Thanks for all your input on Anna's Inaugural Glasses Debate 2010! In disagreement with the majority of lj commenters, but in agreement with the slight majority of voters overall, the slight majority of people who saw me in person, the slight majority of my gut instinct, and Lester, I went with frame #2. Maybe part of the reason is that my personal
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I went shopping for my first pair of glasses yesterday, and with some expert shopping assistance from Jaime and John two candidate pairs were selected. Vote on your favorite!
We're here for the next week and want to see you! Avatar at the Cinerama (Friday after we recover)? Snowshoeing or hiking (Saturday)? Sushi (Monday night)? SAM, coffee&laptops, pool, cards, etc (anytime)? I hear Jon hosts a pub quiz somewhere? We'll be at SteamSlant for NYE, obviously.
Hey all, back in LJland after a bit of a hiatus. Lester showed me his favorite people and places in England for a couple weeks in early July, and since then I've kept my computer time focused to a surprising degree on work and househunting. This has paid off in that (a) I've convinced myself that I can and should do some simulations of how
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Quick: would you or someone else awesome want to live with me, Laura K, and Lizzie starting in July or August? Alas, bay area folk only. We're touring a pretty great 4 bd place in Berkeley (College&Russell) tomorrow that's available Aug 15, and there are some other good 4 bd listings available in July. We're also looking at 3 bd places, so no need
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Wow, long time no livejournal. I've still been following you guys, except for the past week when the internet at home has been down while the DSL provider spectacularly fails to transfer the bill from Arcadia's name to mine (news flash 1: Arcadia and Laura broke up and Arcadia moved out). I was too busy, or rather scattered too inefficiently
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On Saturday I made picture-perfect biscuits and odd but tasty lentils to spoon on them for Kelly's backyard picnic. Last night we made falafel waffles with homemade tzatziki, which was great after a long delightful bike ride. This morning I made lemon-ginger muffins with lemon glaze to bring to the office, but skipped work and used them to cheer up
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Life back in Berkeley is pretty good. And I don't think it's purely the mid-60s-and-sunny weather boosting my spirits without cause-I think life just isn't too bad. Since getting back on Friday afternoon, I have attended my first real conference*, gone to Jack&Chrix's housewarming, drew a t-shirt design for the theoretical band "Quantum jamming and
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