The Keiths - an OWBC: Chapter 3

May 30, 2009 12:25

Welcome to The Keiths - an OWBC: Chapter 3. I went from hosting my stories on the exchange to livejournal because I was getting really fed up with the exchange. However, I just spent a lot of wasted time organizing these pictures to find that when you paste from photbucket directly through livejournal, the pictures are not in order. I think I'm going to shoot something. [=
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story and the large amount of time that I put into it. The next chapter is going to be a spare update and that should be out really soon, so be on the lookout for that.

Unfortunately, living in the Keith household has started causing a large amount of weight gain among it's members.
"This is horrible! How am I supposed to attract what few ladies we have on this island if I'm fat?!"
"Haha! You're fat!" Olivia taunted as she munched her sandwich.

Poor Oliver is really hard for me to take care of. I've had to have someone get him out of the pet bed more than once. It's hard for me to know when to put him to bed because I can't see his needs.

I sent Bobby to work on Ivy's portrait since he had the most creativity at the time and because we need a portrait of ever in the house. He also got a card to the secret art hobby lot.
"Thanks... I think." Too bad he's never going to visit the lot.

When not working, Greg spends most of his time in his garden. Because he has a gold gardening badge and he has maxed his hobby enthusiasm for nature they end up with lots of fruits and veggies in this house. I'm pretty sure their fridge has a fresh food level of over 800 when the capacity of the fridge is only 200 for regular food.

Even though Oliver is the bad apple, Gus gets in just about as much trouble as his brother does. I'm surprised there is any food left for poor Heath.

"Look Olivia! I've worked out and am fit again!"
That's good to hear Bernie.

Ivy spend almost all of her time hunting bugs. Unfortunately, about 1/3 of that time she seems to be being chased by bees. Luckily for her, she doesn't have hygiene or comfort because otherwise she would have a lot more problems then she is having right now.
"Ah! Help! They're trying to kill me!"

Sunnie still needs to max her hobby but I am finding it hard to find science-y things for her to do. Other than stargaze she can watch the weather channel or read the science magazine. Other than that there really isn't much else for her to do.

Olivia must be a family sim at heart. She is constantly interacting with her siblings and has a pretty good relationship with most of them.

Here is Oliver being a really bad apple. He's quite a handful. A mess handful.

Greg brings Shady home from work just about every day. And every day...

... she tries to steal either Peach or the two lawn roosters that are sitting decoratively outside the front door of the barn/house.

The one thing that I hate about the Drew rule is that everything has to be wait to fixed at 12 the next day so when the bathroom sink...

... kitchen sink...

... trash compactor...

... shower/tub...

... toilet...

... AND computer all needed fixing at once... let's just say it was a tad bit hectic and I thought I was going to pull all of my hair out. Luckily, Sunnie had all 10 mechanical skill points so everything was repaired properly and promptly.

Later that night it was the twins' birthday. Hopefully as a child, Oliver was going to be a lot older to take care of. So, Oliver was first up to the cake (that he would never get to eat).

One last adorable picture of Oliver as an evil toddler. [=

And of course, Oliver grew into a very adorable child.
"YAY! Now that I'm big I can get into ever MORE trouble!"
Oh dear. =/

Next up was, of course, Octavius.
"Finally! No more toddlers." Sunnie said with a sigh of relief, and set Gus on the floor so that he could take a leap into childhood.

"Wooh! Yeah! No more babies!"
Gus turned out equally as adorable. He could use some different hair and clothing though.

As Gus went over to go to bed, and Bobby came out of the room after admiring the new beds that I had bought for the twins, and because someone was in the bathroom, Oliver had an accident right outside his bedroom door.
"Now now Oliver. You were potty trained and could use the potty as a toddler, you should know better than that as a child."

And while everyone was distracted inside with the potty incident, with no one to stop her, Shady stole one of the lawn roosters.

After peeing himself, Oliver went straight into his bedroom and played with his toys in a large green cloud of his own stench.
"I told you I was going to get into even more trouble!"

Unknown to me, Shady had also stolen Peach!
Unfortunately, just as Oliver was going to steal him back he got distracted by something and Peach was never recovered... =( Good thing I wasn't playing for those points!

After the twins became children, Ivy spent all of her time bug hunting. I feel bad for her, but as soon as she is done finding all of the bugs she can move out and start a life of her own.
"It's ok, I'm glad to help. Nature is my predestined hobby anyway, so I enjoy it."

After school, Gus quickly learned how to do homework from his mom... well sort of mom anyway.
"Thanks Sunnie!"
The kids barely have any sort of relationship with her because they were raised by their father and Ivy.

Being the forgetful person that I am, I forgot that it was almost Greg's birthday. So poor Greg had his birthday out in the dark all alone with nothing but himself and his plants. His daughter wasn't even paying attention because she was too busy hunting for bugs.

"Well, I reckon it coulda been a lot worse." Greg said with a smile.
You did turn out pretty good looking.
"Why thank ya ma'am."

Right after Olivia came out and grew into a teen. This time there were actually people around to watch her grow up though.

And she turned out really well.
Olivia also rolled family, which is perfect for her. And I like the dress that she grew up in, so even though she is more of a tomboy, she gets to keep it.

After a bit of make-up and a hair cut, Olivia looks quite gorgeous.
"Why, thank you!"

One of Ivy's last contributions to the family was to teach Oliver how to do his homework. She's pretty much the only one that has any sort of relationship with him other than Greg and somewhat Olivia and Gus.

"I brought the rooster back!" Oliver said proudly after he snuck off to get it back.
Thanks Dear. Though I would have preferred to have Peach back...

Even though Ivy looks unhappy, she was very excited to have maxed out her enthusiasm in nature.
"I still have a lot more bugs to find before I can move out though!"
It's alright, you're almost there, I promise it won't take too much longer.

Because Ivy was going to move out soon, I needed someone who would be able to help Oliver with his homework other than her. Since Olivia had the next highest relationship with him she spent the next few days trying to get their relationship to best friend status.

She was going to have to hurry though because Ivy finally collected all of the bugs! It only took her a few days and it's the first time that I have ever had a sim complete this. I don't know if it's something that I really WANT to do again, but if I want the points I guess I don't really have a choice.

So Ivy grabbed the nearest paper and quickly searched for her own place.

"Thank you for all of your help Ivy! I don't know what I would have done without you. Are you sure you don't want to stick around a little longer?" Sunnie asked as Ivy climbed into the taxi.
"No, I'm good, but thank you anyway."
"Don't hesitate to come over and visit anytime!" Sunnie replied as the door shut and the taxi drove off with Ivy in it, ready to start a family of her own.

Bobby spends a lot of time playing soccer at the soccer goal that I bought for him, so it surprised me that he got overweight. I later found out though, that playing soccer does not increase the fitness of a sim.

Gus finished Bobby's portrait which meant that all I had left to do was Bernie, Olivia, and the twins. I was going to wait until the twins were teens before I did their portraits though.

"Finally! A makeover. Thank you Olivia." Gus said as he looked in the mirror at his new hair and clothes.
You're welcome, I was getting tired of seeing TWO kids run around in mismatching outfits, so I figured I would fix the one that I could and that would make the other more bearable.

Because Oliver was getting his homework done every day with the help of Ivy, he received an A+.
So much for causing a lot of trouble...
"Good job Oliver! WOOH!" Sunnie seems so excited.

"I got an A+ too. Why is no one paying attention to me and yelling for me?" Gus said when he came in and saw Sunnie cheering for Oliver.
Don't worry Gus, I am proud of you.
This made him smile as he walked off to do his homework.

After Oliver gets home he immediately gets to spend time playing with Olivia so that 1) he can get the fun that I know he needs and 2) they can build up their relationship.

And it paid off.

That night the headmaster was invited over so that I could get the twins into private school.

"This sparkling sandwich is the most delicious thing that I have ever tasted! Your kids are definitely in Mrs Keith." Obviously the sparkling sandwiches are a big hit with all headmasters as the kids got in with a 114/90.

Not everyone is a fan of the sparkling sandwiches though...
"Dangit! I just spent all that time getting buff, and now I'm back to being just plain old fit." Bernie sighed as he looked down at his expanding stomach.

Gus finds better things to do than complain about his food though. He spends a lot of his time painting and maxed out his creativity skill.
And as you can see down the line, Bobby started on a portrait of Bernie.

And Sunnie finished the portrait of Olivia.
"Just that one more to finish for now, and then we'll be good for awhile."

Bobby has other things on his mind though. Such as asking the only eligible girl that he knows on a date!
"Hey Katherine. I know we don't hang out that much, but do you want to go on a date?"
She of course, accepted. Who wouldn't?

This is Katherine. A Romance sim who is rather pretty. Her and Bobby have two bolts.

They become best friends as Katherine insults Bobby's dart throwing skills.

And then Bobby shyly hits on her. Unfortunately, that look was stuck on his face for the rest of the date.
"You know, you're really pretty Katherine. I don't know why we've never gone on any dates before." Bobby said.

Who couldn't fall for a line like that? Of course Katherine found herself crushing on Bobby.

(I told you about the face!) For a Pleasure sim, Bobby hardly ever rolls any pleasure wants. The whole time he rolled wants only about Katherine and not about jumping on the couch or drinking espresso like normal Pleasure sims would be doing at this point in time.

Though they were at a skating rink, the only skating they ended up doing ended up them falling flat on their butts. So they spent the rest of their time doing other things.

Like falling in love...

And having their first kiss.

And of course Katherine found herself returning the feelings.
"This is a great date so far Bobby." Katherine said with a smile.

And of course the only thing that one can do after such a line is make out all over the place and be glad that you aren't in Downtown where you would more than likely be getting purse slapped at the moment.

Meanwhile, back at the barn little kids were playing stinky red hands as they waited for something amazing to happen.

"Yep, take one good last long look at this beautiful face, because it's about to get old."
Don't be so pessimistic Sunnie, I'm sure you're going to look just as great as an elder.


And I was right. Sunnie did age really nicely, the hair needs to go though.

"You're right. I did turn out rather nicely!" Sunnie said as she looked at her new self in the mirror.
Although I don't really like the dress, I think it fits Sunnie, so she gets to keep it.

"YES! I am buff again!" *eye twitch*
I'm thinking maybe Bernie has an obsession. You would think his hobby was fitness, not science.

Unfortunately, the time for Heath to leave this sim world and go on to the next. I feel bad because this last chapter he got absolutely no pictures, but alas, there is nothing I can do about that now. He will be sorely missed but I'm sure he's in a much better place now where he doesn't have to work quite so hard.
Thanks for everything Heath.

Life must go on however, and what you are seeing before you right now is quite a rare sight. Oliver hardly ever bathes. Most of the time I think he enjoys walking around in his own cloud of stink. Apparently he has many better things to do.

"I finished Bernie's portrait. Does that mean that we can leave for college now?"
I don't see why not.

Bernie received all of the scholarships for skill points. He has nearly maxed everything out. I know that it's going to greatly help him during college. Also, it gives the kids a lot more money to spend than they would otherwise have.

Bobby was excited to leave for college. And I was excited for both of them to leave. I mean, I like them and all, but full sim houses start to irritate me if I play them too long.
So first Bobby climbed into the taxi...

And then Bernie followed suit. Sunnie waved in the background as the boys left for another chapter of their lives.
"Good luck boys! Don't forget to call!"

Right after the boys left, Katherine left a little gift for them.
"Hehehe! I know that Bobby is going to love this...

... kareoke machine!"
I silently thanked Katherine and then sold the thing. The money would go toward the boolprop clubhouse that I still need to build.

Greg isn't really around that much for his kids, but he still loves them.
"Goodnight Gus, sleep tight."

Some may find it rather soon, but Gus kept rolling the want for one and the family really felt empty without one... so I caved and got a puppy.

Her name is Smidge and she is the new family dog. She won't ever be able to take the place of Heath, but I'm sure she'll be really cute anyway.

At first I was just having Olivia help Oliver with his homework, but after awhile I deciedd it would be a lot easier if she just did it for him. So that's what she is doing here in this picture.
"Good thing this stuff is really easy or else I might have something to say about that."
Hopefully the teacher won't think anything of the really neat girl handwriting that Oliver will have suddenly changed to.

Sunnie has become increasingly close to reaching her LTW to max all 7 skills. Here she is studying cooking. After this she will only have five more skills points left.
"Wow! I didn't know you could do THAT with a spatula!"

The Keiths finally (and quite surprisingly) had a bit of extra cash, so I decided it was high time that I got started on the boolprop clubhouse. It's called Klub Keith and right now has only a few entertainment items and a bathroom...

I stopped by to see how things were going at the business.
"It seems to me that yer really familiar, though I can't quite put mah finger onto who ya might be..."
"Greg, it's me, the creator! I would think you would have recognized my voice by now considering you hear it in your head everyday."
"Oh! Ok. I reckon I remember who ya are now!"

And Shady stopped by as well.
Unfortunately for her... that seems to be her outfit of choice lately... I'm sorry! I think it is rather funny though. Haha.

Back at home, Greg earned the last skill point that he would need for a promotion to the top of the gamer career.

And Oliver took a bath in the tub outside that I used for Heath when he needed a washing.

I knew that I was forgetting SOMETHING...
"I R heer 2 steal ur stuffz!"
Oh, lovely!

"Hehehe! I shall takes this counter! lol"

"And this cheap decoration! lol"
Then the repo man left... and I bought the stuff back right away and then got the bills and paid them.

"Only one more point after this one!" Sunnie cheered as she maxed her body skill while doing yoga.
I cannot wait until the two of them are permanently platinum.

Oliver spends a lot of his time either not bathing, or painting. This painting that he completed sold for &99!

After a few hours spent painting, Sunnie maxed her creativity.

And that meant that she had reached her LTW!
"I feel a sense of calm now. It's really great."
Now she has all the time in the world to work on maxing her enthusiasm in science!

Following Sunnie's lead, when Greg returned home from work that night, he got a promotion and then he too was permanently platinum. Now HE can work on the novel and the business.

Because Olivia's predestined hobby is tinkering, she gets to fix up the junker for the family so that they can actually have a car. You can see in this picture that she has already finished the engine and is now working on the body of the car.

And while this is going on, Oliver is inside crushing my hopes and dreams. He ruined my Beyond Cheesy points! =(
"Hehe! I told you I was going to cause trouble. You shouldn't have underestimated me."
Great... just great.
Even though I can't still work for the points, I am going to pretend like I am, and everyone is still only going to be able to eat Grilled Cheese.

Greg started working on the novel that I need him to write. I like how with FreeTime the novel writing seems to go a lot faster than it used to.

And even though Oliver is a menace, I still love him. Even when he is being a tub pirate.
"Ahoy there mateys! Land ho! And... all that other pirate stuff. Arrr!"

And what better thing is there to do after along night of tub pirating than coming into the living room, sitting on the comfy couch, and eating a yummy forbidden bag of chips?
"Nothing! Hehe..."

To punish him, Oliver will have ti paint forever! I wish anyway, really there is nothing I can do about him. However, the money that this painting sold for (&220) made things a little better I guess.

Olivia spends a lot of her time out working on the car. She's almost done.

Gus is quite the little brainiac it seems. Her has just maxed his cooking skill as well. Do I sense a future knowledge sim?

He looks so sweet and innocent in this picture... oh well. He's still cute anyway.
Well this is where I am going to leave you for now. The next update will be about Ivy and her slowly growing family and then on to a college chapter about the freshmen year for Bobby and Bernie's college experiences.
Until next time...

sims 2, the keiths - an owbc

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