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Lina Inverse lichifruit December 15 2008, 05:00:42 UTC
Player Name: Li-Chi
Personal Journal: lichifruit

Contact: AIM: lichifruit

Character Name: Lina Inverse

Canon: Slayers

Age: 18

Background: [I am about to spoil Slayers novels 1-8/1st season through NEXT, plus TRY]

Oh-ho? Who am I? Why, none other than the great and beautiful Sorceress Supreme, Lina Inverse! What!? What do you mean you haven't heard of me? Not at all? How about... Lina Inverse, the Bandit Killer? The Enemy of All Who Live? Not even... the Dra- What, have you been living under a rock!? I saved the world like... one, two, four times...! Okay, maybe only three... but still!

*sigh* Surely you've heard of me. Let's see... which of my many extraordinary exploits to begin with... I'm the one who destroyed the piece of the Dark Lord Shabranigdo trapped in Rezo the Red Priest. ... seriously? You don't know me or Rezo?

Did I just find someone less knowledgeable than Gourry? By the way, do you know much about swords or swordsmanship? How about melee weapons and combat in general? Armor? I DID just find someone less knowledgeable than Gourry. Wow, this really is giving me new found respect for Jellyfish For Brain's intellect.

So yeah, I saved the world from absolute destruction at the hands of the Ruby Eyed Lord, and to top it off, at the time, I was only fifteen! So, what have YOU accomplished in the span of YOUR LIFE? Huh? ... fifteen is young to have become a famous, world saving, magic mastering hero, you say? Well, actually, I had been adventuring since I was thirteen, thankyouverymuch! At the time, I was mostly treasure hunting, sort of with another woman who... you know, I don't really wanna think about her. She was really kinda creepy and followed me around, and, oh dear lord, her laugh... she had this laugh that made cackling hyenas sound like a heavenly church choir, and her fashion sense might have been even worse than that, not to mention that her ego, though certainly not her skill, was a rival for mine, even.

... still not ringing any bells...? I defeated the the Demon Beast Zannifar. No, no, the second one. ... I was the one who dealt the 'immortal' Halcyform, the White? The Chaos Dragon, Gaav, died in my pursuit? I destroyed Hellmaster Phibrizzo? That was why the big barrier opened up and we got to contact the outside world again! God, you really know NOTHING about current events. Your mind is like an open book to me, and it is blaaank.

As you might recall there was a giant pillar of light. Surely you saw it--WHAT ARE YOU? BLIND? HAVE YOU BEEN DEAD FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS? 'cause that explain everything except the question of why you're alive again. Well, this dragon shrine maiden broad, Filia, came and enlisted my aid to stop a terrible prophecy of the world's destruction. I got together once again with my mooks friends Gourry, Zelgadis, and Amelia. Oh, and Xellos tagged along at some point too, that fruity bastard... and we explored the outside world, where, by the way, I am even more of a bone crushing hero if that was at all possible because their magic just sucks.

To make a looong story short, we beat up Gaav's little daddy complex rittled pet project, Valgaav, a bunch of dudes from the Overworld, and stopped Dark Star, the dark god of another dimension. Yeah. That's just how bad ass I am. Another world saving

[Note: I am aware some of those things were not exactly to Lina's credit. She'd still totally take credit for them though. This time she's anime Lina, and I'll add stuff to her memories for 2nd half of Revolution when it, well, finishes. Hurray ret cons?]


Re: Lina Inverse lichifruit December 15 2008, 05:01:48 UTC
Personality: In the words of a poor, poor fish woman, "In my village it's said, 'If you encounter a storm, you pray to god... but if you encounter Lina Inverse you curse him because there is no hope for you!'" Lina Inverse has easily earned this reputation.

Totally egotistical and narcissistic. Also, snarky, and totally speaks her mind most of the time. That describes Lina pretty well on the surface. She's an arguably crazy teenage sorcery genius with a gift for getting into trouble. Her exploits have earned her a fearsome reputation, which she is not always something she appreciates, as her reputation doesn't quite do justice to her self image. And her temper? It can be as explosive as her fireballs. She is a vicious woman when scorned, no doubt. Don't insult her femininity or good looks. Especially her flat chest. Just don't, she will immediately resort to violence.

As for her egotism and narcissism, Lina is simultaneously aware of her short comings and yet ignores them until they are brought up, imagining herself as much better than she is. Take her appearance: she is a bit underdeveloped, and if you point out she'll mentally admit it while hurting you, but she sees herself as a beautiful maiden who is stunning, drop dead gorgeous. Her fiery red hair, her charming smile, her petite body and slim figure are all points she goes on about in her mental monologues. Oh, yeah, she monologues mentally because she has an ego to rival abridged Seto Kaiba's. Basically, she sees herself entirely through rose tinted glasses until someone smacks them off her face. You had better then prepare yourself.

She's also pretty fearless. While she can be scared, she deals with it well. This is a woman who stood her ground against numerous GODS. She does, however, have two immense phobias: slugs, and her sister. She... miiiight develop a phobia of Baal should they ever meet enough times?

Her priorities can be summed up like... Lina, Power, Lina, treasure, Lina, food, Lina, friends. Okay, so in actuality friends aren't at the bottom by a long shot, but you wouldn't guess it from her behavior all the time. Actually, deep down inside it's the companionship of her friends that matters most to her, after all, when all her friends were being taken away from her, and Gourry was going to be killed, she took a gamble risking the entire universe just to get him back, and she, when all the chips were truly down on the table, was going to give up her own life to save Gourry because he mattered to her most, but she's still a greedy greedy gold grubbin' girl who can polish of several entire banquets. Besides, in Revolution, as much as she loves him, she's a terrible terrible tsundere and their relationship is consequentially frozen in time.

She saves the world numerous times, but it the fact that she's in the world had a lot to do with that (you know, priority number one being Lina and all that), and while her morality is often questionable at best (she steals from bandits all the time), she's actually a pretty good person. Once again: just don't piss her off.

Really, despite as much collateral damage as she causes, she tries not to get innocent by standards caught in her attack spells. Those towns she's destroyed? Those were... unfortunate events. Really. If there was another way she'd have triiiied. Usually. She's not evil. She doesn't hurt people for no reason. She just sometimes lacks self control and hurts people at the slightest provocation. Besides, for what it's worth, rule of funny keeps her friends from REALLY being hurt when she hurts them for slapstick. Somehow I imagine that is simply a normal, accepted part of their universe's physics, so I guess she'll fit right in while in the Netherworld. But yeah, when things get serious, she tries to do what she thinks is right (profiting a little from it in the mean time isn't a sin in her view though). Underneath that huge ego and fiery temper is an intelligent, young woman with incredible resolve and compassion. She's just a tsundere so she doesn't always show it.


There, done. lichifruit December 15 2008, 05:02:10 UTC
Class Title: In Slayers, great magic users of any school are rewarded 'color titles' by the magic users guild. Some famous mages are Rezo the Red, Halcyform the White. These titles are great sign of honor, and due to her being a genius, Lina has one. She just doesn't use it out of utter embarassment. Her title is...

"Lina the Pink"

Immediate Possessions: Exploding shoulder pads, and the demons blood talismen, several talismen she swindled from Xellos that vastly increase the power of her magic. As if that was necessary. Sword.

Deposited Possessions: For as much money as she seems to make over her adventures, she never seems to have a great deal of money on her when she needs it. She probably has like 5,000 gold pieces, and another 20,000 in gems and random magic junk on her lined in her cape, but she mostly just spends all her money on food most of the time. In fact, that stuff should be on her immediate person too. Her bank would be pretty much empty.

Thus, nothing.

Sample Entry:

I, Lina Inverse, Sorcess Supreme, am looking for a personal chef!

No resumes are necessary. I will judge you based upon how delicious your food is! Anyone who applies shall bring to my room. Applicants! This is your test!

2 pot roasts, shabu shabu, 3 calzones, spaghetti and meatballs, 4 T-bone steaks (2 medium rare, 2 well done~), a tuna casserole, 3 pans of yorkshire pudding, 2 salads (one with blue cheese dressing, the other with a vinaigrette), 4 bowls of gnochi (1 with red sauce, 2 with pesto, one with alfredo), 10 bowls of itallian wedding soup, and a pan of seafood pasta w/ anchovies and garlic butter. For dessert, bring 2 banana splits, a strawberry & watermelon agua, 2 pints of rose gelato to go with 3 pints of butter-brickle ice cream, a pecan pie, 2 strawberry cheesecakes, and 4 fruit tarts. Also, prepare your specialty!!

Oh! Aaaand... a cadbury egg omelette. Those exist, right?

Alternatively, anyone who can kill and properly prepare a dragon may do that instead~ ... just don't expect the position to stay open for the prerequisite year it takes to prepare that damn delicacy...


the_nether_mods December 15 2008, 05:32:18 UTC
First-person background section is actually vaguely disorienting.

Approved! Comment with your character journal and join netherworld_rpg, darkassembly, and netherworldlogs.


enemy_of_living December 15 2008, 06:06:16 UTC
Sorry about that~


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