permanent caffiene

Aug 21, 2017 00:56

# So I did the unthinkable a couple weeks ago and gave up Twitter for the next two months. It was getting to be too much, politically, and I needed a break to center myself and remember/decide where I'm at, rather than reading where a lot of strangers are. The thing is not everyone on Twitter is a stranger and I miss trading random comments during the day with friends and fangirls. On a brighter side, I think I'm feeling less stress (at the expense of being less informed).

# The new job goes well. I am driving people to and from the airport and it is super chill. Using the downtime between trips to plot my current exchange fic.

# I wound up signing up for that online teaching course (in which I learn to teach online) because of course I did. Given a chance to overcommit myself, I will always choose to. The class is fine, though some of the assignments are tedious and feel like busywork. It ends in a week, though I plan to be done in a few days. I'm probably NOT going to teach for a while. I'm not feeling it, I already have a second job, and nobody's asked. But it will good to have the option in the future. Ideally, I'll spend some time creating learning modules recreationally when I feel like it. Course design is actually pretty fun when there are no deadlines or time limits. I'm struggling with those lately.

# I just finished a project for when I'm awake but too braindead to do anything complicated. I took all my podfic files and regularized the tags so that author name, reader name, fandom, pairing, etc are all in the same place, allowing me to sort by each. Now when I want a specific kind of podfic, I can actually find it. Yay!

# It's so weird, I can't wait for work in the morning. Ready for coffee and laying out the newsletter. I am so bizarre lately.

This entry was originally posted at

work, rl, podfic

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