Experiments and Crushes 9/12

Sep 23, 2011 12:04

Title: Experiments and Crushes
Author: chocolet89
Pairing: Yunho/Junsu
Rating: NC-17
Length: 9/12
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Junsu walks in on Yunho coming out of the shower one day and his feelings towards the leader are never the same again. As he slowly comes to terms with his newfound sexuality, Junsu also learns ways of pleasuring himself he never thought was possible before

Chapter 9 - Reassuring Kisses

“So … I think my plan worked,” Yoochun said casually one week later as he took a seat next to Junsu on the studio floor.

“Your what?” Junsu asked, eyes never leaving the leader as he walked over to their manager to discuss something about their upcoming schedules.

Yoochun smirked and leant closer to the younger man.

“I said I think I heard Yunho-hyung moaning your name last night,” Yoochun whispered into Junsu’s ear.

“WHAT?” Junsu cried out causing everyone to stop what they were doing and turn around to look at the duo.

Junsu winced at the attention and muttered an apology while wondering at the same time how he always managed to get himself into these kinds of situations whenever Yoochun was close by.

“Geez so you only pay attention when his name is mentioned,” Yoochun said in mock hurt.

Junsu glared at his best friend.

“So what were you saying?”

Yoochun huffed crossing his arms.

“I said, I think my plan worked.”

“What plan?” Junsu asked as his attention slowly turned back to the leader who was still talking to the manager.

“The plan! About making your crush jealous,” Yoochun whispered in exasperation.

Junsu’s mouth opened and closed again before the meaning of Yoochun’s words finally registered in his mind.

“Oh … ohhhhhh the plan … right, umm yea I guess?”

“You guess? Junsu, you guys have been cuddling up on the couch almost every night and I swear the portal sites are overfilling with the amount of HoSu fan service these days,” Yoochun pointed out quietly.

“Oh really?” Junsu exclaimed as he tried to contain his happiness at his best friend’s words.

“Yes so my point is … I think you owe someone a very big thank you,” Yoochun replied bluntly.

“Oh umm yeaa thanks Chunnie,” Junsu replied sheepishly.

To be honest, he’d been so distracted by all the attention Yunho had been showering on him lately that he’d pretty much just been neglecting everyone else. Heck Yunho had even started playing video games with him.

“That’s it? Just a thank you? No ‘Chunnie you’re the bestest friend in the world and I love you so much I’ll even give you my virgin ass as a gift’?” Yoochun asked with a mock pout.

“Well technically it’s not really a virgin ass anymore,” Junsu said offhandedly and it wasn’t until the latter didn’t say anything in response that Junsu realized just what he’d said out loud.

Slowly Junsu turned around to meet the greasy leer of his best friend.

“Did I just say what I think I just said?” he squeaked out.

“Not a virgin ass huh? Who’d you sleep with? Did Yunho-hyung cave into you already? Or is it someone I don’t know? Details Susu I want details!!” Yoochun exclaimed gripping and shaking the younger man’s shoulders excitedly.

“W-Well … technically no one else was involved,” Junsu admitted quietly refusing to meet the other’s gaze.

“No one? What? Wait … oh my god, toys! You used toys didn’t you? Oh my god where and when did you get them?”

Junsu bit his lip not really wanting to talk about this topic while they were in the studio where if they weren’t careful someone would overhear what they were saying. But he knew Yoochun wouldn’t let him out of the room for even one second until he’d gotten all the details he wanted.

So with a sigh, Junsu decided he may as well just tell his best friend the truth.

“Well actually awhile ago I confided to Junho about my sexuality and he … bought some … toys for me not long after …”

Yoochun was silent for a few seconds before he clamped a hand over his mouth to stop the giggles that were threatening to spill out. Junsu wondered if it really was that amusing but then he supposed he would be giggling too if Yoochun had told him he’d confided to Yoohwan he was bi and the younger boy had sent him some toys a few days later.

“Oh my god … I can’t believe … I can’t believe he actually … bought … them for you,” Yoochun exclaimed in between fits of giggles.

“Yea me neither …” Junsu agreed before snapping his head up in question.

“Wait what?! What do you mean you can’t believe he actually bought them for me? Are you saying you already knew he was going to do something like that?” Junsu’s tone turned to one of curiosity and accusation and Yoochun quickly realized his mistake.

“Well umm … you see Su-ah … I might have been the one to suggest that idea to him …” Yoochun mumbled under his breath but Junsu was paying close attention and could hear every single word he said.

“And just how did you become involved in this?” the younger man asked in a dangerously calm voice.

Yoochun smiled innocently batting his eyelashes at his best friend before replying with, “Junho may or may not have come to me for help. He thought I already knew since I was your close friend and was surprised when I didn’t.”

Junsu’s mouth fell open in shock for a few seconds before he slapped Yoochun hard on the shoulder.

“It was you all along! I knew Junho wasn’t normally so perverted. You’ve rubbed all your grease and perverted-ness onto him!”

“Yahh what ‘perverted-ness’? I’m completely innocent,” Yoochun replied rubbing at his shoulder where Junsu had hit.

“Pfft like I’d believe you have a virgin ass.”

Yoochun actually had the decency to blush at that but then quickly decided to turn Junsu’s focus back to other things.

“Whatever, so anyway back to you … how long have you been using toys huh? Does he know?” Yoochun asked.

“Umm I don’t know, probably a few weeks now … and no he doesn’t know. But he thinks that you and I have been doing things together.”

Yoochun laughed out loud at that and Junsu suddenly noticed Yunho frowning in their direction.

“Well it looks like your man’s coming back now so I better run,” Yoochun said and he turned to give Junsu a quick peck on the cheek before standing up. Junsu looked up and saw Yunho’s frown deepen and cast a glare at the retreating form of his best friend.

Yunho took a seat next to him and Junsu waited for him to say something. But Yunho stayed silent and Junsu glanced up to see the leader boring a hole into the studio floor.



“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

Junsu bit his lip in frustration and was about to say that something was obviously wrong but then decided against it. He would ask Yunho about it later as he wasn’t too keen on attracting everyone’s attention again by causing a scene.


So later that night Junsu dragged Yunho into his room and pushed him to take a seat on the bed. Yunho followed his lead and moved until he was sitting against the headboard. Junsu made sure to lock the door behind him just in case someone decided to interrupt them but he was sure no one would be since Yoochun was taking a nap on the couch in the living room while Changmin was sulking around in the kitchen watching Jaejoong cook dinner.

“So now that we’re alone will you tell me what’s wrong?” Junsu asked as he took a seat in front of the leader.

“What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong.”

“Hyung don’t lie. You were clearly unhappy back at the studio after you finished talking to manager-hyung.”

“It’s nothing don’t worry,” Yunho said adamantly.

Junsu sighed in frustration. He would really prefer it if Yunho would stop lying.

“Hyung, there’s nothing going on between Yoochun and I okay?” Junsu said deciding he would just get to the point himself since Yunho was being so stubborn.

“I never said there was anything going on between you two,” Yunho mumbled.

“You didn’t say it, but you’re thinking it,” Junsu corrected him.

“Am not.”

“Hyung just admit it okay, you got angry when you saw Yoochun kiss me right?”

Yunho twisted the bedspread under his hands but remained silent.

Junsu frowned and scooted forward until they were only sitting inches apart from each other. Slowly he reached out and saved his bedspread any further torture by taking a hold of Yunho’s hands in a light grip.

“Why are you so against Yoochun?” Junsu whispered.

Yunho looked at their entwined fingers before sighing.

“I’m just worried Su. You said to me yourself that you’re not sure whether you’re really gay or not and it’s possible that you’re just going through a stage. Yoochun knows that too right? What if he ends up hurting you in the process?”

“Yoochun would never hurt me,” Junsu replied back firmly.

“I … I don’t mean on purpose, but like … I just don’t want you to do things that you’ll end up regretting later on in your life.”

Junsu couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at that. Yunho looked at him questioningly and Junsu quickly explained.

“Hyung you sound like you’re talking about me having a drunken one night stand with a stranger and regretting it the next morning.”

Yunho’s eyes widened and he quickly shook his head.

“I-I don’t mean it like that,” he said instantly worried that Junsu would think Yunho thought of him as a slut who would spread his legs for anyone.

“I’m just worried … and I … I don’t how to explain it Su,” Yunho said turning his head to the side and releasing one of Junsu’s hands to rub the back of his neck in frustration.

Junsu noticed the concern in the leader’s voice and felt bad for pressing questions on him. He didn’t really know what to say to make Yunho feel better and decided that maybe actions would be better than words.

Before his mind could back out on it Junsu leant forward intending to press a quick kiss to the leader’s cheek in reassurance. Unfortunately, (or fortunately maybe) Yunho chose that moment to turn his head causing Junsu to end up kissing Yunho on the lips.

Both members’ eyes widened in surprise as their bodies froze in shock. Junsu was the first to pull back but he kept his grip on the leader’s hand.

Silence hung between them for a few seconds as they both struggled to find something to say.

“Umm … y-you don’t need to worry hyung. Nothing is going to happen between me and Yoochun,” he mumbled deciding to settle on the original topic.

“Oh … okay,” were the only words Yunho could form as he could still feel his lips tingling from the press of Junsu’s soft lips against his own.

Junsu bit his lip and struggled to hold himself back from closing the distance between them again and pressing their lips together a second time.

As he was contemplating what to do next Jaejoong decided right then that dinner would be ready his voice ringing through the apartment with the announcement of ‘dinners ready!’ causing Yunho to jump in surprise and snatch his hand back.

Junsu frowned at the loss of warmth in his palm and watched as Yunho scrambled off the bed. He was about to reach for the doorknob when Junsu leapt off the bed and put his hand over Yunho’s preventing him from doing so.

He stood close to the leader their chests almost touching and looked up into the latter’s honey orbs.

“Hyung,” he whispered quietly.

“N-Neh Su,” Yunho replied nervously.

“You’re not going to start avoiding me now are you?” Junsu asked in what he hoped was a nonchalant voice but even he could hear the insecurity lacing his words. If anything, he didn’t want to have ruined whatever it was he had managed to create with the leader over the past week.

“Of course not! W-Why would you think that?”

Junsu continued staring into the leader’s eyes as he asked, “So you really wouldn’t mind if I did that again?”

“Well … you used to do that with Yoochun too right? I-I said I’d help you with this didn’t I?”

Junsu huffed wondering why Yunho always had to bring Yoochun into everything.

Just as he was about to yell that there was nothing going on and never had been between Yoochun and himself, Jaejoong’s voice rang through the apartment for the second time that night and Junsu decided he’d leave that confession for another day.

But he still needed confirmation that Yunho wasn’t going to run away from him. He felt Yunho tightening his grip on the doorknob under his hand but before he could pull the door open, Junsu leant up and pressed a kiss (this time deliberately) on Yunho’s lips.

He could feel his body heating up and was so close to just deepening the kiss and ravishing the leader’s mouth but he knew if he did that he wouldn’t be able to hold back from doing other things too. So he settled with caressing Yunho’s lower lip with the tip of his tongue before pulling back.

Before he could get far however Yunho was pressing forward and returning the kiss. Junsu was shocked to say the least and it wasn’t until he could feel his back being pressed against the door did his mind wake up enough to respond. He kept his right hand atop Yunho’s on the doorknob but used his left to wrap around Yunho’s neck and pull him closer.

A small moan escaped past his lips as Yunho pulled back only to tilt his head for a better angle before pressing forward again. Automatically Junsu let Yunho take control of the kiss parting his lips when he felt the leader’s tongue probing around for entrance.

When their tongues touched Junsu couldn’t help but let out a small whimper. Just when he was about ready to throw the leader onto the bed and ravish him on the spot the oldest member’s voice sounded from the kitchen for the third time.

“I swear to god if the two of you aren’t out here in the next TEN seconds you can just skip dinner for the night!”

Both members gasped immediately pulling away from each other.

“D-Dinner,” Junsu mumbled as his mind tried to recover from the best kiss of his life.

Yunho cleared his throat and then once again turned the door knob; this time Junsu let him open it. They could hear Jaejoong begin the countdown and quickly made their way out into the dining room area where Jaejoong was standing impatiently with a frown on his face. Changmin was drooling at the food while Yoochun was just giving them both the look.

They both sat down in their seats mumbling apologies. Dinner went by smoothly but Junsu’s mind was in turmoil filled with questions and negative thoughts. Why did Yunho return the kiss? Did that mean he liked it? Did he like Junsu? Or was it all just a mistake? Would everything between them be awkward now?

Slowly he lifted his head up to chance a glance at the leader only to gasp when he saw Yunho looking right back at him. Quickly he ducked his head down again while he heard Yoochun snicker from beside him. Junsu frowned and stepped on Yoochun’s foot causing him to choke on his food.

After dinner Yunho quickly excused himself from the table and Junsu was about to follow when Jaejoong stopped him, reminding him it was his turn to wash the dishes tonight. Junsu grumbled in frustration but knew there was no way out of it.


Thirty minutes later when he was finally finished with the dishes and wiping down the table and kitchen counter Junsu headed out into the living room frowning when he noticed the leader wasn’t there. Jaejoong and Changmin were sitting on the couch while Yoochun sat on the floor leaning his head on Changmin’s legs. Junsu sighed but made his way over and sat in the single sofa.

They watched whatever was on TV at the moment in silence for awhile before Junsu felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. Opening up the phone Junsu saw it was a message from Yoochun. He looked at the latter who only pointed to his phone urging him to reply. Junsu sighed but ended up spending the next half hour exchanging text messages with the older man.

Chunnie - So what happened before?

SuSu - Nothing.

Chunnie - Don’t lie. I know something happened. Now spill before I ask the question out aloud.

SuSu - I hate you, you know that right?

Chunnie - Yes and I love you too. Now seriously tell me …

SuSu - We kissed.

Junsu heard a loud gasp from the older man and rolled his eyes.

“What did someone send you a love confession?” Changmin asked in irritation at the interruption.

Yoochun giggled before tilting his head up to look at the maknae.

“Of course not, that’s a lame way to confess to someone. A confession should be done face to face with flowers and chocolates an-”

“Okay I get the point. Now be quiet so I can continue watching the drama in silence,” Changmin muttered flicking a finger at Yoochun’s forehead.

“Yaahh why are you always so mean to me?” Yoochun whined.

“Because you’re annoying,” Changmin replied bluntly.

Yoochun pouted and turned around to sink his teeth into the maknae’s calf. Changmin yelped in surprise glaring at the older man who just leered at him in return. They held a mini staring competition that lasted for probably less than ten seconds, ending when Yoochun blew a kiss at the younger man before returning his attention back to Junsu’s text message.

Chunnie - Ahh Minnie is such a cutie ~~ but anyway back to you … oh my god are you serious? You guys kissed? How was it? Did you use tongue? Is he a good kisser? Details baby I need details!!!

SuSu - Yes I am serious and no you’re not getting any details. Why would you want to know anyway?

Chunnie - Because we’re best friends and best friends tell each other everything - you’re no fun you know that right … so does this mean you confessed to him?

SuSu - I didn’t confess to him …

Chunnie - You didn’t confess to him? Wait … oh … is this why he’s hiding in his room? Baby, don’t tell me you forced that kiss on him? *side-eyes you*

SuSu - Well I was the one who initiated it … but he returned the kiss when I was pulling away … so it wasn’t exactly forced *shrugs* and why are you calling me baby?

Chunnie - Hmm I see … well this is definitely interesting … and I call you baby because I’ve decided that’s my new nickname for you so deal with it baby ;D

SuSu - Yea whatever I’m gonna go get some sleep now. I’ll think about it all tomorrow morning …

Chunnie - Awww don’t think too much of it, I’m sure everything’s fine :)

SuSu - Thanks I’ll try not to …

With that Junsu shut his phone and stood up with a stretch. He mumbled a good night to the band members smiling when Yoochun gave him a reassuring grin as if to say everything would be alright.

Junsu walked to his room pausing at his door and looking in the direction of Yunho’s room. He could see light seeping through the slit under the door and wondered what the leader was doing or thinking of now. Shaking his head Junsu went into his room and shut the door behind him.

He wasn’t exactly tired yet but he just wanted to be alone. Lying down on his bed Junsu closed his eyes with a sigh as he repeated the kiss in his head. Everything was so much better than his dreams. Yunho’s lips were slightly chapped but soft at the same time and Junsu moaned wanting to feel them on his own again.

This wasn’t his first kiss but it was definitely the best. He supposed it was because with the girls he’d kissed before he’d always been the one to take the lead whereas with Yunho he didn’t have to be the one in control.

Maybe it was the feeling of getting dominated that made it all the better? Junsu giggled at the thought.

But did Yunho regret kissing him? Surely not? Yunho did say he wouldn’t avoid Junsu after the first kiss on the bed; although technically that first kiss had been an accident which could have been passed as nothing. But the second kiss definitely wasn’t an accident and Yunho had even returned it when Junsu was about to pull away.

With all these questions in mind, Junsu was still awake another two hours down the track. But just when sleep was about to overtake his body he heard the door to his room slowly creak open.

Wondering who it was, Junsu decided to just feign sleep rolling over onto his side.

He was expecting the intruder to call out his name but was surprised when the person lifted the covers and slid into bed behind him. Body tensing in surprise Junsu couldn’t help but let out a gasp as an arm wrapped around his waist.

“Sorry did I wake you up?”

“Hyung?” Junsu whispered in surprise. He was expecting the intruder to be Yoochun come to pester him about what’d happened before and was surprised to hear Yunho’s voice instead.

“What are you doing here?” was what followed right after when all Yunho did was nod his head in response.

“I … couldn’t sleep,” the leader replied quietly.

“Oh,” but silently Junsu wondered why Yunho decided to come into his room if he couldn’t sleep.

“I’m sorry I ignored you earlier on,” Yunho said after a few minutes of silence had passed between them.

Junsu guessed Yunho was referring to how he’d gone straight to his room after dinner.

“Oh its okay.” There really wasn’t anything else he could say.

“You’re not angry at me?”

“Of course not. I was mainly just … worried.”

“Oh sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

“So you don’t mind if I sleep here tonight?” Yunho asked after a few minutes of silence.

“If I did I would have kicked you out of my bed by now,” Junsu replied with a giggle trying to lighten the mood.

Yunho chuckled in return and tightened his hold around Junsu’s waist as they tried to settle down for the night.

Junsu tried to sleep but he was finding it hard to relax when every time he moved he could feel the leader’s body sliding against his own. Most likely the only reason he was able to sleep last time when he’d asked Yunho to sleep with him was because he’d been half asleep when Yunho had crawled in beside him.

This time however he was wide awake and could feel the body heat from behind him as well as the light puffs of Yunho’s breath on his neck. It was different to when they sat next to each other in the van or even when they cuddled on the couch; being in the same bed together just felt more … intimate.

“Am I making you uncomfortable?” Yunho asked having seemed to have noticed the younger man’s dilemma and pulling back a bit.

Junsu frowned at the loss of body heat and immediately shuffled back.

“No it’s fine,” he reassured.

Yunho didn’t seem to take his words though and removed his arm from where it’d been around Junsu’s waist.

“Sorry maybe I should just go back to my room,” he whispered as he made to get up.

Junsu gasped and quickly turned around to put a hand on Yunho’s chest preventing him from sitting up.

“No don’t leave,” he cried out and was glad the room was dark because he was pretty sure his face was heating up in embarrassment right now.

He kept his hand on Yunho’s chest not taking it off until he felt the latter’s body relax back into the bed. Slowly Junsu slid back down until he was lying on his side. Hesitantly he draped an arm across the leader’s chest before resting his head on his shoulder.

“Stay here please,” he whispered.

“Okay … I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable,” Yunho replied.

“Trust me, its fine.”

I would never feel uncomfortable around you Junsu thought as he snuggled closer to the leader.

In return he felt an arm slide around his waist and smiled at the gesture.

They lay in silence for the next few minutes and just when Junsu thought the leader had fallen asleep Yunho whispered, “Su?”


He heard Yunho take a deep breath and let it out with a sigh.

“Ahh actually it’s nothing.”

Junsu pouted in the dark but didn’t push the topic since he didn’t really have the energy right now to pressure the leader into talking.

Instead he just leant up and after making out the outline of the leader’s face in the dark, leant down and pressed a light kiss to his cheek.

“Good night hyung,” he whispered before lying back down again.

But before he could settle down properly Yunho turned on his side to face him and Junsu panicked for a second wondering if Yunho was going to get up and run away from him.

“Was that your good night kiss to me?” Yunho whispered in the dark.

“Umm … yea?” Junsu squeaked out suddenly feeling extremely embarrassed for his actions.

“Would you like one too?”

“Like one? Umm … huh?” Junsu mumbled in confusion as he felt a fingertip tilt his chin up.

As his mind struggled to make sense of Yunho’s question, those chapped yet soft lips that he’d been longing for just an hour ago pressed against his own and then Junsu’s mind went completely blank.

Somewhere in the midst of everything he felt his body return the kiss but his mind was all a haze and before he even had time to catch up with what was happening Yunho had pulled away and Junsu was made to wonder for a second if the kiss had just been his imagination.

“Good night Su,” Yunho whispered breaking Junsu out of his daze.

Junsu gasped and opened his mouth to try and form a reply but his mind wouldn’t cooperate focusing instead on the tingling sensation on his lips that was the only indication that the kiss had been real.

He felt Yunho’s body tense up and he realized the leader probably thought he’d done something wrong since Junsu wasn’t saying anything. After opening and closing his mouth a few times Junsu gave up and settled for tightening his arms around the leader’s body (he couldn’t remember when he’d placed them around the leader’s lower back in the first place) trying to reassure him that everything was fine.

Not long after he felt Yunho’s body slowly relax and he smiled snuggling closer to the leader.

Somehow or rather they settled into a comfortable silence where Junsu spent the next half hour trying to calm his heart down which he was sure that if there was a limit as to how fast it could beat, his would surely be over the limit right now.

Meanwhile more questions filled his mind as he wondered what that kiss meant. Why did Yunho do it? Was it because he has feelings for Junsu? Or was this just Yunho’s way of reassuring Junsu that he wasn’t going to start avoiding him just because they kissed on the lips?

Deciding it was impossible to reach a conclusion, Junsu just tried his best to clear his mind focusing instead on how nice and warm it felt to be in the leader’s embrace. Like he’d said to Yoochun earlier in the living room, he’d deal with everything tomorrow morning when he woke up.

Chapter 12: Naked, Wet and No Longer in Denial
Chapter 11: Realizations and Discoveries
Chapter 10: Handjobs and More Kisses
Chapter 9: Reassuring Kisses
Chapter 8: One Step Closer
Chapter 7: Confessions and Misunderstandings
Chapter 6: Curiosity
Chapter 5: Awkward Moments
Chapter 4: More Toys
Chapter 3: More Experiments
Chapter 2: Research and Experiments
Chapter 1: Naked, Wet and in Denial

A/N: Hope I didn't keep everyone waiting too long for this update >_< I tried to update as fast as possible ~~
Ahh anyway ... they finally kissed \O/ anndd well really idk what else to say for this chapter except to apologize for the weird cheesy crap chapter title fml OTL hopefully the events didn't seem rushed or confusing? I really want to take things slow here but if it gets annoying somehow please feel free to let me know :3 ♥
OH and I almost forgot! For those of you who are following me on twitter for updates, I've now created a separate twitter account for fic updates which is chocolet89_LJ ^^ meanwhile chocolet89 will just be used for fangirl spazzing in general so feel free to talk to me there :D

genre: smut, genre: fluff, fandom: dbsk, rating: nc-17, genre: humor, pairing: yunho/junsu, complete: experiments and crushes, length: chaptered

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