love and death, work, rl

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  • sunlight earlier in the day

    desertport Feb 12, 2017 11:49

    - So, I finally backed up my LJ on DW. You know, just in case. I am
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    work, teevee, rl, teaching

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  • yikes

    desertport Aug 14, 2016 02:47

    So, I took a little unplanned break from LJ around (oy) April and then this weekend found that I can't go back past skip=170 anymore on my flist, which only takes me to the middle of July, and I'm basically the worst LJ friend ever. :( Sorry for missing stuff! Please tell me what's new and wonderful in your life ( Read more... )

    work, rl

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  • (Untitled)

    desertport Jan 01, 2016 15:15

    Two things happened yesterday ( Read more... )

    work, rl

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  • fly-by

    desertport Oct 29, 2015 23:12

    I keep thinking at work that I will come home and organize my house and write up all the posts I have in my head, and even eat some kind of dinner. But no. No, instead I take a nap and then wake up in the morning feeling unrefreshed and needing to go back to work ( Read more... )

    work, rl

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  • comics nostalgia: flame on!

    desertport Sep 20, 2015 22:30

    Hello hello! I am still out there, mainly lurking, though. Idk, a combination of adjusting to a new routine and of feeling ambiguously preoccupied, like I'm sorting something out in my head but don't know what yet. When it comes together, I'll see if it's worth sharing ( Read more... )

    comics, work, recs, holidays

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  • working girl

    desertport Aug 04, 2015 00:26

    Very quick drive-by to say hi, because it's late and I... have work in the morning. Somebody actually hired me. At a job that pays legal currency and isn't on a semester-by-semester basis and where I don't have to ever raise money or deal with inter-organizational politics or, really, have to deal with work stuff outside of work at all ( Read more... )

    work, rl

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