
Aug 14, 2016 02:47

So, I took a little unplanned break from LJ around (oy) April and then this weekend found that I can't go back past skip=170 anymore on my flist, which only takes me to the middle of July, and I'm basically the worst LJ friend ever. :( Sorry for missing stuff! Please tell me what's new and wonderful in your life!

In my life, there has been a job since the middle of June. I've been driving a shuttle around the campus of a multinational corporation. It's fairly simple, with great coworkers, and it provides a lot more structure to my life than just being unemployed and applying for jobs all the time. That was getting depressing, especially since I really wasn't getting anywhere with my jobhunt. Since I already had my CDL and experience as a school bus driver, I got a call from this place two hours after submitting my application online, and the "interview" the next day was basically the manager describing the job to me and then having me fill out hiring paperwork. This was so much better than when I got calls for admin jobs, where you came in for a series of interviews full of nuanced behavioral questions that you have to be a little psychic to answer right. That kind of interview can gdiaf.

Before applying for the driving job, I sort of applied for an adjunct writing instructor position at a community college, even though I am very aware of the drawbacks to that kind of work. Basically, I had a cover letter template already (I have so many templates for so many jobs, it's kind of sad when you think about it) and it was the middle of the night and I was on a job application high, so I said what the hell, why not? and applied.

Then I started driving. Then the college called and asked for an interview. And I was like, ha ha, why not? Surely nothing will come of it. So I interviewed and expected nothing. And then they offered me three fall term classes. 0.0

And I have to tell you, I like driving, and nothing against it as a profession. But. It's not what I want to do. I thought admin was what I wanted to do, but this past year of actually being an executive assistant, getting laid off, and then applying constantly to admin jobs and sometimes getting interviews--that has given me time to think about my personality and what I want out of a job and also what I want my professional impact to be. Maybe I will talk more about that sometime, but the long and the short of it is that teaching is a better fit for me and I'm super-excited to be doing it again, drawbacks be damned!

So I'll probably be leaving the driving job in September, but maybe making arrangements to work there in the future when I have trouble picking up enough classes or whatever. And that is basically the story of 2016 so far.

Fic cross-posts to come soon!

work, rl

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