This is the first noble family of Harshire so far consisting of Brian and Adara Adalbern.
This is their house. I quite like this one as well. (But then I say that about all the others too...)
The bubble blower is for Adara who is a Pleasure sim. I think next rotation I will start posting sims' stats with the cover picture in order to refresh everyone's memories.
Adara has no shame.
Patrick Aneirin stopped by but he spent his entire time drinking from the bar.
Adara had other, more important, things to do.
Brian was able to join the career of his dreams - Law.
There was a good reason as to why Adara was only in her undies earlier and I am sure this explains it.
The joys of having a wear anything while pregnant modification.
A townie named Rhett Forester stopped by and when Adara went to greet him she rolled this want. Normally I don't like my sims to cheat but... I have been working really hard on letting my sims do things based on their wants.
After Adara rolled a want to flirt with Rhett she stopped rolling wants for him. The date ended nicely and he got a crush on her but she probably won't be asking him out again. She happens to have three bolts with Brian anyway.
Brian does exist. He just spends a lot of time at work.
Patrick visited again and Brian was able to pry him away from the bar in order to make friends with him.
I really like Adara.
As if we are expecting anything else at this point...
Adara and Brian are now the proud parents of two girls, Vanessa and Victoria.
They do need a boy to be the heir though.
Brian actually threw a birthday party for the girls but the guests were more interested in the cool toys.