
Mar 10, 2018 14:21

Hello out there. :) I keep meaning to post, but RL is always sweeping me away, mostly to work and back, and I never feel quite like I'm in a headspace for anything but work or resting up to go back to work. It's not really conducive to fandom space.

work travails )

work, rl, cat

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Comments 2

halfshellvenus March 11 2018, 19:52:59 UTC
Oh, I'm so sorry about your cat. Isn't she the one you were housesitting for a while, for people who were actually staying abroad for a long time, and she bonded more to you than them?

She sounds like quite a roommate, and with that much personality, how could you not miss her? Plus, snuggly company is so wonderful.

I'm sorry the job isn't happier, especially given that it's the kind of job you probably would really WANT to work in... but perhaps with a different set of people?

No idea about Santa Fe, but I know you're far from desert-averse,so there is that. ;) Less sure about how welcoming the rest of the community might be, which is also important. Also the convenience of things like plane flights? Probably on the Southwest flight corridor.

I forget now whether your sister moved away from Portland, or still lives there. That's something to consider, too.


desertport March 16 2018, 07:17:05 UTC
Thank you, I miss her a lot. *hugs* I was supposed to hold on to her for a few weeks after my friends moved to Israel, but the person they were counting on to fly her over to them flaked at the last minute... which was maybe five years ago? I don't think I would have ever made the commitment to get a cat without that happening. Now I'm not sure I'll ever go long without one.

With work, like you say, it is really satisfying in and of itself, just the people drive me crazy. But I'm certain a large part of it is me and my bipolar brain too. Or that the people and my brain are an especially bad combination. IDK.

My sis is still here, and she's actually willing to consider following me somewhere we can both agree on. That said, she has no suggestions so far and keeps nixing mine. Also, if we moved to Santa Fe we'd both be forever getting the Newsies song stuck in each other's heads. Back to the drawing board!


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