oo4; video, untraceable

Aug 22, 2011 13:50

[ The NV is obviously set up on a ledge somewhere, showing something like a darkish alley. The surroundings are rather broken down and ruined- and did I mention that everything is pretty much greenish? Night vision camera.

There's a figure in the distance. Those familiar with him will be able to recognize the cape, and pointy ears on the cowl, the way he's fighting six men and doesn't seem to be tiring. It's a group of bounty hunters, and one of them shoots a ball of electricity at the Bat, but he somersaults backwards, shooting out a line and holds up in mid-air, while that lightning hits one of the other hunters.


Batman shakes the grapple free, and he's dropping down- what is his hand doing on his belt? It's like he's pressing something. It doesn't matter, because the ground is shaking and one of the walls ripped itself upwards to try to hit him. He ducks, rolls, and he makes to throw a batarang when--

The entire world seems to shake for a moment when a loud, magnificent roar fills the air.

Not even a minute later, a burst of brilliance not unlike the first light of day floods the area. It's brief but makes the necessary impact as nine expert hunters tumble into the alleyway, disorganized and afraid. It's only then that the Great Lion steps out of the shadows then, his expression a terrible yet beautiful thing to behold. Clearly, he disapproves of being hunted for sport.

The Bat turns immediately at Aslan's entrance, and- it's almost unseen, because the night vision camera is going on the fritz with so much light- there is a quiet nod. The hunters of both look at each other for a long moment, and in that time Batman is moving, going towards the NV's end of the alley, getting closer to the camera and further from his hunters.

The reason why he does so is immediately apparent. The noises start small - tiny wings, quiet flapping. Then it grows louder and louder and louder, and there's a sudden swarm of bats that suddenly burst into the alley from the other end. They skirt around Aslan's light, swerving and turning their little bodies away from Him as they try to reach their target. As they try to reach Batman.

The hunters immediately begin to shout, panicking. Lightning and fire burst out their fingertips, but with bats flapping directly in their eyes, they can't do much else. In the mess, maybe you'll notice Batman pressing on his belt again, and the bats stop trying to circle him, instead going back to the hunters, flying utterly confused everywhere which way.

Then, the Bat turns and looks straight into the NV, Aslan's Light turning him into nothing but a dark shadow. ]

If you're thinking of trying, don't.

[ Stepping forth amidst the chaos, his gaze directed at the hunters, Aslan bares his teeth, a snarl rising from the depths of his chest. The men turn white, more terrified than ever before scrambling to their feet in an attempt to flee the scene.

Then, the NV shuts off. ]

c: jubilee, c: rochelle, !: bruce wayne | batman, c: trish, c: sora, c: elaine belloc, c: carrie kelley, c: john watson, c: haruhi suzumiya, !: aslan

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