Getting Started

Mar 27, 2021 10:24

Easing into the day, a nice Saturday.

Woke around 6 a.m. after first noticing the clock at 5:30 a.m. I had some interesting dreams and wanted to stay with them a little longer. I have forgotten them now, but they were not threatening.

Yesterday I did a couple of foundational things at work. They will pay off eventually, but the initial work was time consuming. Meanwhile feel some things are getting left behind and this concerns me.

Made pierogies for dinner last night and watched The Nagus episode from the first season of Star Trek Deep Space 9. I intend to watch all of DS9, then Voyager since we finished Stargate Atlantis.

Our recycling bin is partly in the steet since it was emptied yesterday.

Cats are doing fine. Venom slept in his yurt Thursday morning, I am told. So all four of the cat beds are being used.

Marisa made an appointment for Hannibal's initial visit before getting altered. He has been catterwallering a lot lately.

Doing research on names this morning for 20th century Oregon photos offered for sale online. Ran across a reference to Yankton, Oregon. It is off the beaten path, near St. Helens. I couldn't find references to Sylvia Quinn linked to Yankton, but ran into a two part newspaper story about a horrific murder that occurred there in the late 1920s. It was a well-written story with plenty of details. I could find references to Quinns in and around Yankton, but no Sylvia (first or middle name).

Also saw a photo of the Harney Ranger Station built on top of a "needle". However, I could find no references to it. There were some interesting leads into the CCC and the various cabins it built in Oregon. I will follow-up someday I expect.

To-day, after I eat breakfast, I hope to finish the job I started Tuesday and lay down newspaper and bark to prevent weeds. The bark I put down in 2019 on part of the sideyard has done a good job, so I will do more of that.

The Tuesday interruption was to replace the furnace filter, but also prepare the way so someone from Sky Heating can check out our furnace. That appointment is this Monday morning. The furnace before and after the filter replacement said "FURNACE IGNITION FLT." I haven't seen the message on our "smart" thermostat lately, but it has been years since someone looked at our heating/cooling system.

bark, hannibal, cats, venom, sideyard, research, work, furnace

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