[SP] THREADTRACKER: JULY & AUGUST (Batman and Bruce Wayne)

Jul 17, 2011 01:46

C = Comment
L = Log
P = Phone Call/IC Contact



July 5: C: Damian Wayne
- Entrance. Well, this makes things a little complicated. Bruce gets to know that he's not dead, that Dick is Batman, and Damian can accept not being his Robin.
July 7: L: Carrie Kelly
- Reassurance that Carrie is his Robin here, despite Damian's presence.
July 7: P: Clark Kent
- Briefing him regarding the Robins. Interesting reaction towards 'Nightwing'.
July 7: C: Kara Zor-El
- Entrance. Knowledge of New Krypton and Kara fighting Doomsday. New determination to find a way back home- might be shelved later due to the sheer amount of things that need to be done.
July 7: C: Arthur Pendragon
- King Arthur of the Legends? Rather arrogance and only a Prince. Spoke of 'fear' (ironic given Scarecrow's entrance later) and the difference between magic and technology.
July 9: L: Jason Todd
- Entrance. Definitely before Under the Hood. Suspicions that Talia was his sponsor confirmed. Reassures Jason that Bruce will always think of him as his son.
July 10: C: Clark Kent
- Rehoming kittens. Talking about Jason. Also the advent of the new Cave - Bruce owes Clark a huge favour. (Check threads with Jason and Damian.)
July 11: C: Jonathan Crane
- Trying to cause the populace fear and failing spectacularly.
July 11: C: The Joker
- Planning an escape? Extremely likely. Keep a close watch on him.
July 12: C: Lois Lane
- Entrance. Definitely the Lois he's familiar with, younger but still with the same fire. Knows Queen's identity and used to date him (ew). Clearly knows about Clark's identity and is waiting to be told. Reference this conversation.
July 13: P: Clark Kent
- Lording it over Clark regarding Lois's entrance, and to watch their interactions in amusement.
July 15: C: Jason Todd
Deliberately provocative towards the populace. What is his purpose now?
C: Dick Gray
- Extremely brief entrance. Disobeyed orders to give up the cowl - why? Inexplicable behaviour. Disappeared soon after arriving: what does this say of the Core?

July 16: C: Clark Kent
- Bruce has an altercation with SERO for Clark's sake. Clark ends up saving him from being taken in as an experiment. See news feed about the bounty.
July 18: C/L: The Joker
- Escaped from the asylum (refer to news feed), broke into Re-l's flat. Injuries make Batman vulnerable to attack, and the Joker escaped; CURRENTLY AT LARGE.
July 18: C: Nara Shikamaru
- Confirmed his return from the dead.
July 18: L: Jason Todd
- Took on a wild goose chase and learned fully about what happened on Jason's side of Death in the Family. Interactions between Jason and Bruce are not improved.

July 19: L: The Joker
- Party crasher. Menaced Lois Lane but was eventually deterred. Batman appeared to chase him out of the scene, and is unable to continue the chase due to catching the attentions of the police. Search for the Joker after Darkness was fruitless.

July 23: C: Gabriel
- 'Ahiru's' soul is sold: a creature named 'Kyubey' responsible? Not a priority, but note this incident in case of a repeat.
July 27: L: Jack Kelly
- Searching for Batman in order to warn him away for him - rather counterproductive. What is Kelly up to that he doesn't want Batman to take an interest in? Bruce is definitely interested now.
July 29: C: Sissel
- Ability to jump through phone lines. Great potential- except the person is an idiot. Requires time and training to be a proper spy - consider investment.
July 29: L: Clark Kent
- BatCave almost fully furbished. Gifted a new motorcycle. Had an attack of uncertainty about the reality of his experience, but Clark helped to convince Batman about the reality of the Port.
July 30: L: Lee Chaolan, etc of Violet Systems
- The first business/brainstorming meeting with Bruce Wayne as a shareholder.
July 31: C: John Watson
- Mistaken to be Moriarty and communication abruptly ended. Will Watson come along with Holmes to try to collect on their bounty on Batman? Most likely - keep a close watch.


Aug 1: C: Jason Todd
- Reporting of anomalies amongst the Darkness monsters - quite unlikely that it is true. Changed outfit again - possible turning from 'Red Hood'? Suspicious especially with Dick's departure and the uniform and mask's similarity to Nightwing. Pay more attention to this child.
Aug 5: C: Lois Lane
- Teasing regarding her relationship with Clark. Serious considerations whether or not she is to be a 'superhero' correspondent, however - especially given SERO's bounty on Batman (she might be in danger).
Aug 5: C: Re-l Mayer
- Regarding the Core's activities - several hypothesis - also divulging the possible nature of Hanamura Yosuke's fate. Hanamura's relationship with Creed unexpected.
Aug 5: C/L: Chuck Shurley
- Attacked by Lucifer, most likely due to telling him about Jinx's new condition. Set his bones and sent him to the hospital. Peter Petrelli a surprising amount of help.
Aug 9: C: Sherlock Holmes
- Complaining about zucchini: seriously? John Watson an obvious hot button - use it sparingly.
Aug 9: C: Alice Liddel
- Jason appears to be trying something regarding the children in the orphanages. Keep a look out, and watch Liddel's communications with the Scarecrow as well.
Aug 10: C: Huay Laforet
- Suspicious man asking suspicious questions. Difficult to interrogate. Investigate more.
Aug 10: C: Chuck Shurley
- Apparently had another run-in with Lucifer. Chip is malfunctioning due to close contact with Magneto - find a way to circumvent that. Current status is safe.
Aug 11: C: Elisha (God)
- Sudden pensive post right after Chuck's injuries are made public - correlation?
Aug 11: C: The Joker
- Trolling the Joker. Nothing else, really. Re-l's thread with him is of interest.
Aug 11: C: Carrie Kelley
- Starting up training for the Avengers. Asked her to keep a close eye on Jack Kelly because he's getting into trouble with Black Mask and the others.
Aug 11: C: Slade Wilson | L: Clark Kent, Jason Todd
- Jason fights Slade. Jason loses. Bruce has to bail him out of trouble.
Aug 13: L: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
- Sherlock decides to try to get answers from Batman, and John comes along for the ride. They get swamped by bounty hunters and monsters, and return home with no answers. Bruce keeps using John against Sherlock, like the asshole he is.
Aug 16: L: Jason Todd
- Signing his adoption papers again. The first sign of Jason truly coming home?

Aug 16: L: Daedalus Yumeno, Iroh, Re-l Mayer
- Daedalus Yumeno: Bringing a girl nearly crushed under a building to the good doctor, and learns more about him. Reveals a little more of himself as well, but that can't be helped.
- Iroh: Urging him to help with Sector 4.
- Re-l Mayer; Sees her 'sunlight bullet' in action. Fighting together against the Eightlegs army in order to save people.

Aug 20: L: Jason Todd
- The Joker sets off Darkness monsters and make them go insane. Jason and Bruce team up to combat against them and end up in a lot of shit.
Aug 20: L: The Joker
- Harley Quinn disappears and the Joker is more unstable than ever. Bruce captures him and drops him off at the station, but he escapes again. Damnit. Right after above thread.
Aug 21: C: Black Mask
- 'Good boy' my ass. Investigate on this case further.
Aug 21: C: Raven
- Lost, looking for a new purpose. Answered a few of her questions. Encryptions and erasure of signal still under control - watch her to see what she does with the advice.

Aug 21: oo4; video, untraceable
- Jointpost with Aslan in order to deter Newcomer bounty hunters away from both Batman and Aslan. But particularly Batman. Aslan's interference surprising.

- Aslan: As magnificent as always.
- Elaine Belloc: Lectured her on danger and the possibility of her getting into some by talking to Matches and himself.
- Chuck Shurley: Regarding gods, fools, and his own empathy.
- Re-l Mayer: Surprising that she doesn't know Aslan, given her presence on the island.
- Sora: Similarities to Terra is striking - they are, of course, from the same world. Who is 'Phil'? Batman seems to be unintentionally inspiring.
- Clark Kent: He plays dirty and keeps bringing up Jason. He knows that allowing that relationship to happen is a mistake.
- Jason Todd: Relationship seems slightly improved.
- Carrie Kelley: Seems to be angry at Batman being targeted.
- Trish: Overconfident, extremely rude; unattractive in anyone, even one wearing a corset like Diana's.

Aug 22: P: Clark Kent
- Received news about new tunnels 'found' in Sector 9. Seems reinforcements are necessary. If not, Clark needs training.
Aug 22: L: Clark Kent
- Yep, Clark needs training, alright. And Bruce is definitely obliging. This has nothing to do with how much Clark needs to be punched sometimes.
Aug 23: L: Jason Todd
- Jason breaks down, calls Bruce. Bruce goes to help. Things don't really get better.
Aug 24: P: Elaine Belloc
- So Bruce figures out who Elaine really is. So Bruce freaks out. SO Elaine calls him to calm him down.
Aug 24: L: Elaine Belloc
- And so Bruce decides that the story of Yahweh's fall needs to be told, and Elaine will tell him. Elaine obliges.
Aug 30: C: Chuck Shurley
- Edgar Allen Poe. Really.

July 4: C: Clark Kent
- Independence Day celebration. Spoke of Lois, secrets, and what measures a 'useful' person. There is also mock-flirting.
July 7: C: John Watson
- Possibly knows about Bruce Wayne being Batman, given his reaction. Now, will Sherlock listen to him if he says it?
July 7: C: 'Jim' (Moriarty)
- Very strange man; might be more than he seems, though that might just be the paranoia speaking.
July 9: C: Iris Hawthorne
- Interesting reaction from Phoenix Wright, especially in comparison with the rest of their world. Strange, the disparate reactions between her and Dahlia.
July 10: P: Jack Kelly
- Asking the baby clothes of Bruce's he lent. Definitely a young boy now; the resemblance is uncanny.
July 10: C: Jack Kelly
- Definitely de-aged - the post is interesting in that it reveals much of Kelly's upbringing and also his attitude towards life.
July 12: C: Harvey Dent
- Harvey has been sleeping on the benches of the Underground Mall and to work. Bruce is determined to change these dire straits.
July 13: P/L: Diego Armando
- Finishing up his backup visor and giving it to him, as well as discussing the trial.
July 14: C: Oruha
- Entrance, a songbird looking for a job. Definitely material for arm-decoration, especially since she seems to be kind and in need of protection eventually.
July 15: C: Tyki Mikk
- Drunk post. Especially interesting is the conversation between himself, Edgeworth and Re-l.
July 16: C: Yaha
- Yaha is aware of who had cut him. Why is he hiding it, however?

July 16: C: Clark Kent
- Giving him an apartment. Or, well, permanently paying his rent.
July 17: P/L: Lois Lane
- Lunch with Lois. This is relevant. She most likely know that Bruce Wayne is Batman now, given the sledgehammer hints he'd given.

July 17: P: Jack Kelly
- Fascinating conversation regarding who deserves to be saved and to be believed in.

July 17: five; video
- Alongside Damian Wayne, with a private message to Jason Todd just prior to the video's broadcast
- Purpose is to set up the alibi that Bruce Wayne is perfectly fine on Sunday, July 17; in addition, to get practice for Damian's secret identity.

- Damian Wayne: Much better at establishing the secret identity than he had expected.
- Jason Todd: Expected reactions and repercussions.
- Miles Edgeworth: Altercation regarding Superman and superheroes - what exactly is his grudge against superheroes?
- Re-l Mayer: No suspicion regarding Damian's identity.
- Roman Sionis and the Joker - Threats, especially with Black Mask's grudge against Bruce Wayne. Take special notice - Damian can protect himself, but it might compromise his identity.
- Jack Kelly: Definitely Damian's newest friend.
- Alice Liddel: A very strange girl.
- Slade Wilson: Interesting reaction. Diversion of conversation towards Yaha successful.
- Peter Parker: Hired as Damian's private tutor.
- Yaha: Potential danger; less so that Damian is a male child.
- Clark Kent: Publicly shifted from using 'Kent' and 'Wayne' to 'Clark' and 'Bruce'. Might be putting up a show for the sake of it instead of to fool the public- but Clark is right. It is kind of fun.
- Harvey Dent: Still stable. Good.
- Jonathan Crane: Made vague threats. He's planning something, especially when he mentions SERO. Keep a close look on.

July 17: P: Lee Chaolan
- Bruce Wayne chosen to be shareholder of Violet Systems - well, that went much better and faster than expected.
July 17: C: Elisha
- Extremely interesting reaction to a new place; entirely unfazed. 'Elisha' is a male prophet, but the word choice and diction are definitely feminine. Interesting conversation with Claude Faustus. Worth another look.
July 18: P/L: Re-l Mayer, Daedalus Yumeno
- Brought to the hospital for treatment for wounds received during the SERO break-in. Re-l Mayer definitely connected the dots between Bruce Wayne and Batman - keep a closer eye on her, Yumeno, and Raul Creed. Particularly Yumeno, as there are clues that he bows under pressure, and he is an eyewitness to Bruce Wayne's wounds.

July 19: AGI Victory Party
- Miles Edgeworth: Made up regarding the altercations about superheroes. Edgeworth modest as usual.
- Diego Armando: No further incidents regarding the visor; good.
- Clark Kent: Picked up far too many listening devices; also practiced double-layered speaking with body language included. Definitely a fast learner.
- Re-l Mayer: Definitely aware of Bruce Wayne's second identity, but is a good secret keeper. Is seen leaving with Miles Edgeworth - unsurprising.
- Nara Shikamaru: More reclusive than anyone else in the party; most likely due to his very recent return from the dead. Should be safe now, but keep an eye on so his death is not repeated.
( See also Batman's entry for June 19. )

July 23: C: Oruha
- Continuing flirtations; she definitely has secrets she's hiding - curiosity peaked. She is currently working at Lion's Gate. Visit ASAP.
July 23: C: Elisha
- Knows sign language but apparently mute- yet has all the same gestures as a speaking person. Look into it further if there is a chance.
July 28: C: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
- ... Re-l and Edgeworth apparently had sex. Good to know.


Aug 5: C: Nara Shikamaru
- Definitely high. Take note of the style of dance music - one of the newer clubs? Investigate using Matches Malone persona.

Aug 7: six; video
- Damian disappears, taken by the Core. For some reason, Bruce isn't dealing with it very well.

- Clark Kent: Forcing him to come to terms with Damian's disappearance.
- Jason Todd: Visitations after Clark. Not much change with regards to relations, really.
- Re-l Mayer: Impatient with him; unsurprising.
- Carrie Kelley: Searching the island for him
- Lee Chaolan | Magneto | Rochelle | Jubilee: All surprisingly helpful.

Aug 7: C: Sirius Black and Jack Kelly
- Pretending to be pregnant for a laugh. Leading to some rather interesting discussion about children and marriage. Discovering more about their relationship, as well.
Aug 9: C: Alice Liddel
- Talking of children in orphanages. Possibly starting a Wayne foundation in Port - similar in use as in Gotham. How to get it off the ground is the problem - check re: Raul Creed.
Aug 9: C: Diego Armando
- The concept of heroes: one might say that he gave himself away just a little too much. Be more careful: talk to this man behind filters.
Aug 19: P: Lois Lane
- Calling regarding an interview with Batman. That's ridiculous.
Aug 19: L: Re-l Mayer
- Nishizono Shinji sent Re-l her fingers. This is not a good thing. Fingers are thrown into the incinerator, and it's one of his priorities to find out who is the sender, now that Nishizono is dead.
Aug 20: C: Oruha
- She's affected by the spores at the diamond? What are those spores and what are their effects?
Aug 21: C: Black Mask
- Trying to bait him with Bruce Wayne isn't working. What has he been doing all this time?
Aug 22: P: Diego Armando
- Diego asks for a meeting to talk about Dahlia. There seems to be history here that he's not going to touch with a ten foot pole- but which will be important, he notes.
Aug 23: C: Nill
- Found Nara's telepath and established position bond. No sign of telepathy being used - if not for Nara's post, then there is no reason to believe there seven such a thing.
Aug 26: C: Sora
- Checking up on him after that conversation in Batman's post. Why are there such innocents in this piece of crap of an island... Also, 'bucket list'?
Aug 27: C: Diego Armando
- Armando is obviously depressed; mentioned an anniversary, and also a lover. Interesting - he also refuses to name names. Investigate further if judged there is a need.
Aug 28: C: Diego Armando
- Armando is obviously depressed; mentioned an anniversary, and also a lover. Interesting - he also refuses to name names. Investigate further if judged there is a need.
Aug 28: C: Daedalus Yumeno
- Asking about housing and to buy, mortgage, and renovate a new place. Such settling down is frankly unsettling - to think that people wish to stay here despite the monsters.
Aug 31: C: Franz d'Epinay, Daedalus Yumeno
- The two of them finally come out; seems a little forced, though. What does this have to do with Jason's call?
Aug 31: P: Jason Todd
- Both Jason and Bruce are under the effects of the sakura trees, no matter how careful Bruce was. Oh dear. This will only end in disaster.

notes, log, sirenspull

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