Time to get back into the swing of posting regularly, I guess. RL's been so tiring that I just haven't had the motivation lately, but it's time to smile, put my head up, and hop back on the horse. Isolating myself socially is a bad thing and I know that, so I'm resolving (again) to do better. Despite the prolonged radio silence, things haven't been horribly bad, just exhausting.
- I survived my 1-year review & received a small raise (finally making over $8 an hour, go me *eye!roll* at this rate, I'll be making $10 an hour in, oh... five years)
- They're cross-training me for Courtesy Desk and for the Money Center (for those not in the know about Wally World and its various functions, the Money Center's basically a small bank/moneygram office where checks can be cashed and money can be wired pretty much anywhere in the world in about ten minutes ... Courtesy Desk resolves complaints and handles returns/exchanges/warranty issues, talks with other stores that might have merchandise we don't for a customer, etc)
- We're down three CSMs (customer service managers -- we had seven of them, now 4). One got sick, two were led out in handcuffs in the same week. It's not that kind of store or that kind of town normally, but, yeah. One was skimming the till and the other was dumb enough to mix business and pleasure, start dating a subordinate, and then decided to beat him up when she found out he was cheating on her. I honestly don't have words for my reaction to those two individuals. Well, maybe this:
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- Being short that many CSMs, training noobs naturally fall to more experienced cashiers. It's not difficult but some of our new people are so hopeless I have to resist the urge to tell them they should quit or transfer. But, seeing as how I'm all new and hopeless at multiple things at the moment myself, that'd be pretty damned hypocritical of me
- We're currently in the middle (and, by middle, I of course mean "very, very beginning") of upgrading to a Supercenter. This means that our store now has two load-bearing walls and an ass-load of scaffolding and plywood barriers in what used to be pets, lawn and garden, and the auto center. In a brilliant logistical move, the timing is such that this will continue until spring of next year. In case you had any doubt, Ohio is already freaking cold and will only get more so. No more being too hot at the registers, I guess. Instead, it'll be drafty as hell.
- Doing construction on a store that is open and functioning while the construction is ongoing is, to put it lightly, rather disruptive. We've had to shrink/consolidation/move/REmove multiple departments and the customers are not happy. I for one do not blame them
- Between the upgrade and the approaching holidays, we have more new employees than people I actually recognize. 25 new cashiers, plus who knows how many people out on the floor. A few of the new cashiers, however, are transfers from other Walmarts, thank the gods, so they actually know what they're doing. This pleases and relieves me.
- The brass has been on a firing-spree. I've literally lost count of how many people have gone in the past two months. I'm safe so far, despite a rather costly screwup I made yesterday (reacted to with a bored-sounding "we've all done it, now go train on check cashing")
yesterday sucked, to be honest. the thing with construction is that it's noisy. the thing with noise is that it aggravates the shit out of post-traumatic stress. if one more person tells me I'm too jumpy and need to cut back on caffeine (caffeine? what's that?), I will probably tell them my life story in all it's gory detail
i start the EMDR portion of my therapy in a few weeks and it kind of terrifies me (the doc says it's physically and emotionally exhausting/overwhelming and strongly suggests I just work to give me off the day the sessions fall on), but I'm sick of being so tense/angry/frightened all the time, especially since my symptoms are becoming more visible (jumping and flinching more, shaking sometimes, yadda yadda). my demons are past due to be buried alive. I will then piss on their grave and do the happy dance
okay, enough of the unhappy shit. on to happier topics
HELEN AND THE GIRLS ARE COMING FOR CHRISTMAS!!! *dances* They'll be here over a week and I can hardly wait. Now if I can just get my days off to fall right...
I've been working on a new necklace in the breakroom over lunch at work, and everyone who's seen it really likes it. One coworker even wants to hire me to make her a piece *dances more* i'll upload pictures of the current piece when it's done. it's... different but I'm quite pleased with it
Sanctuary airs tonight and I'm hyped (D&D is cancelled since the DM is out of town so i get to watch as it airs instead of catching it on my DVR later). Time travel! James Watson! Magnus handing Druitt his ass (an overdue bit of healing for her)! If only the excitement could manifest itself in a way that didn't involve shipping an OT3, lol. I'm still a freak like that
Halloween is almost upon us and that makes me happy. It's my favorite holiday and, of course, when it's over, candy goes 50% off. Not that I'll buy much. I've been making an effort to lose weight and am more than 20 pounds down from the beginning of the year. Only 50 or so to go, lol.
On the topic of Halloween, the muses have been pestering me to do a Sanctuary fanvid to the song "Monster Mash" (if you don't know the song, where have you been? and, yes, this vid would clearly involve a good deal of Tesla -- assuming i don't just go with "One Eyed, One Horned Flying Purple People Eater")
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okay, I need to go string a ridiculous amount of seed beads without using a spinner now. i'll post again (and try to catch up with back LJ notifications) soon. I hope everyone's been doing okay. PM or text me if I've missed anything major. peace out *hugs everyone, then snuggles since it's chilly out*