Time to get back into the swing of posting regularly, I guess. RL's been so tiring that I just haven't had the motivation lately, but it's time to smile, put my head up, and hop back on the horse. Isolating myself socially is a bad thing and I know that, so I'm resolving (again) to do better. Despite the prolonged radio silence, things haven't been
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Comments 25
Just, wow, at those people who got arrested. Idk even how one would respond to that. Seriously. Wtf.
Oh my gosh. The Wally World in the town I grew up in has been "upgrading" to a Supercenter for what feels like forever. Apparently they were supposed to start three years ago, and then the recession hit and it was all put on hold, and remains that way, I guess, for the foreseeable future. *headdesks*
I'm legitimately curious to see how they wrap up the time travel stuff, but after that, idk how I'll feel about everything. My adoration for Sanctuary's been waning since the second half of S3, I think.
I can't wait to see the jewelry you are making. :-)
I don't know your history, but hope those demons that are haunting you soon disappear from your life.
I, too, was in attendance at my father's death, but it was not self-inflicted and was swift, all things considered ~ he died of cardiac arrest before the paramedics arrived. That was traumatic enough in of itself.
Hugs Kat. Sounds like you're getting stronger. Keep after it!
i hope you've made peace with losing your dad. I won't be trite and call it merciful or anything; even when it's peaceful, it's horrible to see *hugs you*
thanks *hugs*
But those arrests? hysterical! (And I loved your Nelson...)
Then again, I had a guy sending a moneygram the other day wearing a "rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock" t-shirt, so the cool people and the weirdos balance out. more or less
Other than that, I'm okay.
Glad to hear you're doing okay all things considered. *HUGGLES*
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