Here's a tidbit I forgot to mention. Last week I went to the orthopedist for my last visit (one hopes!), to check up on progress after my carpal tunnel surgery and ganglion cyst removal. There is still a honkin' bump on the back of my left hand, though it's not one big over-pronounced one like the cyst was. Basically, though, I used to have a bump
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And this week I'm back to three days on, five days off! Scheduling surgery and vacation so near each other might just have been a brilliant master stroke by yours truly. But before I get to go out of town, let's ( take a look back... )
In case I hadn't mentioned lately, work's still being a little crazy. (She said, doggedly employing the literary technique "understatement.") But I'm gonna take a few minutes to write up the ( weekend, dammit. )
Called my orthopedist this morning and made an appointment for a week and a half from now. Bless them, they have all their forms online so you can fill them out at your leisure and bring them with you to the office. Hooray
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Short version, due to how annoyingly slow I'm typing post-surgery
Friday night: Went home, chilled, watched new Monk and Psych. Entertaining as always. Got sub-par Chinese takeout for dinner, a disappointment
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