Apr 26, 2020 18:14
Our foray into the outer world went fine to-day. Despite Marisa's new elastic it still was difficult to keep on. The problem is that when I move my eyebrows or smile my ears move! So I have to stay sullen to keep the thing on. As we went to only one store and it was not crowded we got home before things could get too bad.
We gave up weeks ago trying to get bac'n bits: for some reason the store stopped carrying them about the time the stay-at-home order began. So we ordered a gallon sized container on-line and got it yesterday.
They were really good with macaroni and cheese left-overs!
I also like them on mashed potatoes and Amy's Mexican Bowl.
Once we got the groceries put away I put out recycling and then removed weeds from the side yard, park strip and parts of Marvin's Garden. The Oregon Grape and Pink Flowering Currant has stopped flowering, so I wacked back most of the branches. The currant has one set of flowers on one branch which nearly blocks the walkway: I left it as-is for now. Once the flowers drop off: wack!
Attempted to move the white flowered plant from near the retaining wall around Delbert's Garden to an empty area in Marvin's Garden. The root system was not so good, so when I moved it wilting began. I may have killed it.
I also transferred some red clover, a forget-me-not and some bluebells. I messed up one bluebell: didn't dig deep enough for the bulb. If I didn't transfer these I would mow them over later (the bluebells grow like weeds into the lawns).
Also I moved the boards destined for the garbage area to the garbage area...standing them vertically against the garbage area instead of across the broken bricks in the planned tetherball court.
Noticed the coastal strawberries are flowering now!
delbert's garden,
marvin's garden,
garden journal,