Finally yesterday I was able to exit work at a reasonable time and still have enough energy to go to the grocery store to buy shredded cheddar cheese: 32 ounces for $7
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Finally got real sleep to-day in the afternoon. I had been trying to get to sleep since last night but the arm soreness and now the pain from the incision on my abdomen kept me too uncomfortable
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This morning I slept mostly uninterrupted! Apparently the soreness in my left shoulder was the cause of the previous night's unrest, as this morning the soreness was barely noticeable.
Today's task is to get groceries after taking a shower.
I thought I slept badly Thursday morning after the vaccination made my left shoulder sore, but this morning was worse. I woke up every hour and had headaches. Woke late, around 6:30 a.m. and it has taken me some time just to feel ok.
Breakfast, more coffee and getting dressed I should be fine.
Still feel like Thanksgiving even though we've past through "Black Friday," "Cyber Monday" and "Giving Tuesday": all meaningless days to me! We still do not have Christmas stuff up and won't until this weekend
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