Post Catalog

Mar 13, 2010 17:00

I'm exhausted today, and therefore a bear of very little brain, so the other stuff I wanted to write will have to wait. However, I'm thinking (because I've found myself frustratedly searching time and time again) that I'm going to catalog my more relevant posts. (OCD much? Nah...) See the bottom of the post for navigational assistance. Be aware that since this is a manually created list, you will see titles for posts you may not have access to. If you are not comfortable seeing these titles, please use the regular LJ calendar view instead; it'll only show you what you have access to.

Basically, I'm going through my calendar month by month, and creating a specific version of it here; one without all the random small-talk posts and linkety-linketies and all (I mostly skipped purely links and politics and house-hunting records and such), and with added detail on the descriptions as necessary. These are the posts that are substantially about who I am, mostly sexually and relationally, but with some general perspective stuff tossed in about my daily life, fibro stuff, etc. They're also the posts with all the good smut. I'm creating it for my personal use, and to make it easier for people who are getting to know me to find info without wading through my full journal, and so the people who are just here for the smutty bits can find them more easily. Also, since I'm perpetually trying to find patterns in my life and health and sexuality, it'll be interesting for me to see it in the format, and see those on a larger scale.

It's likely to be a long and ongoing project, if I stick with it. So far I've just done 2010, 2 1/2 months, and it's filled up several hours of time. I've been here on LJ since '02. (and I've now gotten May 2009 - Dec 2009 done! Go, me!)

Also, comments on old posts are absolutely welcome!

Return to collapsed month and navigation view

August 2008
10:27 am: [private post] (for my own reference)
09:13 am: [Moya] "I'm lucky, you're lucky, we're all lucky!" - 13 comments (on group sex)
01:23 pm: [private post] (for my own reference)
06:42 pm: Was private for some reason (personal ad)
09:37 pm: [Exhibitionism] Fantasy that was originally a private post (fantasy I wrote for a lover)
12:14 pm: [Moya] Back in the Sarah-groove... (long post about sexual needs and relationship dynamics)
12:14 pm: *yay-bounce*, but not going to be online next week, most likely... - 2 comments (tattoo)
03:30 pm: [Moya] Whys and Wherefores... - 12 comments (very long thinky post about relationships and sexuality)
11:48 pm: Tattoo! Tattootattootattoo! - 29 comments
04:33 pm: One hell of a week. (day in the life)
04:39 pm: [Moya] Wow. - 1 comment (very brief "yay" post)
04:04 am: Private memories, M and K
03:44 pm: [Poly Nerves] Gooey. (tight-filtered memories)
01:09 pm: Life in general (day in the life)
10:21 am: Some of you will want to know... - 9 comments (preparing for my cat Morph's death)
10:59 am: Dealing with death... - 2 comments (how I deal with death in general)
12:21 am: As my brother said: "Wow" - 5 comments (ramblings about my feelings on the Obamas)

September 2008
08:01 pm: Blah. - 5 comments (day in the life)
10:22 am: Improvements... - 6 comments (day in the life, how I cope with depression)
09:53 am: Life in general, and a few links - 2 comments (day in the life)
07:17 am: Final list of images for ongoing tattoo work... - 14 comments
07:09 pm: Cool stuff... - 3 comments (day in the life)
11:00 am: Haven't been posting much of substance... - 2 comments (depression)

October 2008

11:30 am: Brief life update... - 12 comments (fibro-coping and day in the life)
12:15 pm: That's more like it... - 3 comments (book-love)
02:48 pm: Seems like a handy meme... - 4 comments (Answers to many basic questions about my life at this point)
03:11 pm: *snerk* Hoist on his own petard? - 2 comments (politics, household day in the life)
03:37 pm: Yet more ways that I'm thoroughly healthy... - 17 comments (medical troubleshooting)
01:53 pm: Brief life update... (day in the life and couchsurfers)
05:22 am: Pledge-a-Picketer - 8 comments (day in the life)
05:42 am: More couchsurfers! (day in the life)
09:42 am: Stir-crazy - 6 comments (fibro-coping)
11:49 am: Medical rambling - 8 comments (very detailed post about coping with the fibro)
02:14 pm: *sigh* More medical stuff... - 9 comments (fibro-coping)
02:05 pm: Up side to everything... - 6 comments (fibro-coping)
05:28 am: *eyeroll* - 8 comments (Judd Apatow critique)

November 2008
12:28 pm: at the polls! - 13 comments (day in the life)
11:39 am: Politics, of course - 11 comments (random political ramblings, and the Obama rally)
11:55 am: Politics and large-group events (a few thoughts about what I love and fear)
09:36 am: So excited. - 9 comments (election)
09:48 am: Politics, of course! - 7 comments (election, and day in the life)
12:24 pm: So. Tired. - 9 comments (fibro-coping)
11:44 am: Damned brain. Damned body. - 12 comments (fibro-coping)
10:03 am: Great birthday... - 4 comments (day in the life and reviews and some commentary on a Greta Christina piece about sexuality)
08:59 am: Fibro rating scale - 4 comments (fibro-coping)
12:34 pm: Oh, my coworkers are awesome! - 8 comments (day in the life)
12:48 am: Dr. Appt today... - 4 comments (fibro-coping)
12:04 pm: Hand advice? - 21 comments (fibro-coping and some thoughts on a few books about sexuality)

December 2008
12:24 pm: Pain Management appt - 12 comments (fibro-coping)
07:22 pm: Infomercial Amusement - 6 comments (on sex-toy infomercials)
07:57 pm: Hooray, and Hooray! - 2 comments (combination of articles and sexuality book review)
10:08 am: IM/communication heads up... - 2 comments (practicalities of reaching me post -- I've added necessary updates in the last comment)
09:21 am: Good news, bad news. - 1 comment (fibro-coping)
10:26 am: [Moya Filter] Good things... - 3 comments (fibro-coping and sexuality and new partner)
01:57 pm: Sad Day... (just a noting of Odetta's death; our truck is now named after her)
11:17 am: *sigh* - 2 comments (fibro-coping)
06:24 pm: Hmmm. Well. - 3 comments (longish post on work stress)
10:56 am: Some good things... - 8 comments (fibro-coping)
04:14 pm: *sigh* - 12 comments (fibro-coping)
11:19 am: *whew* Massive Relief. - 4 comments (fibro-coping)
10:37 am: Weird down here today... - 1 comment (day in the life)
09:12 am: Merry Christmas! (day in the life)
08:54 am: Yay! More dogs! - 6 comments (day in the life)

January 2009
02:21 pm: Brief update - 6 comments
09:58 pm: Home from Nashville (day in the life and seeing family)
10:25 am: Work's hectic, life's quiet - 3 comments (pics of the household dogs)

February 2009
07:33 pm: Hee! - 7 comments (our household ends up on the news in a piece about communal households)
03:05 am: *defenestrates DVR* - 10 comments (a long post about work and how I look for fun within it)
08:52 pm: Nostalgia... - 2 comments (day in the life during massive work stress)
09:07 pm: And the one other big thing on my mind these days... - 2 comments (on college, and locking doors and the balance of security and openness)

March 2009
03:33 pm: Patience is a virtue. - 16 comments (on my old boss leaving -- mostly notable for making my entire life radically better.)
02:02 am: Tragedy strikes! - 5 comments (huge life-update and dating catch-up)
03:32 am: Documentary: Fat: What No One Is Telling You - 6 comments (long explanation of my feelings about fat, and my body, and ways in which I'm an activist about body acceptance)
10:29 pm: Little rays of political sunshine... - 16 comments (about how the political shift affects my mood)
02:34 pm: In other news... - 2 comments (day in the life)

April 2009
06:06 am: Early. - 6 comments (day in the life)
10:51 am: Books, movies, links, life in general... - 8 comments (also trip to Cranbrook for G's show)
09:54 am: Netflix: The Story of a Sex Surrogate (review)

May 2009
09:29 am: A few links and a brief update (brief general update about trying to get back in the habit of posting regularly)
02:04 pm: Goodbye, Gramps... - 18 comments
11:00 am: Linkety-linkety, with two specific to Clevelanders - 6 comments (about the erotic film festival that came through Cleveland, and a link to a list of Netflix movies about sexuality)
12:18 pm: Wonderful vacation... - 2 comments (on seeing my girlfriends and my family)
02:48 pm: Villa Villekula - 45 comments (first post about the move -- long and detailed and excited)
09:13 pm: Thank you, Gramps. - 11 comments (about the people in my life making the move possible)
09:33 pm: Balloon art crucifix. No, really. - 8 comments
08:05 am: Happy Hippy Moment... - 4 comments (on family, and friends, and community)
12:03 pm: In what little other news there is... - 2 comments (day in the life)
12:21 pm: Oh, such a full weekend... - 10 comments (the "we found our house!" post with all the details)
08:42 am: Much fun last night -- Catch it in your city! - 5 comments (on the Erotic Short Film Festival and meeting Carol Queen)
02:36 pm: This IS Villa Villekula! - 18 comments (on finding the house, and general "day in the life")
04:41 pm: It's a beautiful day... - 4 comments (Gramps' funeral, and chosen family)
11:28 am: Not bored. - 2 comments ("day in the life")
12:02 pm: [Moya filter] Patience is a virtue... - 2 comments (on being poly and how that changes relationship timing)
09:06 pm: Spun and muddled... - 14 comments (Dr Tiller's murder)

June 2009
05:58 pm: Dr. Tiller -- Cleveland Memorial Service and Caleb's podcast: (about anger and grief and bullies)
10:56 am: [Moya] I do love it when the house gets all high energy... - 2 comments (brief post on household sexual energy)
10:56 am: Life update - 10 comments (on free speech, and activism, and my community)
12:12 pm: Weekend update... - 6 comments (mostly just "a day in the life")
11:46 pm: Home art project! - 6 comments (on decorating my home, my truck, my body, and my life)
08:27 am: My critters are trying to test my sanity. - 12 comments (day in the life during the move)
01:16 pm: [Moya] When did _that_ happen? - 2 comments (on things I've learned about my dating patterns, and a copy of my CL ad)
04:13 pm: The LJ Brain Trust: What do we know? (meme from jajy1979) - 6 comments (a list of subjects for which I'm a good answer-person)
04:24 am: [Moya] Craving... - 12 comments (detailed post about my kinks and desires and how I navigate finding what I'm seeking)
03:46 pm: Crucial Distinction... - 4 comments (about my limits in relationships, and walking away from one)
06:27 pm: [Moya] As long as I've got sex on the brain... - 4 comments (very detailed explanation of types of sensations I like sexually)
09:26 pm: [Moya] A reply that became its own post... - 8 comments (detailed post about my communication needs in relationships)
05:29 am: Damned weather changes... - 6 comments (Day in the Life during the move)
20th - 5 comments (brief post about being at my tattoo appt in Maine)
04:29 pm: A comment I wrote over in polyamory (what "primary" means for me in a poly relationship)
07:37 pm: New tattoo work! - 4 comments (very detailed post about tattoo work, with links to other relevant posts and images)
03:03 am: More tattoo pondering... - 6 comments (ideas for future tattoo work)
03:56 am: A reply to a comment (tattoo), plus a bit of additional... (on choosing a tattoo artist)
10:58 am: This pisses me off... - 4 comments (link to Greta Christina's "What I Learned at my first Orgy")
06:53 pm: Ha! My brothers are going to _love_ this! - 14 comments (research on male figures for my future tattoo plans)

July 2009
09:05 am: [Moya] Sex meme - 2 comments
02:46 pm: Dating update... - 2 comments (on poly and personal history and placing a personal ad)

04:32 pm: Oh, so very true... - 16 comments (how to meet and woo a nerdy girl)

01:52 pm: Home today, poly rambling... - 14 comments (on how I handle dating and relationships)

03:53 pm: It's Friday, I'm bored and braindead. Have a meme. (ganked from jenx) - 8 comments (random meme about life with not all that much detail that isn't elsewhere)
06:41 pm: A relatively interesting meme... - 14 comments

04:30 am: Critter roll call... - 16 comments (not at _all_ about sex, but definitely a big part of the context of my life!)
08:00 am: GIP! - 4 comments (a bit of nostalgia about my childhood home)

August 2009
03:06 am: Post from the trip home, mostly written Saturday - 2 comments (on family dynamics and the context of my life -- not directly about sex at all)

October 2009
08:43 pm: Well, that certainly explains a lot. - 12 comments (on fibromyalgia and life)

November 2009
08:36 pm: Silliness first... - 11 comments (day in the life)
08:04 pm: GIP! - 35 comments w/ Screened (day in the life, and a cat on my head)
01:55 pm: Flaring - 4 comments (day in the life and household stuff)

December 2009
07:04 pm: Haved I raved about Rachel recently? - 6 comments (on geek crushes)

05:08 pm: Sexy blue love... - 2 comments (brief post about why I like the portrayal of sex in Farscape)
10:43 pm: [Moya] Deliciously achy... - 6 comments (on coming out of a major libido slump)

10:32 am: [Moya] Insanely slow day at work... - 9 comments (on posting a personal ad and thinking about taking vids of myself)

03:10 am: [Moya] Graphic filter - 19 comments w/ Screened (on creating the Exhibitionism filter)
04:40 am: [Exhibitionism] First post - 20 comments (pics and explanation)
08:53 am: [Exhibitionism] Pondering... - 2 comments (on exhibitionism, memories, and plans for the filter)
04:41 pm: [Exhibitionism] What next? - 2 comments w/ Screened
06:11 pm: [Exhibitionism] Wet... - 2 comments (pics)
07:04 pm: [Exhibitionism] And just to get everything up to date... - 4 comments (older pics and ramblings, including about genderqueerness, phone sex and patient-instructing)
07:33 pm: [Exhibitionism] On language... - 6 comments
08:57 pm: [Moya] _This_ is why I've been celibate for months... - 2 comments

06:21 am: [Exhibitionism] Um, yeah. Again... - 14 comments (pics)
06:49 am: [Moya] Things that restore my faith in humanity... - 4 comments (on cybersex)
07:23 am: Two last random things... - 6 comments (on bears and concepts of identity and my tattoo)
03:54 pm: [Exhibitionism] No pics, just rambling about my personal history and tastes - 2 comments
04:19 pm: [Exhibitionism] On tentacles and sci-fi
05:10 pm: [Exhibitionism] Want to know a secret? - 5 comments (on a work crush)
08:59 pm: [Exhibitionism] Didn't actually _mean_ to cyber for seven hours instead of sleeping... - 6 comments (a good deal about interests and tastes and kinks)
09:32 pm: [Exhibitionism] And what's up with all the cybering anyway?

06:07 am: [Exhibitionism] Sleep, please? - 9 comments (on health and sex, and self-consciousness, and porn preferences with xtube links, and a good definition of my sexual preferences described as "intensity freak")
03:47 pm: [Exhibitionism] Toys (windowshopping and plotting)
06:26 pm: [Exhibitionism] More favorite clips - 6 comments (xtube clips and discussion of preferences)
10:16 pm: [Exhibitionism] More clips, this time the rougher side of things... - 2 comments
10:21 pm: [Exhibitionism] Ask a question... - 0 comments w/ Screened (writing prompt post; still fine and encouraged to use!)

01:05 am: [Moya/Exhibitionism] Answer to the first question I received... (question about fisting and safer sex preferences)
02:46 am: [Exhibitionism] So I've gotten at least a bit of sleep (long post about porn and my sexual tastes)
03:21 am: [Moya/Exhibitionism] This made me chuckle... - 2 comments (brief quote about fetishes)
09:08 am: [Exhibitionism] BRC BDSM checklist - 10 comments (with my answers and explanations)
12:41 pm: [Exhibitionism] Oh, I needed that! - 12 comments (pics and talking about excellent sex)
05:21 pm: [Exhibitionism] Also about this morning - 6 comments (about sexual standards and awesome experiences)

12:18 am: [Moya] Cudgel. - 12 comments (short silly post about household conversations and sex toys)
03:39 am: [Exhibitionism] Pics: End of the night play - 20 comments
07:52 pm: [Moya] Prompted by a good conversation with my housemate today... - 3 comments (on gender dynamics, phone sex, exhibitionism, body comfort)
10:47 pm: Good grief, can't fat people just _like_ celery? - 39 comments (on body comfort)

02:03 am: [Moya] Experimentalism, and being a sex geek - 6 comments (including discussion of libido patterns)
05:11 am: [Exhibitionism] windowshopping, and a practical note - 3 comments (extensive plotting about things I could do with my cunt, play and kinkwise)
06:17 am: [Exhibitionism] Fantasy - 11 comments (gangbang fantasy)
06:46 pm: [Moya] It is good to be the King. (plans for making the house more kink-friendly)
07:22 pm: [Moya] Thoughts on ritual and eroticism. - 4 comments

January 2010
01:13 am: [Exhibitionism] Random - 9 comments (pics and info about some of my toys)
04:45 am: [Exhibitionism] Pics: 4am New Year's Day - 14 comments
05:27 am: [Exhibitionism] First attempt at making a vid with the b'berry...
03:54 pm: [Exhibitionism] More windowshopping...
05:47 pm: [Exhibitionism] Migraine means no real play right now... - 7 comments (on ideas and preferences)
08:13 pm: [Exhibitionism] Pics: variety of stuff... - 16 comments

03:56 am: [Exhibitionism] Oh, I think I may have figured out a solution... - 14 comments
09:40 am: [Exhibitionism] Requests? - 0 comments w/ Screened
01:33 pm: [Moya] Sex and relationships... - 8 comments

10:34 am: [Moya] Couples... - 14 comments w/ Screened

12:25 am: [Exhibitionism] Languid. - 13 comments
01:34 am: [Moya] Perplexing... - 9 comments (on sexual dynamics and D/s)
06:21 pm: [Moya] Ah, yay Ferrett! - 3 comments (comments on Ferrett's "Paean To Experienced Women")
10:57 pm: [Exhibitionism] Tinkering - 2 comments (an essay I wrote in 2001 about being a toy geek and my history of sexual exploration)

03:28 am: [Exhibitionism] ...And now for something completely different! - 25 comments (pics of me, mostly clothed)
04:27 pm: [Moya] Test Post - 0 comments w/ Screened (with explanations of the Exhibitionism filter)
07:59 pm: I was laughing too hard to post about it previously... - 13 comments (on the stupid G-spot study)

04:28 am: [Exhibitionism] Learning new things just never stops being fun... - 6 comments
12:19 pm: [Exhibitionism] Bits from the past... - 5 comments (assortment of clips from old sex posts, mostly 2002: about my first post-breakup sex after ending my most serious involvement, on the wonders of drag kings, Explaining why the Moya filter is named what it is, on wanking, pondering what turns me on, thoughts on posting to a sex filter -- still true and relevant, on flogging)
12:44 pm: [Exhibitionism] Repost from 1/07/2003: Random noodling about d/s, s/m, and gender - 4 comments
02:38 pm: [Moya] Repost: Seven years ago or today, it all still applies! - 21 comments
08:16 pm: [Exhibitionism] Repost with commentary - 6 comments (on anal sex)

12:53 pm: [Exhibitionism] Pics: finally not having to hold the camera myself! - 14 comments
06:15 pm: [Exhibitionism] Use me up if you think you can... - 4 comments
08:21 pm: [Moya] Repost: The stories of my piercings - 2 comments
10:56 pm: [Moya] Thanks, Walt... - 12 comments (on how my middle name influenced my sexuality)

05:32 am: [Exhibitionism] Yay! It finally posted! - 19 comments (first vid posting)
06:37 pm: Drag Kings! WHOOHOO! - 2 comments
07:42 pm: [Exhibitionism] Assorted snippets, old and new (text-only) (on partners, and love, and sex, and sharing, and sexual energy; on first sexual experiences, and wrestling with boys; on the joys of anal play; On talking dirty and the practical aspects of sexual communication; on size, strength, and eroticism; Repost from 2004: On Blushing; Repost from 2004: Nipple Pyramids; Repost from 2004: Abducted by aliens; Repost from 2004: On back braces and corsetry; On the fun and weirdness of making my own porn; on the joys of exhibitionism)
10:00 pm: [Exhibitionism] On chemistry and attraction - 8 comments

12:37 am: [Moya] Music and memory - 20 comments
04:23 pm: [Exhibitionism] Just random pics - 18 comments

10:15 pm: [Moya] Sex Ed history and books - 12 comments

12:38 am: [Exhibitionism] I can haz webcam!!!! - 7 comments
02:41 am: [Exhibitionism] On posting public and semi-public smut... - 2 comments

04:01 pm: On Bipolar and sexuality - 2 comments
07:02 pm: [Moya] Well, that was an interesting reread... - 6 comments (on The Sensuous Woman by J)
10:57 pm: [Exhibitionism/Rec Chem] Acidic. - 4 comments (memories of sex on drugs)

06:40 pm: FB is too damned weird... Brainshock processing over here... - 20 comments w/ Screened

06:46 pm: Since there've been a lot of new adds recently... - 7 comments (Sarah 101)

05:01 pm: On being 35 and childfree... - 30 comments
07:52 pm: [Moya] On new discoveries, and being a 'good girl', and fantasy archetypes - 7 comments

02:44 am: [Moya] Thoughts on primary partners and freedom... - 13 comments
07:45 pm: Thoughts on nudism... - 7 comments
09:32 pm: As previously mentioned: Why I write (so damned much) - 4 comments

05:12 am: [Moya/Rec Chem] On being my own experiment...

12:23 am: [Exhibitionism] Must be quiet. - 2 comments (on new toys)
04:21 am: [Exhibitionism] New vid! - 2 comments
11:44 pm: [Exhibitionism] It's finally up and working! (Vid) - 10 comments

01:19 pm: [Exhibitionism] Feelin' all warm and fuzzy... - 17 comments

February 2010
01:51 am: [Exhibitionism] Patience and porn do not mix. - 5 comments
04:05 am: [Exhibitionism] New vid! - 2 comments
06:17 pm: [Exhibitionism] Random musings and frustrations - 2 comments

04:59 am: [Exhibitionism] Attempts to make a shorter vid... - 10 comments
07:17 pm: [Exhibitionism] On what I'm enjoying about making vids...
07:44 pm: [Exhibitionism] Home today, and pondering... - 6 comments

09:42 pm: [Exhibitionism] Hot damn. - 4 comments

12:56 am: [Exhibitionism] Unsensible. - 4 comments
09:15 am: [Exhibitionism] Oh, yay! - 13 comments (Vid post)
04:43 pm: [Exhibitionism] Give you one guess...
09:57 pm: [Exhibitionism] TENS

04:27 pm: [Exhibitionism] Things I dig...
10:39 pm: [Moya/Exhibitionism] Thoughts on boundaries and intimacy...

12:54 am: [Exhibitionism] On being vocal... - 6 comments
04:18 am: [Exhibitionism] It's starting to seem like this is my default filter these days... - 3 comments

12:03 am: [Exhibitionism] A few pics; finally got my backordered toys... - 11 comments
02:32 pm: [Exhibitionism] Personal tastes (in answer to a question) - 12 comments (about porn and activity preferences)

03:58 am: [Exhibitionism] Answer to another question... (on orgasmic patterns)

07:14 pm: Linkety-linkety - 5 comments (included for the large quote from Greta that reflects my views so well)

06:24 pm: [Moya] Lube recommendation - 18 comments
06:51 pm: [Exhibitionism] Followup post... - 2 comments (on one of my toy experiments)
08:31 pm: [Exhibitionism] Libido vagaries - 5 comments

07:24 pm: [Moya] Quick article link and vid review - 12 comments

March 2010
10:51 pm: As much as I adore Janis, I just can't agree with her... - 14 comments

01:43 am: Sort of a continuation of the previous post, more about social circles and Facebook dynamics - 8 comments
09:08 pm: And the ramble goes on... (on brainmeats and writing and introversion and small-talk) - 2 comments
10:45 pm: More addenda

02:44 pm: On Hook-up culture - 4 comments
03:48 pm: I posted this on FB the other day, and forgot to post it over here... - 4 comments (Greta Christina's Sex Writers, Drooling Horndogs, and the Suspectability of Male Sexuality)

01:11 am: [Exhibitionism] Because I'm both nostalgic _and_ obsessive: - 4 comments
02:23 am: [Moya] On the necessity of boundaries - 2 comments
11:44 am: Villa Villekula and critters - 14 comments
07:38 pm: [Exhibitionism] A series of fantasies - 2 comments

03:09 am: [Exhibitionism] About the vid that'll be posted ASAP. - 4 comments
03:00 pm: [Exhibitionism] New Vid! Yay! - 10 comments
09:21 pm: Linkety-linkety - 8 comments (notable for "Polys vs. Swingers, as viewed from 2010")

05:24 am: [Exhibitionism] On body image and making vids - 2 comments

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