franzi's and gecko's friends write for each other - author letter!

May 15, 2016 22:49

Hello dear writer!

Thank you for choosing to write me something! Woohoo! I am pretty easy because I'm a multishipper, enjoy gen as well, and kind of love getting gifts no matter what, so no pressure, okay? Here are some general notes about the chosen fandoms, in case you want direction, but feel free to ignore it all and write what's in your heart. ♥

Marvel 616
    Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov
    Tbh, I think Bruce/Nat was an error because I really only ship them in MCU lol, but if you want to try that, then I will read it with intrigue!

    Kitty Pryde/Peter Quill
    Kitty/Starlord is fun for me because they're just so cute together, and he's crazy about her and adorable about it, and she's possibly my favorite Marvel character ever and deserves a sweet romance instead of angst, and also a guy who will prioritize her as Starlord seems to. I'm caught up to their canon romance as far as their engagement during the Black Vortex thing but I don't mind spoilers and will probably read ahead soon anyway. If you wanted to do some kind of dating story, or Kitty and Peter on a mission together fic, or any trope ever, I'd be full of squee.

    Carol Danvers/Jessica Drew
    Haha, kind of the same thing as above, with the added like of get-together fic. :D

    Kitty Pryde
    As stated above, she's probably my favorite Marvel 616 character ever. Give her adventures, give her romance, give her tropes, give her friendship or a team-up with any other Marvel character, stick her in the MCU, it's all good. (Caveat: I am kind of down on her relationship with Colossus, so maybe leave him out of things.) I'm also really good with the Kitty femmeslash and always thought she and Illyana or Rachel Summers were a good fit.

    Natasha Romanov
    Spy shenanigans! Tropes! Winter Soldier team-ups/pairings! A day of Natasha's life in Avengers Mansion!

    Wanda Maximoff
    Love her. Kind of sad for her because of this halo of loss surrounding her. Would love to see some of that repaired or just some comfort from her family/friends.

    Kate Bishop
    She's so awesome. I'm reading New Avengers now and enjoy her dynamic with Cassie, so anything with the two of them would be great, femmeslash or gen. But obviously she's got amazing chemistry with Clint too, so feel free to go crazy with them both, gen or het, whatever.

    Alison Blaire
    I put her down as kind of a wild card because I never see anything with her, but she was so much fun when Claremont made her an X-Man and I honestly wish I could be as hip as her. Maybe she and Lila Cheney have adventures as interstellar superstars? Maybe there's an X-Men girls' night out and things go predictably sideways? Maybe there are tropes!!

A final note on 616: Feel free to write characters I haven't listed, and if none of the characters or pairings here inspires you, feel free to leave them out entirely. I'm catching up on a lot of comics since the late '90s but feel pretty confident about jumping into a story featuring someone I'm less familiar with. If it helps, I am weirdly into Spider-Man/Human Torch?

Brooklyn Nine-Nine
I love literally every single character in this show. I can be sold on just about any pairing. Basically, you can do no wrong.

Pacific Rim
Gen friendship Mako/Raliegh or romance, no matter. Outsider pov on their relationship, maybe wondering whether they're together or not, would be really interesting to me, or make the outsider one of the other characters from the film.

Sleepy Hollow
Kind of similar to B99. I love most of the characters, and the ones that were poorly served or misused by canon I feel can be rehabilitated through fic. In fact, for this show especially I feel redemption/rehabilitation through fic is a worthy project, so if that's your cuppa too, please go ahead! That can mean going AU after a particular ep, or re-imagining the premise a little bit, or however you would like to see things go. I've personally hand-waved the end of S3 away--never happened! For pairings, do as your heart pleases!

Likes: Tropes, romance, friendship, plot, adventure, slice of life, get-together, est relationship, relationship negotiation, peril, happy endings, or if not happy then at least resolved endings, comedy, hilarious misunderstandings, POLY RELATIONSHIPS.

Please no: deathfic, unhappy/unresolved endings, break-ups that last, pwp.

Hope this helps. Thank you again! I can't wait to read whatever you come up with!

author letter

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