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Oct 26, 2008 02:28

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Player Name: Alias okay, of course ( Read more... )

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Garland IV knockyoualldown December 15 2008, 05:02:52 UTC
Garland got another letter from King Steve, this time hiring the Dark Warriors as his personal accountants. Some time passed as they worked as accountaints under Princess Sara, before the Dark Warriors held yet another meeting to discuss the incredibly small amount of revenge that had actually been exacted on the Light warriors. This time, Drizz'l instated himself as the unofficial new leader of the Dark Warriors. Informing Sara of their resignation (although she had already fired them ages ago), he marched the group back to the Temple of Fiends. However, the Temple of Fiends wasn't at all the same as they had left it. It was larger, grander, and more sinister. Garland was quite perturbed by this, but Drizz'l dismissed it as the true nature of the building, and besides, he had bigger fish to fry - the Light Warriors were coming.

The Light Warriors marched into the Temple of Fiends and almost immediately started getting torn to pieces by dragons. At the greatest moment of peril for his allies, one of them, Black Mage, decided that he had had about enough of the whole Light Warrior business, and went to join the Dark Warriors. However, Garland argued that this was impossible, since they needed to both have four members or the Light Warriors would cease to exist, and thus so would the Dark Warriors. Black Mage suggested an alternate solution: Vote one of the Warriors out, and make them join the Light Warriors. The votes were cast, and Drizz'l was ejected from the Dark Warriors.

Black Mage, instating himself as the new leader of the Dark Warriors, took control of the Temple of Fiends, and started reshaping it to his will. The other three Dark Warriors started to complain about some of his changes, like the fact that he had four bedrooms and they had a collective zero. Before this senseless bickering could reach a conclusion, however, the Light Warriors finally found the Dark Warriors, ensuring some kind of ultimate final conflict. What happened, of course, was even more senseless bickering.

Around the time a third party of adventurers joined the argument, and everybody started voting to decide which team they were on, Garland was abducted by demons and ended up in the Netherworld.


Garland V knockyoualldown December 15 2008, 05:03:30 UTC
Garland tries, he really tries to be Evil, but it's just not in him. He was brought up in an evil family, and thus had the idea that he had to grow up to be a good villain hammered into his mind, but he didn't retain much of what being a villain actually entails.

Garland is very friendly and polite, placing a great deal of importance on being a good host, even going as far as to serve food and drinks to people who he's trying to kill. He's almost a good person at heart - sure, he'll do evil things, like fighting the forces of Good and kidnapping princesses, but he doesn't see that as any particular reason to be cruel about it.

Garland loves to cook. He's always on the scene with some kind of new treat - brownies, tacos, you name it. He's proud of his cooking, and honestly enjoys it much more than actual villainy. This tends to get in the way of his acts of evil, a fact that he doesn't seem capable of catching on to. It's just natural to him to serve snacks to his victims.

A huge part of Garland's psyche is taken up by an unhealthy obsession with Forest Imps. They tormented him relentlessly for much of his early life, causing him to fear and despise them above all other creatures in the world. He'll frequently end up attributing things that happen to him to the evil machinations of Forest Imps, even when it doesn't make any sense. Fortunately, since his initial traumas, he has gotten therapy, suppressing his Imp-related feelings, leading to the somewhat denial-tastic claim that he doesn't believe that Forest Imps exist.

After therapy, Garland occasionally has sudden bursts of shredness and competence, such as using the amnesia peppers to stop a mutiny in the Dark Warriors. His ultimate goal is to rule the world with a "tough, but caring" fist, even if he's far too misguided to ever come even close to his dreams. Occasional competence aside, typically Garland is immensely incompetent. He gets very little done, doesn't think ahead more than one step, and any successes he achieves are usually due to either sheer luck or the incompetence of the Light Warriors.


Garland VI knockyoualldown December 15 2008, 05:03:48 UTC
Class Title: Dark Warrior

Deposited Possessions: N/A, really. All he seems to own is the Temple of Fiends, which isn't portable; his armor, and a bunch of snacks.

Sample Entry:
This is terrible! Not only have some kind of unimaginable forces of evil pulled me into a terrible hellscape, but they didn't even have the forethought to greet my properly!

And what's with this castle? The feng shui in these rooms is all wrong! I mean, sure, a decent decorator could turn this place around, but right now? Tacky.

Well, I'm not going to stand for this injustice! I've already begun my cruel, sinister revenge against our mysterious master. Just a minute ago, I found 50HL on the ground... and I'm going to keep it without asking who it belonged to. That's right, I've hardly been here an hour and I'm already resorting to petty theft!


the_nether_mods December 15 2008, 05:23:13 UTC
Snacks are delicious.

Accepted. Join netherworldlogs, darkassembly, and netherworld_rpg.


knockyoualldown December 15 2008, 05:26:09 UTC
*gets started on the appetizers*


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