Experiments and Crushes 3/12

May 23, 2011 02:14

Title: Experiments and Crushes
Author: chocolet89
Pairing: Yunho/Junsu
Rating: NC-17
Length: 3/12
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Junsu walks in on Yunho coming out of the shower one day and his feelings towards the leader are never the same again. As he slowly comes to terms with his newfound sexuality, Junsu also learns ways of pleasuring himself he never thought was possible before

Chapter 3 - More Experiments

A week later when they were all enjoying Jaejoong’s cooking at the dinner table, Junsu’s phone suddenly rang. Pulling the phone out of his pocket, Junsu checked the caller ID and, seeing that it was only Junho, answered it on the spot.


“Hey bro, enjoy the gifts I sent you the other day?”

Junsu’s eyes bulged and he nearly spit out his drink. Instead he settled for swallowing the liquid before quickly excusing himself from the table, ignoring the curious gazes that followed him. Walking into the hallway, Junsu took a deep breath before replying.

“Hyung, where did you even get those things from?”

“You didn’t answer my question Junsu.”

Junsu could almost see his brother leering at him from the other end. “I don’t believe it’s any of your business,” he tried to reply as calmly as possible.

“Ahh so you did like them!”

“I haven’t even used any of them except for the lu-” Junsu tried to stop but it was too late. Junho heard the rest of the unfinished sentence and started laughing.

Junsu felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “S-Shut up hyung, it’s not funny.”

He waited for his brother to calm down and prayed quietly that Junho wouldn’t use this for blackmail material some time in the near future.

“Ahhh my little brother is all grown up now.”

“We’re the same age hyung, we’re only a few minutes apart so I’m not that much younger than you.”

“Still young enough for you to call me hyung though.”

Junsu sighed. Junho just had to rub it in every time.

“So, did it feel good?”

Junsu blushed. He couldn’t believe he was having this conversation with his own brother!

“D-Did what feel good?” he asked trying to play dumb.

“You know what I mean … did it feel good having something up there?”

Junsu stammered and blushed. God someone just kill me now. “T-That’s a bit too personal to answer don’t you think?”

“We’re brothers Junsu-ah, there are no secrets between us. So you said you only used the lube … that means … oh my god you used your fingers didn’t you?”

Junsu felt like digging a hole in the ground right now and hiding in there for the rest of his life. Why were they even having this conversation again? Oh right, because Junsu had confided in his brother about his sexuality. Note to self: never ever confide in Junho with sexuality issues ever again.

“You’re not saying anything, which means you did use your fingers! It felt good didn’t it?”

Junsu shut his eyes and leaned against the wall behind him. With a sigh he replied, “Yes hyung it did feel good, are you happy now?”

Laughter was heard from the other end and Junsu mentally face-palmed himself.

“Did you think about him while you did it Junsu?”

“W-Who?” Junsu spluttered out. He knew who him was, but he wasn’t going to give in to answering Junho that easily.

“You know who I’m talking about. Jung Yunho - your leader. The man of your wet dreams.”

Junsu groaned, regretting having ever told his brother anything.

“God yes I did okay, why are you so curious anyway, don’t you have better things to do than spend time asking your brother about his sexual fantasies?”

More laughter was heard before his brother calmed himself down enough to reply coherently.

“Shhh not so loud bro, what if the other members hear?”

At that Junsu quickly whipped his head down the hallway leading to the dining area and relaxed when he didn’t see anyone appear. Still, Junho had a point and Junsu tried to quieten his voice down.

“Anyway, I’m only curious because you’re my brother and I care about you. Besides, it’s not every day you come across your brother confessing he’s gay.”

Junsu decided he did have a point, but that didn’t stop him from blushing even further.

“So when are you going to use those other things I sent you? I heard a lot of gay men like using these … toys.”

Junsu sighed. This conversation was getting way out of hand. Instead of answering, Junsu directed his first question at his brother again. “Where did you hear about this stuff hyung? And you still haven’t answered my first question. Where did you get these things from?”

“I have my connections Junsu. Let’s just say some of my friends also swing the same way as you.”

Junsu’s mouth fell open. Although he hadn’t met many of his brother’s friends, the ones that he had met didn't look to be the ‘gay’ type. Then again looks could be deceiving. He decided not to think too much about the topic and instead asked another question.

“So if you have friends who also ‘swing that way’, why don’t you ask them these questions instead of me?”

Junho chuckled from the other end.

“Like I said before Su-ah, you’re my brother and I care about you - and we’re close. I’m not that close to my friends and I don’t care that much about them to go ask them what it feels like having a finger up their ass. They’d either get offended or think that I was gay too - which I’m not thank you very much.”

Junsu was starting to have his doubts about that last one though. Junho could be bisexual and just be in denial but Junsu didn’t point that out.

“I guess you have a point,” Junsu replied with a sigh. At least his brother wasn’t a homophobe and dragging him off to church to redeem himself.

“So what are you doing now? I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything?”

Junsu groaned and wondered if Junho had always been this dirty-minded. He wondered if maybe Junho had been hanging around Yoochun behind his back recently without him knowing.

“I was having dinner with the others before you called and started pestering me about my sexual life.”

More laughter was heard from the other end as he brother apologized for interrupting. Junsu scoffed knowing he wasn’t really sorry.

“Yea whatever, so is there anything else you wanted to know about my sexual life before I hang up and return to my food if Changmin hasn’t stolen it already?”

“Aww I think I’ll leave the other questions for another day. Since you haven’t tried the dildo out yet, I can’t really ask you about it.”

Junsu coughed and realized that yes it was possible to choke on your own spit. Was this really his brother he was talking to? How could he say the word ‘dildo’ so calmly while Junsu was still stuttering whenever he looked at it?

“Actually I do have another question.”

Junsu groaned. “What is it?”

“Did the lube actually taste like strawberries?”

Junsu’s face flushed red and he had to bite his lip from screaming in embarrassment.

“I … it … hyung how can you even ask such an embarrassing question?” Junsu almost screamed into the phone.

“You know you could have just denied and said you didn’t taste it at all. But since you’re stuttering, I’m going to take that as a ‘yes, I did taste it and it did taste like strawberries'', am I right Susu?”

Junsu groaned giving up on his brother. While he wallowed in self-pity Junho continued to rub it in deeper.

“And since you didn’t deny that either, I’m going to assume it tasted nice too … right?”

“Hyung!” Junsu swore he was seconds away from strangling his brother. He reminded himself to ask Yoochun later on if he’d been hanging out with Junho recently. That or Junho had always been like this yet Junsu had been too naïve to notice.

“You’re too easy to figure out bro, you need to work at hiding your feelings more or else Yunho will find out you’ve got the hots for him every time he catches you staring at him and hide from you."

Junsu frowned. Was he really that easy to see through? Before he could reply to that though, Junho was talking again.

“Anyway, I better let you get back to dinner now, I’m supposed to be studying for an exam I have tomorrow.”

At the last words Junsu smiled. Even though Junho was laughing at him, in reality he really did care about his brother - enough that he would call and ask Junsu how he was (even if the way he went about it was slightly embarrassing for Junsu) in the midst of an exam period.

“Oh I see. Good luck with your exams hyung, don’t disappoint umma,” Junsu said in a serious tone.

“Aish I’ll be fine Su-ah don’t worry about me.”

“Okay, well I guess I’ll talk to you later then.” After a pause Junsu added, “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For calling,” Junsu said simply and he smiled when Junho chuckled through the phone meaning he’d caught onto the reason why.

“You’re welcome Junsu. Just remember I’ll be here anytime for you. Now hurry up and go back to your dinner. Who knows, maybe Yunho will be waiting at the table with nothing but an apron on to surprise you.”

Junsu swallowed at the image his mind brought up and swore as he felt his member harden almost instantly.

Another laugh was heard through the phone and Junsu blushed knowing that Junho had already figured him out. They were twins after all.

“Now now Junsu, it won’t be good returning to the table with an erection.

“S-Shut up hyung, this is all your fault,” Junsu replied somewhat defensively.

“Okay I’ll go now. Just remember, next time you decide to experiment, picture the dildo as a similar anatomy on Yunho’s body and that should help ease your fear. Talk to you soon bro, love you!”

With that Junho hung up before Junsu could even form a retort on his lips. Was his brother really as straight as he claimed to be? Junsu shook his head and focused on more important matters - such as the erection in his pants.

Knowing it was too risky to jerk off, Junsu shut his eyes and willed his erection down picturing his brother naked instead. He shivered at the thought but smiled when it had the effect he was after. The whole incest thing was still a bit nerve-wracking for him, so his erection died pretty quickly.

Giving himself another minute to calm down, Junsu took a deep breath before heading back to the dining table. He avoided Yunho’s gaze as he sat down, afraid his mind would bring up half-naked images of the leader clad in nothing but an apron again.

“Who was that?” Jaejoong asked casually.

‘Ahh it was Junho,” Junsu replied calmly hoping his voice wouldn’t give out his nervousness.

“That was a pretty long conversation, what did he want you for?” Yoochun asked straight after.

Junsu whipped his head up to stare at Yoochun, wondering if maybe Junho really had been hanging around Yoochun behind his back. Yoochun kept his composure though and his expression was only that of curiosity.

Junsu stared for a bit longer before finally turning his attention back to his food.

“Nothing, he just wanted to catch up for a bit,” Junsu said trying to hint that he didn’t want to talk about it.

The other’s seemed to get the hint and didn’t ask any more questions.

Still feeling a bit flustered from the talk he just had with Junho, Junsu tried to finish eating as quickly as possible so he could make his escape from their leader. Unfortunately luck didn’t seem to be on his side when he went to pick the last piece of meat on a dish at the same time Yunho went for it.

When their chopsticks touched Junsu immediately snapped them back as did Yunho.

“Y-You take it hyung,” Junsu stammered out.

“Ah it’s okay, you seem hungrier than me so you take it,” Yunho said as he went to lift the piece of meat to place in Junsu’s bowl.

Feeling flustered for no reason at all, Junsu quickly snapped his chopsticks out to stop Yunho from doing so.

“No really hyung, it’s fine, you take it.”

Yunho frowned but refused to give in.

So began the battle of Yunho trying to pick the food up and Junsu stopping him from doing so.

Jaejoong watched on in amusement wondering silently if it was because they didn’t like his cooking. Changmin frowned, wanting to pick more food but worried he’d get attacked by chopsticks if he did so right now. Yoochun noticed Changmin’s dilemma and kept looking back and forth between the two members wondering when this would stop.

Finally unable to take it any longer, Yoochun picked up the piece of meat while they were still battling with their chopsticks and shoved it into Changmin’s mouth who grunted in surprise.

“Changmin will have it,” he explained before returning back to eating his meal.

Changmin grinned victoriously chewing on the piece of meat while Yunho and Junsu just smiled awkwardly at each other before muttering apologies and returning to their meal.

Dinner continued on as usual after that, the only difference being Junsu’s awkwardness every time he unintentionally met Yunho’s gaze.

After what seemed like forever, when everyone was finally finished eating Junsu quickly stood up and was about to excuse himself when Yoochun stopped him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Yoochun asked him.

Turning around, Junsu squeaked out, “To take a shower?”

Yoochun frowned. “No, you’re going to wash the dishes tonight.”

“B-But it’s Changmin’s turn tonight,” Junsu protested quickly.

“You interrupted dinner Junsu, first with the phone call and then with the scene with Yunho-hyung. So you can do the dishes tonight,” Yoochun stated before giving Changmin a wink.

Junsu’s mouth fell open and he turned to the oldest member for help only to have Jaejoong shrug his shoulders in response. Junsu then turned to the maknae for help even though he knew it was futile. As expected, Changmin returned his plea with a grin, happy at being let off doing the dishes tonight. Junsu then looked to the leader only to remember at the last minute that he was supposed to be avoiding him.

Quickly averting his gaze, Junsu grumbled under his breath as he started stacking their bowls and utensils up.

“You guys always side with Changmin,” he muttered sulkily as the soulmates high-fived each other.

“Ah I’ll help you Su-ah since it was sort of my fault too,” their leader said as he stood up to start clearing the dishes too.

Junsu opened his mouth to protest but quickly shut it again at the glare Yoochun gave him daring him to start another scene. Deciding it was better to just keep quiet, Junsu kept his mouth shut and focused on the task at hand.

While Yoochun dragged Changmin off to the living room, Jaejoong grabbed two aprons from the kitchen and threw one at Yunho while he put the other one on for Junsu.

“Sorry Susu,” Jaejoong whispered quietly feeling a bit sorry for the younger member. He always did have a weak spot for the younger members. Junsu just nodded in defeat as he watched Jaejoong walk off to join the other two in the living room.

Turning around, Junsu felt his mouth suddenly go dry at the sight that greeted him. He was sure Yunho wasn’t naked underneath that apron but from the way the apron blended in with his clothes, it definitely looked like it.

The white apron reached just halfway down Yunho’s thighs, but because the leader was wearing shorts, it looked like he had nothing on underneath. It definitely didn’t help that the white tank top he was currently wearing blended in nicely with the straps of the apron too.

Junsu licked his lips unconsciously, the words Yunho, naked, apron flitting through his mind as his continued to stare at the leader.

“Junsu, you okay?” Yunho asked with a frown.

At the sound of his name, Junsu snapped out of his daze and quickly looked away in embarrassment. He couldn’t believe he was having these thoughts when he was standing right in front of their leader.

“I-I’m fine, let’s just get this over and done with,” he said quickly as he returned to the task of stacking all their bowls and utensils up to take to the sink.

Yunho pursed his lips but didn’t say anything after that. When they finished moving all the eating utensils to the sink, Junsu started filling one side of the sink with hot water while Yunho grabbed a cloth to go clean the table.

While Junsu waited for the water to fill he couldn’t help but sneak a peek at Yunho from behind. He watched as Yunho went about his task, one hand gripping the edge of the table while his hips moved in time to his other hand as he wiped down the table.

When Yunho spun around after completing his task, Junsu quickly turned his attention back to the sink and gasped in surprise before hastily shutting off the water. He was about five seconds away from overfilling the sink. After letting some water out, Junsu poured some detergent into the water before scrubbing away at the dirty dishes hoping to distract himself from inappropriate thoughts of their leader.

As Yunho came to stand beside him, Junsu’s body tensed and he focused ever harder at his task.

“I’ll help you rinse them clean,” Yunho said as he tossed the cloth onto the counter.

Junsu just nodded his head refusing to meet the leader’s gaze.

“Ah!” Yunho shouted as he suddenly gripped Junsu’s wrists and lifted his hands out of the water. Junsu’s eyes widened at the skin contact and he quickly tried to step away.

Tightening his grip further Yunho frowned as he said, “You forgot to wear gloves Su-ah.”

Junsu’s brows furrowed before the meaning of Yunho’s words sunk in. Looking at his hands, Junsu realized that he had indeed forgotten to wear gloves. The skin on his hands was a slight pink from having been in the hot water for just a short period of time and he winced as his mind finally registered the stinging feeling in his skin.

“Ahh umm … oops,” Junsu muttered dumbly in response.

Yunho just shook his head with a smile before turning on the cold water and tugging Junsu’s hands under the water. Junsu bit his lip watching as Yunho massaged the skin on his hands briefly before shutting off the tap and grabbing a clean cloth to dry them.

As he watched Yunho pat his hands dry, Junsu whispered, “Thank you hyung,” to which Yunho just grinned in response.

When he was done, Yunho grabbed a pair of rubber gloves from beside the dish rack but instead of handing them to Junsu, Yunho put them onto his own hands instead.

In response to Junsu’s questioning gaze Yunho said, “Your hands are probably still stinging so I’ll wash the dishes, you just help me rinse them okay?”

Junsu wanted to argue but Yunho quickly put both hands on either side of Junsu's waist effectively cutting his protest off immediately at the unexpected action and moved him to the side. By the time Junsu’s mind was working properly again, Yunho was already scrubbing at the dishes and stacking them up neatly in the other basin.

“Come on Junsu, the faster you rinse the faster we’ll be finished with this,” Yunho stated nudging Junsu on the shoulder.

Quickly snapping himself out of it, Junsu nodded and started rinsing the dishes off and placing them on the dish rack. As they settled into a somewhat comfortable silence, Junsu felt guilty as he watched Yunho work on his task diligently. It was his fault that Yunho had to help him and not only that, but his hands didn’t really sting that much anymore so it technically should have been him scrubbing at the dishes. Instead here he was standing there next to the leader doing the easy task of just rinsing.

“Sorry hyung,” Junsu whispered into the silence.

“For what?” Yunho asked.

“For this, you shouldn’t have offered to help me,” Junsu explained.

Yunho chuckled before replying. “It’s okay, like I said before it was sort of my fault too.”

“But I started it,” Junsu countered back.

Yunho sighed and before Junsu even knew what was happening, Yunho leant down and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.

Junsu’s eyes widened in surprise as he felt his heart beat increase almost immediately.

“It’s fine Su-ah. As the leader, I have a responsibility to stick up for my members,” Yunho explained before returning to his task like nothing had happened. Which was the truth really; their leader was known for being slightly obsessed with skinship and it wasn’t unusual for him to be seen kissing another member on the cheek.

Unfortunately, things for Junsu were now different and right now, Junsu was feeling extremely flustered at the action. As he felt his cheeks growing hot, Junsu tried to pretend nothing had happened and instead focused on finishing the dishes as quickly as possible lest he jump the leader on the spot.

As he caved in and chanced a glance at their leader a few seconds later, Junsu almost fainted as he took in the sight of Yunho’s bare legs clad in what he now decided were shorts that should be illegal. Trailing his gaze up, Junsu then took in the muscles on Yunho’s arms that moved under the tan skin from the exertion of just scrubbing the dishes before trailing up to stare at the side-profile of the leader’s face.

Reaching a hand out unconsciously, Junsu brushed away a strand of hair that Yunho kept trying to flick out of his eyes. When Yunho nodded at him in thanks, Junsu quickly snatched his hand back, realization of what he did finally sinking into him.

Clearing his throat, Junsu mumbled something unintelligible before focusing his attention back to rinsing the dishes once again.

Fortunately, nothing happened after that and by the time they were done and wiping down the kitchen counter, Junsu was no longer feeling tense and nervous again. That was until Yunho asked him to help untie the apron for him because he had accidentally tied a double knot on the strings.

Junsu groaned mentally and tried his best not to shake as he helped Yunho out of the apron.


Later that night, after bidding all the other members a good night, Junsu shut and locked the door behind him before walking over to his closet and taking out the box again, placing it on his bed.

As he opened the lid, his brother’s words - ‘Just remember, next time you decide to experiment, picture the dildo as a similar anatomy on Yunho’s body and that should help ease your fear’ floated through his mind again and Junsu groaned.

Stripping himself of his clothes, Junsu lay down on the bed and took a few deep breaths as the image of Yunho in the white apron appeared in his mind again.

Grabbing the dildo beside him, Junsu caressed the silicone head and wondered how Yunho’s cock would feel. Would Yunho’s cock be the same size as the dildo or even bigger?

Slowly Junsu bought the object closer to his lips as he prepared himself for what he was about to do. Taking a deep breath and then releasing it, Junsu shut his eyes as he slowly stuck his tongue out to touch the tip.

A low moan escaped his lips and Junsu extended his tongue further to caress the head. He thought of what he would have liked being done to him and tried to mimic those movements. Opening his mouth, Junsu brought the toy closer and engulfed the head. Keeping a firm grip on the dildo with one hand, Junsu slid his other hand down his chest, caressing his stomach and down to his thighs.

Another moan escaped his lips and he pushed the toy a little further into his mouth. He never thought he would actually enjoy doing this. Avoiding touching his cock, Junsu trailed his hand up his chest again and with a thumb and forefinger, Junsu pinched one of his nipples at the same time he pushed the dildo deeper into his throat. Junsu moaned around the toy and he started sliding it in and out of his mouth a bit faster. His mind wandered off and he wondered what it would feel like to have Yunho fuck his mouth with his cock.

Saliva started gathering in and around his mouth making the toy slide easier. Each time Junsu pulled out, he would push it in a bit further until at last he felt the head of the dildo touching the back of his throat.

With his eyes still shut tight, Junsu took a deep breath through his nose and exhaled relaxing his throat muscles at the same time. Pulling the dildo all the way out until just the tip of it rested against his lips, Junsu paused before pushing it back inside all in one go.

His other hand never stopped teasing his body, pinching and rubbing his nipples and sliding all over his skin. Still bypassing his cock, Junsu decided to go even lower, sliding over his balls to rest at his entrance. Spreading his legs wider, Junsu ran the tip of his index finger along his crack and shivered at the touch.

His cock was hard and leaking pre-come but for some reason Junsu wanted to withhold touching his cock as long as possible. He continued to push the dildo in and out of his mouth moaning each time it slid in easier without him gagging.

He circled the rim of his hole as he tried to prepare himself for what he was going to do. Keeping his eyes shut, Junsu slipped the dildo out of his mouth and replaced it with two fingers of his other hand.

After he was sure they were coated in a generous amount of saliva, Junsu trailed his fingers down his body again until they were resting against his entrance. As he slipped the dildo back into his mouth, Junsu pushed a finger inside himself at the same time.

Junsu’s whole body tensed as he arched off the bed. The feeling was still a bit foreign to him but he was slowly getting used to it. Relaxing his body again, Junsu pushed his finger further until it was all the way in.

As he waited for his body to settle down, Junsu started swirling his tongue around the dildo wetting it as much as possible, imagining it was Yunho’s cock he was sucking on. Saliva started to drip out of his mouth and down his chin but Junsu didn’t care. Taking another deep breath through his nose, Junsu slowly pulled his finger out before pausing a few seconds and pushing it back in again. Junsu groaned around the toy in his mouth as his finger scraped against his tight channel.

He soon settled in a rhythm where when he pushed his finger in he would pull the dildo out of his mouth and then vice versa, pull his finger out as he pushed the dildo back into his mouth. When he was certain he was ready for it, Junsu slowly slipped a second finger in to join with the first.

Junsu moaned at the stretch but it was more pleasure than pain. He continued thrusting his fingers in and out, scissoring them occasionally before twisting them a bit as he pushed in deeper.

Lights exploded as Junsu gasped around the toy. Muscles clenching, Junsu shifted his weight onto his feet as he thrust onto his fingers, trying fervently to hit that sweet spot once again. Junsu was sure he resembled a withering mess at the moment but he couldn’t care less at the moment. It was a bit uncomfortable in this position but Junsu didn’t want to move, not when he was so close to coming.

Twisting his hips a bit, Junsu moaned as he managed to hit that sweet spot once again. And again. And again. After a few more times Junsu shoved his fingers as deep up his ass as he could while he moaned around the dildo deep in his throat as he came hard, strings of come splattering onto his chest and stomach.

As he calmed down from his high and slid his fingers out, Junsu realized he’d just come without touching his cock. Flinging the dildo aside next to him, Junsu once again dipped two fingers along the front of his body, coating them in his own come before bringing them up to his lips. Flicking a tongue out, Junsu licked his fingertips first before sliding the rest of his fingers in and licking them clean.

His thoughts once again wandered off to Yunho and he wondered what it would feel like to have the leader come in his mouth.

Chapter 12: Naked, Wet and No Longer in Denial
Chapter 11: Realizations and Discoveries
Chapter 10: Handjobs and More Kisses
Chapter 9: Reassuring Kisses
Chapter 8: One Step Closer
Chapter 7: Confessions and Misunderstandings
Chapter 6: Curiosity
Chapter 5: Awkward Moments
Chapter 4: More Toys
Chapter 3: More Experiments
Chapter 2: Research and Experiments
Chapter 1: Naked, Wet and in Denial

A/N: And I’m back with the next chapter ^^ thanks so much for everyone’s support :3 I’m really glad everyone’s liking this fic so far hehehe ~
I know I said the first few chapters would mainly be Junsu-centric, but I just couldn’t help but add some HoSu moments into this chapter :P Hope everyone enjoyed reading this update ^^ ♥

genre: smut, genre: fluff, fandom: dbsk, rating: nc-17, genre: humor, pairing: yunho/junsu, complete: experiments and crushes, length: chaptered

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