.

Finally after that long process I was able to see what I got and I am pretty happy about it! I got an 1840 which is not as good as I WANTED but better than I expected, which is overall good. Of course, if I could have things as I wanted them I would score 2400 but I would have to be like this girl at my school who scored 2150 and was DISAPPOINTED. Grr to her!

Subject change!

Today I am starting something new... and that is to eliminate the improper use of the word "like" from my vocabulary. If you have seen my writing, you would possibly think that I do not have that issue as many other teenage girls (and male math teachers...) do. However, I write nothing like I speak. Nothing at all. I think of it as a skill acquired over time... lots of time spent reading and writing.

But anyway, today when I was riding the bus home (yes, as a Senior in high school... I still ride the bus...) my friend Jessica and I were having a conversation and it just occurred to me that I overuse the work "like" WAY TOO MUCH! Okay, so maybe it's not really the first time... but I would like to think of it that way. We then both tried our best not to say like and it really wasn't working out too well for either of us. I have to say that I was doing better than she was because she says it a lot, but it really wasn't that much better.

My main problem with the word is using as a filler. For example, "The other day I was like... running around outside and it was really cold." Or I will say, "I was talking to my mom and she was like, 'Olivia, you used to be so cute when you were a baby, what happened?'" (true story) OR even still, "I woke up at like... 5:30 this morning." (Which I did.) Coming up with new words to put in these places has been somewhat of a challenge, but I plan on fixing it. Call it my New Years resolution that I just happen to be getting a head start on, unlike most people who either start them way late or just don't do them at all.

Subject change!

The last thing that I feel like talking about is my younger sister. My younger sister used to have these two girl friends named (for name protection the following two names have been changed) Helga and Mildred. Lovely. So my sister, Helga, and Mildred used to be the best of friends! The best of annoying immature friends, but best of friends nonetheless. One random day Helga got really mad at my sister for... umm... well that's the problem. She never DID give a concrete reason. My sister's and my guess was that she was jealous of all the time that my sister was spending with her new boyfriend instead of Helga, but I suppose we shall never know. The next day Helga acted as if everything was peachy for the beginning of the day, but toward the end she was being rather nasty. Soon she got Mildred to side with her. Side with her on a side that doesn't exist. So now my sister and these two girls are no longer friends. They don't talk, they don't text, they don't e-mail, they don't even comment on each others facebook status updates which is the lowest form of communication ever. In my humble opinion.

Well, they don't have conversations anyway. The reason I say this is that any time that my sister goes to her locker, Helga and Mildred will be standing at Mildred's locker and Helga will conveniently be standing in front of my sister's locker, blocking the way. She will then proceed to be a total "a" word, (and yes I do mean annoying) and say something completely rude and unnecessary to my sister. She has also placed gum on my sister's locker dial, posted rude notes on her locker, and has become fond of calling my sister "man hands".

HELLO! Are we in second grade again? These girls are 15 or 16 and are sophomores in high school. Are they not supposed to be more mature than that? I think they are anyway. One of these days I would like to go to my sister to her locker and when this girl says something rude to my sister I will come up with the perfect witty, snappy remark that will leave her gaping and grasping for words... and then just walk away. Will that ever happen? I doubt it. Would that be sinking to her level? Yes, it would. Do I care? Not at all.

So, I doubt that anyone will read this since 1) it is so long and 2) I doubt you guys care too terribly much about my life (which is understandable). But if you do, thanks. And if not, thanks anyway. I would like to write more and sort of blog but... knowing me it won't ever happen since I am a procrastinator like none other.


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