It seemed a bit cool in the house to-day. The heater was not kicking in. Marisa checked the thermostate: one degree cooler than when the system should be heating. She also said there was an error message: "Furnace Ignition FLT
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Mother Earth News says that when transplanting a Christmas tree, which describes the tree in our side yard I want to move, one should dig a hole about 1 1/2 times larger than the root mass
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There are small patches of snow on our north sideyard. All of the other snow has melted, including the birm on the park strip from shoveling snow off the sidewalk
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Our foray into the outer world went fine to-day. Despite Marisa's new elastic it still was difficult to keep on. The problem is that when I move my eyebrows or smile my ears move! So I have to stay sullen to keep the thing on. As we went to only one store and it was not crowded we got home before things could get too bad
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