Experiments and Crushes 8/12

Sep 08, 2011 21:19

Title: Experiments and Crushes
Author: chocolet89
Pairing: Yunho/Junsu
Rating: NC-17
Length: 8/12
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Junsu walks in on Yunho coming out of the shower one day and his feelings towards the leader are never the same again. As he slowly comes to terms with his newfound sexuality, Junsu also learns ways of pleasuring himself he never thought was possible before
A/N: This chapter starts right where the previous one left off ^^

Chapter 8 - One Step Closer

“Ughh what the heck did you do that for?” Junsu cried in frustration as he pushed the older man off his lap.

Yoochun landed with an oof before sitting up and clutching the pillow in mock hurt.

“Geez I was only trying to help you see if you were completely gay or if it was just a fluke like you said. It’s not like I kissed you on the lips or something.”

“Yea well I’m sure there were other ways to test these things than to go sucking on my neck,” Junsu grumbled.

“Yea well it worked and I can proudly confirm that you, Kim Junsu, are gay.”

Junsu groaned and took the pillow out of Yoochun’s grasp to bury his head in it. He mumbled something into the pillow that Yoochun couldn’t quite hear.

“Umm what was that?” Yoochun queried.

Junsu lifted his head up and pouted at his best friend.

“I said, that was so embarrassing and now I won’t even be able to face him. He probably thinks there’s something going on between us now.”

Yoochun pursed his lips and observed his best friend for a few quiet seconds until the latter got annoyed and flicked his forehead.

“What? Stop looking at me like that,” Junsu said feeling slightly uncomfortable under the serious gaze being directed at him.

Yoochun’s lips widened into a slow smile as he crawled forward towards the younger man. Junsu immediately shuffled back until he was stuck between Yoochun and the headboard again.

“That man that you were talking about liking …” Yoochun whispered and Junsu visibly gulped.

“Could it be … Yunh-”

Junsu gasped and quickly covered Yoochun’s mouth with a hand. The older man grinned and stuck his tongue out to lick across the younger’s palm. Junsu squealed in surprise and quickly snatched his hand back.

“Ahh so you do like him,” Yoochun continued with a knowing smirk.

Junsu’s eyes widened, panic rushing through his body.

“N-No I don’t,” he quickly denied.

“Oh really? Then why were you so flustered when Yunho-hyung walked in on us before?”

“Because … because he knows that I’m g-gay,” Junsu said stuttering out the last part.

Yoochun’s mouth fell open.

“He knows?”

Junsu nodded his head not meeting the older man’s gaze.

Yoochun continued to stare at his band mate until Junsu started feeling uncomfortable again and directed a question at him in return.

“W-What about you, are you gay too?”

Yoochun chuckled. “I’m bi and proud of it.”

“Oh … do the others … know?”

Yoochun grinned again. “Of course they know. Even Yunho-hyung was fine with it,” he said emphasizing the leader’s name.

Junsu glared at his supposedly best friend, tempted to throw the pillow into his face for the third time that day.

“We could always make him jealous you know,” Yoochun said suddenly out of the blue.

Junsu spluttered and looked everywhere but at his best friend.

“What do you mean make him jealous … jealous of what?” he mumbled fiddling with the corners of the pillow.

“Su-ah you did see the way he reacted when he saw us just then? He was clearly jealous,” Yoochun explained laying emphasis on the last word.

“N-No he wasn’t, he’s not even gay. He was just s-surprised that’s all,” Junsu replied denying Yoochun’s words.

“Fine he was surprised then. But come on Su let’s just do this for fun. It can be like a test to see if he likes you or not,” Yoochun exclaimed eagerly.

Junsu looked at his best friend closely wondering if it would be a bad decision following along with his ideas since most of the time they would end in disasters.

“How?” he asked curiously.

Yoochun grinned and shuffled closer to the younger man.

“Simple, we increase our YooSu fanservicing.”


So for the next few days whether it be in private or public, Yoochun would stick to Junsu as much as possible touching him when there really wasn’t any particular reason to. He would lean closer to Junsu when they sat together or throw an arm around his shoulder when they walked to and from places.

Their fingers brushed on more than one occasion and Junsu found himself blushing at the new affections even though he knew they weren’t really on purpose. No one really complained about the extra fan service as it definitely made their fans happy.

Occasionally Jaejoong would give Yoochun questioning looks while Changmin would just scoff at them saying that they were desperate for attention again. Yoochun had decided that Changmin was just jealous and ended up pulling him along with them one day and showering him with hugs and kisses.

Junsu kept his eyes alert and caught Yunho looking in their direction more than once. At the beginning Junsu would sometimes fidget and try to distance himself away from Yoochun, but then his curiosity would get the better of him and he would play along with Yoochun, curious as to what the reason was behind Yunho’s discreet stares.

Was it because he liked Junsu in return? Or was he just doing what he normally did which was observing his band member’s activities because he was the leader and it was his job to know what they were doing each and every second?

They kept this up for awhile and it wasn’t until Yoochun was spooning Junsu from behind on the couch watching TV one day that Yunho finally couldn’t hold it in anymore.

Looking down at the pair he coughed lightly to get their attention.

“Umm Junsu can I have a word with you please?”

Yoochun poked Junsu and the latter quickly replied.


Yunho cleared his throat again. “In private please?”

Junsu bit his lip and untangled himself from the other man before standing up.

As Yunho lead him away, Yoochun tugged on the hem of Junsu’s top to get his attention. Junsu turned around and Yoochun winked at him to say his plan was working. Junsu smiled back at him and saw Yunho turning around from the corner of his eyes.

Yoochun noticed and grinned before saying, “Come back soon baby!”

Junsu grinned at the cheesiness and leant down to press a kiss to the older man’s cheek.

Yoochun giggled at the affection while Junsu just smiled stupidly in return.

As he followed along behind Yunho, Junsu realized that although he and Yoochun had gotten a lot closer the past few days, his feelings towards his best friend were still different to what he felt towards their leader.


Yunho closed the door quietly behind them and gestured for Junsu to take a seat on the bed. Junsu guessed they were in his own room because Changmin was probably in his and Yunho’s studying for exams.

As usual Junsu sat with his back to the headboard while Yunho took a seat in front of him.

Yunho sighed running a hand through his hair.

“Hyung?” Junsu ventured quietly.

Yunho sighed as he tried to think of something simple to say to start off the conversation. In the end he gave up and went straight to the point as usual.

“Is there … is there something going on between you and Yoochun?” he asked in a tired voice.

Junsu’s stomach flipped at the thought of Yunho actually noticing. Well of course Yunho would have noticed since they weren’t exactly being secretive about their touches (and he did catch Yunho looking in their direction countless times). But to actually hear these words coming from Yunho himself made Junsu feel a bit giddy.

He was tempted to say that he was in a relationship with Yoochun just to see Yunho’s reaction but then quickly decided against it. He didn’t want to create more misunderstandings between the leader and himself.

“Umm … if you’re asking if we’re in a relationship then no we’re not,” he answered, finally deciding on a simple reply.

Yunho frowned but looked slightly relieved at the same time. Junsu thought he could feel butterflies forming in his stomach.

“You’re not? But then why are you two always … you know … together?” Yunho asked making weird gestures with his hand as if to emphasize his point.

Junsu bit his lip wondering what he should say. Yunho took that as a gesture to continue talking.

“And that other day … he and you were …” he trailed off but Junsu knew exactly what he was referring to.

“Oh umm … well the thing is … Y-Yoochunnie … he’s … he’s helping me come to terms with my sexuality,” Junsu said nervously hoping Yunho wouldn’t see through his lie.

“So he’s … helping you experiment?” Yunho asked.

Junsu’s lips parted as he was about to question what the leader meant when he remembered their ‘talk’ about Junsu’s sexuality earlier last week and Junsu had said that he was currently ‘experimenting’. He found it cute that the leader would use the same word he’d said and giggled mentally at the thought.

“Hmm … maybe?” he replied in a thoughtful voice deciding to play around with the leader’s thoughts for a bit.

This time Yunho did frown.

“You don’t like it?” Junsu asked innocently.

“N-No … I mean well … … I -I just don’t think you should ask Yoochun to help you.”

Junsu looked at the leader curiously. “Why?”

“Be-because … umm …” Yunho frowned trying to find the right words to voice out his reason.

“Because he has a partner already?” Junsu questioned even though he already knew the answer was no.

“No, at least not that I know of,” Yunho replied.

“Then it should be fine since he won’t be cheating on anyone right?” Junsu asked watching as Yunho’s brows furrowed at his question.

“Yea that’s true but …” Yunho again trailed off as he couldn’t find the right words to convey his thoughts.

Junsu stayed silent and continued to stare at the leader giving him time wondering what he would say next. Yunho cleared his throat and took a deep breath before letting it out with a sigh.

“Y-You know when you told me the other day of your … sexuality?”

Junsu nodded his head.

“And I said you could come to me for help?”

Again another nod of his head.

“Well I really do mean it. C-Come to me for help instead.”

Junsu’s eyes widened as his mind slowly digested the leader’s words. Was Yunho proposing to take Yoochun’s place? But was he doing this because he liked Junsu or because …

“Are you saying this because you think it’s your responsibility as the leader to do so?” Junsu asked with a frown. If Yunho was only saying this because he felt it was his duty as the leader then he could forget about the whole thing.

Yunho quickly shook his head in response.

“No, i-it’s not because I feel like it’s my responsibility … it’s because I want to …”

Junsu raised an eyebrow at him but decided to test him. Yunho was looking down at the bedspread like it was the most fascinating thing in the world and didn’t notice as Junsu started shuffling closer to him.

When he was kneeling just a few inches away from the leader Junsu reached out and put his hands on Yunho’s knees as he slowly leant in closing the distance between them.

“But I do all sorts of things with Yoochunnie,” he breathed out against the leader’s ear.

Yunho’s breath hitched as his body froze in surprise.

“W-What sort of t-things?” he asked, curiosity lacing through his voice.

“You should know … you saw what we were doing last week remember?” Junsu whispered as he tried not to show how nervous he was on the outside.

Yunho only nodded his head in response as he remembered all too well what he’d interrupted on that day.

“Will you be able to help me with things like that too?” Junsu continued, grinning when he felt Yunho shiver.

“Umm …” Yunho replied nervously.

Junsu pulled back enough to look into the leader’s eyes, lips parting in a silent gasp as his heart started beating a million miles per second. Slowly Junsu closed the distance between them watching as Yunho’s eyes slowly fluttered shut. He paused when their lips were almost touching and then let out a giggle before quickly pulling away.

Yunho’s eyes flew open and Junsu put a hand up to his mouth to hide the grin that he knew was on his face right now.

“You’re really cute hyung,” Junsu uttered in between fits of giggles.

Yunho’s ears were pink and Junsu could see a small blush forming on his cheeks.

“I was only kidding hyung, you’re not gay so you can’t really help me in that department,” Junsu said with a smile.

Yunho opened his mouth to protest but he was cut off when Junsu decided to lay his head in Yunho’s lap.

“But you can be my human pillow to sleep on whenever I’m tired. It’s part of Yoochun’s job too,” he added as an afterthought.

“O-Oh … okay,” Yunho replied and Junsu thought he heard some disappointment in the tone.

He looked up and saw Yunho staring straight ahead mind focused elsewhere. Deciding he wanted Yunho’s attention on him, Junsu slipped a hand under Yunho’s shirt and lightly traced his abs with a fingertip. Yunho’s breath hitched as he looked down into Junsu’s almond orbs. Junsu grinned in satisfaction knowing he now had the leader’s attention.

“W-What are you doing?” Yunho asked.

Junsu didn’t reply but lifted the hem of the shirt with his hand. Leaning forward Junsu nuzzled his nose against the leader’s taut abs a small moan leaving his lips as he breathed in the musky scent of the older man. He felt Yunho’s muscles tense under his touches and he pressed a light kiss on them before pulling away and sitting back up.

Silence hung between them and Junsu felt his own cheeks heating up at what he’d just done and lifted his head up shyly to meet Yunho’s gaze.

“Umm sorry if that was too much,” Junsu whispered quietly wondering if maybe he’d gone too far.

Yunho snapped out of his daze at the apology and quickly shook his head.

“Oh no it’s fine, you don’t have to apologize,” he said reassuring the younger man.

Junsu smiled then and it was half innocent half playful.

“Really? So if I continue to do things like that, you’re not going to complain?”

Yunho’s mouth fell open but he wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to that.

“Umm … no?”

Junsu grinned and before his mind could back out on it, leant over pressed a quick kiss to the leader’s cheek.

“Come on, let’s go back outside. I’ve probably missed out on half the show already,” Junsu said as he tugged the surprised leader to his feet.

Yunho followed along obediently staying silent until they were back in the living room again.

Junsu made shooing motions with his free hand at Yoochun and the latter frowned in confusion.

“Shoo~ I’m going to watch TV with Yunho-hyung,” Junsu explained with a goofy grin. It was a good thing Yunho couldn’t see it since he was standing behind him.

“But what about me?” Yoochun asked with a fake pout as he sat up on the couch.

“I don’t need you anymore. Go annoy Changmin or Jaejoong-hyung, I’m sure they’ll welcome your company,” Junsu said giggling at the last part.

Yoochun’s mouth parted in mock surprise.

“Hmfph fine be that way meanie, after everything we’ve been through and done,” he exclaimed getting up on his feet.

Yunho frowned at his band members’ interaction but Junsu only slapped his best friend lightly on the shoulder as he walked past.

“Oh you know I love you,” Junsu said with a smile.

Yoochun grinned and pressed a quick kiss to Junsu’s cheek.

“I know and I love you too. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a maknae to check on,” he said before yelling out Changmin’s name and skipping off in the direction of said maknae’s bedroom.

Junsu waited until Yoochun had disappeared down the hallway before dragging Yunho down onto the couch with him. After a bit of shuffling around, Yunho found himself lying on his side facing the TV spooning Junsu from behind.

“Mmm you’re much more comfortable than Yoochun, his hipbones kept poking me,” Junsu said as relished in the warmth of the leader’s body behind him.

“Oh … umm thanks … I think?” Yunho trailed off not really knowing what to say to that.

They lay there in silence as Yunho tried to find something to talk about to distract himself from what had happened in Junsu’s bedroom.

“Umm … will Yoochun be okay?” Yunho asked as he thought back to the conversation he’d witnessed before.

“Of course he will be. It’s not like we’re in a relationship remember; he’ll be fine,” Junsu reassured.

“Oh okay.”

Junsu shuffled around and then huffed.

“Hyung why are you so tense? Relax your body,” he admonished.

Yunho frowned and did as told not having realized that he indeed was a bit tense. Junsu sighed in contentment and he snuggled back into the leader’s body.

“There much better.”

Yunho smiled and carefully draped an arm over Junsu’s waist, smiling when he didn’t receive any rejection.

Junsu grinned at the action and he could only hope that Yunho couldn’t hear how fast his heart was beating since they were this close together. Slowly he dropped his arm lower and linked their fingers together smiling when Yunho didn’t protest.

If Yunho questioned him, Junsu could just use the excuse that he always did this with Yoochun and that it was all part of his ‘experimenting’.

They spent the next half hour watching TV in silence, or in Junsu’s case, pretending he was watching the show while inside he was trying hard to contain his happiness at being this close to the leader.

When the ending credits started rolling on the screen, Junsu pouted not wanting to move. He felt Yunho shuffle behind him and quickly shut his eyes feigning sleep.

“Su?” Yunho mumbled into his hair.

Junsu stayed still hoping Yunho would fall for it.

“Su-ah?” Yunho repeated leaning up on an elbow to peer down at his band member.

He removed his hand from Junsu’s waist and then shook the latter lightly on the shoulder. Junsu made a small noise of protest and tried to shuffle back further into the leader’s warmth.

“Su wake up,” Yunho whispered trying again.

Junsu groaned and shrugged his shoulder to try and dislodge Yunho’s hand.

Yunho contemplated what to do and was about to shake the younger man again when he noticed a small smile flitting across the latter’s lips. It was gone in a second but Yunho saw it and he smiled as an idea formed in his mind.

Leaning down, he paused when his lips were just inches away from Junsu’s ear.

“Su-ah,” he whispered voice lowering an octave. He trailed his fingertips along the exposed skin between the hem of Junsu’s tank top and sweats smirking when he felt the other’s body shiver.

“Wake up Su,” he continued fingers sliding from Junsu’s hipbone to his navel.

Junsu bit his lip as he tried to not to moan out loud at the touch.

When a finger dipped into the waistband of his sweats however, Junsu’s eyes flew open in shock and he sat up with a squeal.

Yunho grinned and let out a chuckle while Junsu blushed in embarrassment at having been caught. The leader sat up and embraced the younger man from behind.

“Hyunngg~” Junsu whined even though at the same time he leant back unconsciously into the leader’s embrace.


“You’re so mean,” Junsu said with a pout.

“Mean? You’re the one who pretended to be asleep,” Yunho admonished.

“It was comfortable and I didn’t want to move,” Junsu replied childishly.

“I see … but what are you acting all embarrassed about; you do these kinds of things all the time with Yoochun anyway right? If anything, I should be the one feeling embarrassed.”

Junsu blushed even harder because that was the truth. But it was different when your crush did these kinds of things with you compared to your greasy best friend.

“W-Why would you be feeling embarrassed?” Junsu asked back trying to change the focus of their conversation to the leader.

“Hmm … maybe because this is the first time I’ve touched another man like this?” Yunho answered as he trailed his fingertips across Junsu’s exposed skin again.

Junsu’s breath hitched as he tried to form a reply.

“You’re not giving the impression that you’re embarrassed,” he whispered.

“Really?” Yunho said as he rested his chin on Junsu’s shoulder.

“Yes and now you’re lying too. I know you’ve touched Jaejoong-hyung plenty of times before like this,” Junsu said with a half pout. The amount of fan service Yunho and Jaejoong did for the fans were just incredible. Although it was all fake Junsu couldn’t help but feel slightly upset when he’d spot the two oldest members together whenever they went out.

“Fine let me reword things then. This is the first time I’ve touched you like this. Does that sound better?”

Junsu giggled and slapped at the leader’s hand when he started tickling his sides.

“Stop it hyung that tickles. What happened to the person who was embarrassed just half an hour ago when I’d kissed him on the stomach?” Junsu joked.

“Who said he was embarrassed? Maybe he was just shocked because that was the first time his dongsaeng had done something like that to him?” Yunho replied.

There’s a lot of things I’ve done that you don’t know about Junsu thought to himself with a grin.

Eventually they settled into a comfortable silence with the commercials on TV playing in the background.

“So …” Yunho said after awhile.


“You won’t go to Yoochun anymore for help right?” Yunho whispered quietly.

Junsu wondered why Yunho was so adamant that he stay away from Yoochun and shifted a bit so that he could turn his head slightly to look back at the leader.

“Is there something you know about Yoochun that you’re hiding from me?” he asked curiously.

Yunho quickly shook his head, breaking their gaze as he lowered his eyes down to focus on Junsu’s shoulder blade.

“Then why don’t you want me going to him?” Junsu questioned.

“Because …” as he struggled to form an answer a loud cough sounded a few meters in front of them.

Both members looked up in shock to see Jaejoong standing there spatula in hand with a curious look in his eyes.

“What are you two doing?” he asked directing the question at both members.

Junsu gulped visibly while Yunho just grinned goofily like he did every time Jaejoong would catch him doing something out of the ordinary (like cuddling up with the dolphin).

“Nothing?” they replied at the same time.

“Wasn’t Yoochun watching TV with you Junsu? Where is he now?” Jaejoong asked the younger member.

As if on cue, there was a loud thud sounding from Changmin’s bedroom followed by a cry. Seconds later Yoochun was running out of the maknae’s bedroom flailing his arms. He spotted his soulmate in an instant and quickly hid behind him.

“Help me,” he squeaked as an angry maknae made his appearance in the hallway.

“What did you do now?” Jaejoong questioned as he watched Changmin’s glare on Yoochun border on dangerous.

“I didn’t do anything,” Yoochun whispered and Jaejoong rolled his eyes.

“He was annoying me,” Changmin said calmly as he came to stand in front of the group's oldest member.

“Was not, I was simply lying next to you watching you study,” Yoochun replied from behind Jaejoong.

“Lying next to me? Pfft for the first twenty minutes yes maybe you were. After that you started crawling on top of me whining about how Junsu dumped you and now you’ll never get a piece of his ass anymore,” Changmin muttered in irritation.

Jaejoong quirked an eyebrow at his soulfighter before directing the look to his soulmate. Junsu tried to stifle his giggles while Yunho’s eyes widened in shock and he tightened his hold around Junsu’s waist.

“Yoochun, is what Changmin said true?” Jaejoong asked with a sigh.

“Maybe … but not all of it!”

Yoochun then went into a long explanation of what he’d really said; something along the lines of ‘now that Junsu doesn’t want me anymore, you’ll have to take his place and let me grope you whenever I want to’ and how Changmin had gotten angry and threw his textbook at him in irritation. In order to save his life Yoochun had launched clumsily off the bed pulling Changmin down with him which had resulted in the thud and cry they’d heard earlier.

While Jaejoong’s focus was distracted by Yoochun and Changmin’s bickering, Yunho poked Junsu in the waist to get his attention. Junsu turned his head slightly to indicate he was listening.

“I thought … there wasn’t anything going on between you two,” Yunho whispered quietly into Junsu’s ear.

“There isn’t,” Junsu assured the older man.

“Then why was he talking about you dumping him?” Yunho questioned.

Junsu chuckled lightly.

“It was obviously a joke hyung,” he whispered back.

“Oh,” was the only thing Yunho said in return before they turned their attention back to the other three members. Jaejoong had that look on his face that said I-don’t-really-care-what-happened-anymore while Yoochun had decided it was safe enough to latch onto the maknae to apologize and grovel for giving him a bruise on his forehead.

Yunho grinned when he realized there wasn’t going to be any bloodshed after all.


Later that night Junsu’s dreams were filled of blurry images of what would have happened if he hadn’t pulled away from Yunho at the last minute and actually gave in to kissing him. His breath came in short pants and he could almost feel the leader’s lips against his own as he was pushed back onto the bed.

He whimpered at the first press of lips and then moaned when the small kiss ignited into something more intense. Clothes were ripped off bodies and thrown carelessly aside and it wasn’t long before Yunho’s hands were roaming up and down Junsu’s body.

Fingers slid teasingly along his cleft and Junsu gasped arching up into the touch. Seconds later, something thicker and harder pressed against his entrance and Junsu spread his legs wider as his hands clenched into fists. The leader’s face appeared above him and Junsu smiled eyes shutting as the distance between them gradually disappeared and he could feel the older man’s breath against his lips.

But all dreams eventually come to an end and unfortunately for Junsu, his ended before they got to the fucking stage.

Just as the leader was about to enter him, Junsu’s mind decided to return back to reality and he awoke to darkness, body covered in sweat and legs tangled in his bed sheets. Junsu groaned in frustration and rolled over to lie on his side, a small moan leaving his lips as his erection rubbed against the fabric of his shorts. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep until he dealt with it, Junsu shrugged out of his shorts and tugged his tank top over his head before lying back down again.

Wrapping a hand around his cock Junsu started stroking it in slow movements as he lifted his other hand up and slipped two fingers into his mouth to coat in saliva. His mind went back to the teasing images of the leader above him and he moaned when he remembered the feeling of deft fingers trailing along the curves of his ass.

When his fingers were pretty much dripping with saliva, Junsu pulled them out with an obscene slurp before reaching down and slipping one of the slick digits inside his body. As soon as he got used to the intrusion he slid the second finger in and started pumping them in and out at a fast pace.

His body arched up in pleasure and Junsu imagined Yunho’s firm abs against his own as their bodies pressed together. He could almost feel the older man’s breath on his neck and whimpered quickening the strokes on his cock.

Bending his knees Junsu bucked his hips moaning as his fingers slid further up his ass. He groaned wanting to feel something thicker inside him but there was no way he was going to stop now and grab the dildo from his closet.

Instead, he bit his lip as he slowly slid a third finger in; it was a bit uncomfortable since he didn’t coat it with spit but the feeling of getting stretched soon overpowered the pain and it wasn’t long before he was moaning and pumping all the three fingers steadily in and out of his body.

As Junsu felt himself getting closer to his climax his mind went back to his dreams where Yunho was above him pressing their lips together. He whined wanting to feel the older man’s body heat against his own and bucked his hips up harder and faster to meet the thrusts of his fingers.

He replayed all the images in his mind, each one making him yearn for the leader’s touch more and more. His last straw was when he remembered the feeling of Yunho’s cock pressing against his ass and with that thought in mind Junsu came hard, pumping his release onto his stomach and chest.

Chapter 12: Naked, Wet and No Longer in Denial
Chapter 11: Realizations and Discoveries
Chapter 10: Handjobs and More Kisses
Chapter 9: Reassuring Kisses
Chapter 8: One Step Closer
Chapter 7: Confessions and Misunderstandings
Chapter 6: Curiosity
Chapter 5: Awkward Moments
Chapter 4: More Toys
Chapter 3: More Experiments
Chapter 2: Research and Experiments
Chapter 1: Naked, Wet and in Denial

A/N: Yaayyyy I’m back :DDD I’m not as late as I was last time so that’s an improvement I think ^^ Hope everyone liked this chapter XD
HoSu are finally closer now \O/ hopefully it didn't seem too rushed though OTL I sort of feel like I could've done better with this chapter because when I reread it, it looked messy and the events seemed kind of random?
Ugghhh well it's here now so if anyone has any complaints or anything, feel free to mention them to me hahahahaa ^^ thanks for reading ♥

genre: smut, genre: fluff, fandom: dbsk, rating: nc-17, genre: humor, pairing: yunho/junsu, complete: experiments and crushes, length: chaptered

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