love and death, work, rl

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  • sunlight earlier in the day

    desertport Feb 12, 2017 11:49

    - So, I finally backed up my LJ on DW. You know, just in case. I am
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    work, teevee, rl, teaching

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  • back to work I go

    desertport Jan 02, 2017 22:27

    - Relaxing day spent lesson-planning and doing a few things around the house. School doesn't start till next week, so I have a little more time to make adjustments to my syllabus. There are a few kids from my fall 098 class taking my 101 this term, which means reworking some of the activities and assignments they've already done (098 and 101 are ( Read more... )

    rl, sherlock

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  • 2017!

    desertport Jan 01, 2017 15:58

    Happy New Year!!!

    I am well done with 2016, ready to fight and kick ass in 2017.

    It's been since August since I've posted, though I've been on Twitter a lot. Here's a little life update, in bullet form ( Read more... )

    rl, personal

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  • yikes

    desertport Aug 14, 2016 02:47

    So, I took a little unplanned break from LJ around (oy) April and then this weekend found that I can't go back past skip=170 anymore on my flist, which only takes me to the middle of July, and I'm basically the worst LJ friend ever. :( Sorry for missing stuff! Please tell me what's new and wonderful in your life ( Read more... )

    work, rl

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  • (Untitled)

    desertport Apr 25, 2016 21:45

    # Happy Pesach to those who celebrate! I just ate a while pan of matzoh brei and I'm still hungry, how about you ( Read more... )

    rl, why

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  • baby steps!

    desertport Mar 14, 2016 23:40

    Wow, can't believe it's been this long since I posted! Everything is well here. I still haven't found work, but I have found a better direction for my job search. Basically I want to do something higher education oriented, whether as an administrator/program manager or advising/coaching or plain old teaching (although not as an adjunct; something ( Read more... )

    mcu fic, fic, rl

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