Application Post

Oct 26, 2008 02:28

Applications are now closed.

Player Name: Alias okay, of course ( Read more... )

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Comments 789

Laharl 1 ideally_awesome December 15 2008, 04:59:29 UTC
Player Name: Ethan
Personal Journal: ideally_awesome
Contact: It’s on the profile.

Character Name: Laharl

Canon: Disgaea

Age: 1316--in other words early teens

Background: Laharl was born of a human witch and the demon Overlord King Krichevskoy. Overlords, the most powerful demons in the universe, ruled over the countless individual Netherworlds in alternate dimensions. Krichevskoy and his wife, among other key figures, were progressive with regards to relations between demons, angels, and humans, Krichevskoy being one of the few demons who accepted the concept of love and trying to spread it. For the beginning of the prince’s life, his mother raised him unlike any other child in the Netherworld, scolding him when he misbehaved and teaching him to be a good little boy ( ... )


Laharl 2 ideally_awesome December 15 2008, 05:00:29 UTC
However, Flonne’s actions indeed didn’t go unnoticed. The stern and self-righteous archangel, Vulcanus, without the approval of the Seraph, Lamington, took military action against the Netherworld--through the filter of Earth. He lied to the leader of the Earth Defense Force that the demon Overlord was plotting an invasion of Earth. In response, the general sent Captain Gordon, 37th Defender of Earth, and his team to conquer the Netherworld pre-emptively. Rather than denying that he had any interest in Earth, Laharl made a win-win wager with Gordon--if Gordon won, Laharl wouldn’t invade Earth, but if Laharl won, Gordon had to become his vassal ( ... )


Laharl 3 ideally_awesome December 15 2008, 05:01:13 UTC
Personality: Laharl isn’t particularly evil anymore--but he’d never admit it. He’s immensely embarassed and enraged by the prospect of people considering him kind or just. His fervor for proving what a bastard he is is paradoxically childish in nature; he can be duped into doing something just by convincing him that to not do it would be generous or merciful in some way. He does everything in his power to disguise his real acts of kindness as anything he can come up with: laziness, arrogance, ulterior motives, “forgetting” his intention to do something more evil ( ... )


the_nether_mods December 15 2008, 05:12:37 UTC
Congrats, you are the first person to post an app, Mister [Insert Applicant's Name Here].

Comment with one of your fifty Laharl journals and join netherworld_rpg, darkassembly, and netherworldlogs.


el_hustino December 15 2008, 04:59:59 UTC
Player Name: Hustino
Personal Journal: el_hustino

Contact: and elhustino (AIM)

Character Name: Vanessa

Canon: Luminous Arc

Age: 21 (Physically, anyways)

Class Title: Immolation Witch


el_hustino December 15 2008, 05:00:22 UTC
Background: Vanessa is one of seven Witches, each representing one of the elements that make up the world of Shtraberl. Vanessa, in particular, represents the element of fire and goes by the name of Witch of Immolation or Immolation Witch ( ... )


el_hustino December 15 2008, 05:01:16 UTC
Later, Vanessa attacked the Witches’ own village to retrieve the Nature Lapistier found there. Vanessa spoke to Claire and said that the humans were doing dangerous experiments in town called Jeidath. Vanessa wanted to stop them and while Claire agreed that whatever the humans were doing there was dangerous and evil, she did not agree with taking such rash and violent actions ( ... )


el_hustino December 15 2008, 05:02:20 UTC
Priel fused the Water Lapistier with Kingston, turning him into a psychotic killing machine determined to serve God’s whim. Vanessa and the rest defeated him. Despite this, Priel was happy because Kingston had distracted the group long enough to allow God to hatch. The planet itself reacted to Zehaal’s resurrection and attempted to contain his power. Priel and Zehaal went to the center of the planet, intending to destroy it to destroy the planet itself.

Vanessa and the rest followed them to the heart of the planet and defeated Priel in battle. Zehaal devoured Priel. After battling Zehaal once, he did the expected, typical thing and transformed into his second and true form, which was pretty enormous. The Witches-including Vanessa, of course-combined their powers to use the Spear of Dawn, which was capable of destroying God itself. Alph used his powers as a dragon to protect everyone and the planet’s heart.

Personality: As should be expected, the Witch of Immolation’s personality is based around fire. She is strong, proud impulsive ( ... )


Lina Inverse lichifruit December 15 2008, 05:00:42 UTC
Player Name: Li-Chi
Personal Journal: lichifruit

Contact: AIM: lichifruit

Character Name: Lina Inverse

Canon: Slayers

Age: 18

Background: [I am about to spoil Slayers novels 1-8/1st season through NEXT, plus TRY]

Oh-ho? Who am I? Why, none other than the great and beautiful Sorceress Supreme, Lina Inverse! What!? What do you mean you haven't heard of me? Not at all? How about... Lina Inverse, the Bandit Killer? The Enemy of All Who Live? Not even... the Dra- What, have you been living under a rock!? I saved the world like... one, two, four times...! Okay, maybe only three... but still!

*sigh* Surely you've heard of me. Let's see... which of my many extraordinary exploits to begin with... I'm the one who destroyed the piece of the Dark Lord Shabranigdo trapped in Rezo the Red Priest. ... seriously? You don't know me or Rezo?

Did I just find someone less knowledgeable than Gourry? By the way, do you know much about swords or swordsmanship? How about melee weapons and combat in general? Armor? I DID just find someone less ( ... )


Re: Lina Inverse lichifruit December 15 2008, 05:01:48 UTC
Personality: In the words of a poor, poor fish woman, "In my village it's said, 'If you encounter a storm, you pray to god... but if you encounter Lina Inverse you curse him because there is no hope for you!'" Lina Inverse has easily earned this reputation ( ... )


There, done. lichifruit December 15 2008, 05:02:10 UTC
Class Title: In Slayers, great magic users of any school are rewarded 'color titles' by the magic users guild. Some famous mages are Rezo the Red, Halcyform the White. These titles are great sign of honor, and due to her being a genius, Lina has one. She just doesn't use it out of utter embarassment. Her title is...

"Lina the Pink"

Immediate Possessions: Exploding shoulder pads, and the demons blood talismen, several talismen she swindled from Xellos that vastly increase the power of her magic. As if that was necessary. Sword.

Deposited Possessions: For as much money as she seems to make over her adventures, she never seems to have a great deal of money on her when she needs it. She probably has like 5,000 gold pieces, and another 20,000 in gems and random magic junk on her lined in her cape, but she mostly just spends all her money on food most of the time. In fact, that stuff should be on her immediate person too. Her bank would be pretty much empty.

Thus, nothing.

Sample Entry:I, Lina Inverse, Sorcess Supreme, am ( ... )


the_nether_mods December 15 2008, 05:32:18 UTC
First-person background section is actually vaguely disorienting.

Approved! Comment with your character journal and join netherworld_rpg, darkassembly, and netherworldlogs.


Garland I knockyoualldown December 15 2008, 05:01:20 UTC
Player Name: Prof
Personal Journal: zebuloncrispi

Contact: AIM ZebulonCrispi

Character Name: Garland

Canon: 8-Bit Theatre

Age: 20s, maybe?

Background:Garland was born to a very prominent Evil family, but he never really had the heart of true villainy in him. His parents' high expectations for him were met with more and more disappointment as he grew and continued failing to do anything really spectacularly evil. Not cut out for a really prestigious Evil University, Garland got a diploma from Barry's Correspondence School of Arch-Villainy, moved out, and got himself a nice lair in the Temple of Fiends, not far from Corneria ( ... )


Garland II knockyoualldown December 15 2008, 05:02:04 UTC
Using a series of cunning (read: boneheaded) traps, Sara effortlessly got all four of the Light Warriors trapped in the Guest Dungeon. Garland, good host that he was, introduced himself politely to the Warriors, offering to go get them their choice of refreshments from his kitchen. As he took their orders and left, the Light Warriors somehow managed to interpret his hospitality as a sign of his overpowering confidence in the difference in power between them. While he was off fetching their snacks, they came up with an elaborate plan to ambush him upon his return, which failed so spectacularly that he didn't even notice it happening.

Rapidly losing patience with her captor/apprentice's incompetence, she gave him a pre-prepared evil speech ("I, Garland, Destroyer of Souls, will be as an endless plague upon your lands") and send him back to the dungeon to greet his guests properly. Unfortunately for him, the FOREST IMPS were now on the prowl in the castle. While Garland wasn't looking, they switched out his prepared speech for a fake ( ... )


Garland III knockyoualldown December 15 2008, 05:02:31 UTC
Garland took this last defeat as a sign that he needed to confront the source of his constant bungles and trauma. So, he went to see a therapist. After a few sessions, the therapist had made one great breakthrough for Garland: He had gotten him to believe that there was no such thing as forest imps. Surprisingly, this was enough to get him actually motivated to take action again, and he instigated his new "Iron, yet Caring Fist" to conquer the world and rule over it brutally and courteously. The first step of this plan was the same as always: Get rid of the Light Warriors. Furthermore, he found the fourth member of the Dark Warriors: The LARPing vampire Vilbert ( ... )


Garland IV knockyoualldown December 15 2008, 05:02:52 UTC
Garland got another letter from King Steve, this time hiring the Dark Warriors as his personal accountants. Some time passed as they worked as accountaints under Princess Sara, before the Dark Warriors held yet another meeting to discuss the incredibly small amount of revenge that had actually been exacted on the Light warriors. This time, Drizz'l instated himself as the unofficial new leader of the Dark Warriors. Informing Sara of their resignation (although she had already fired them ages ago), he marched the group back to the Temple of Fiends. However, the Temple of Fiends wasn't at all the same as they had left it. It was larger, grander, and more sinister. Garland was quite perturbed by this, but Drizz'l dismissed it as the true nature of the building, and besides, he had bigger fish to fry - the Light Warriors were coming ( ... )


overbringer December 15 2008, 05:04:59 UTC
Player Name: Eric
Personal Journal: overbringer
Contact: AIM: samoverbringer
Character Name: Gilgamesh Wulfenbach
Canon: Girl Genius (Webcomic)
Age: 22

Background: First, a quick setting of the scene: The world is just getting over the devestation of a war against a mysterious enemy known only as “The Other”. Leading the fight against The Other was the Heterodyne brothers (a pair of mad scientists) and their friends. One day, The Other up and left, taking most of its creations with it, and the Heterodynes vanished after it never to be seen again. Their friend, Klaus Wulfenbach, stayed behind, determined to clean up the horrid mess left behind. He did, too. He created a massive empire so that he would have the power to keep things in order on HIS terms ( ... )


overbringer December 15 2008, 05:09:00 UTC
Side note: A slaver engine is a creation of The Other, and is a massive, bloated creature that can produce soldier wasps (dog-sized bug things that serve to protect the queen) and slaver wasps (which are far smaller, but have the unique abbility to take over a person’s brain by flying into their mouth and burrowing into it. The person then becomes a “revanent”, a zombie-like servant to the Slaver queen, who in turn serves The Other.)

When they found her trail again, it was in Sturmhalten (Home of the Storm King, who is technically loyal to Wulfenbach, but had schemes of his own and a secret loyalty to The Other.). Gil was unable to go himself (due to his Father’s orders), so he sent his servant (who turned out to be an English secret agent) to get her after impressing on him the importance of keeping her safe. Despite this, the man was unable to save her. Not only was the trail was lost again, but it became known to the general public that Agatha Clay was, in fact, Agatha Heterodyne ( ... )


overbringer December 15 2008, 05:09:16 UTC
Personality: Gil is a spark: someone who has been granted the capabilities to intuitively understand how everything around him works. Sparks are incredibly intelligent, but they are also usually at least a little bit insane. In short: Sparks are mad scientists. Gil will get an idea in his head, and he’ll immidiately run off to his lab to try to get it to work. Gears will fly, the laws of physics will be warped, and where there was once a coffee maker there will now be an automated barber, or something equally surreal. When a spark is in the area, expect dramatic crashes of thunder, manical laughter, and perversions of the laws of nature ( ... )


the_nether_mods December 15 2008, 05:24:34 UTC
Ah, taking from Alpha Complex... while that would be hilarious, it's also basically an AU, which isn't allowed. That and the Sample Entry is sliiiightly too short.

As discussed, a new sample entry and you're accepted.


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