
Nov 03, 2003 06:49

I really enjoy the challenge of a drabble; the discipline of trying to convey an idea or emotion in precisely 100 words is a real challenge for me. And I get to play with little glimpses from the guys' lives together that wouldn't really fit into a story.

Besides, as you'll see if you read the notes to each, most of these started life while I sat in meetings or on conference calls and were an excellent antidote to the frustration and boredom that usually result in those circumstances.

First is post S-5. Second is "sometime": Change & Hearing the Silences

"Sometime": An Easter Drabble

"Sometime": Food

First is post S-5. Second is sometime post S-3: Frustration & Fall-en

Sometime post S-3: Wet and Sticky

Sometime post S-3. Justin's thoughts on Brian: Loving Brian

Sometime post S-3. Brian's thoughts on Justin: People Think

Sometime post S-3: Halloween Drabble

Post S-5: Gus Drabble

Sometime - maybe in the future: Christmas at the Loft

Sometime Post S-3: Aftermath

Definitely S-1 - probably after 111: Bullshit

First could be any time post 308. Second, I think is between 308 and 309 - but it could be post S-4, or even post S-5. Up to you: Watcher & Unexpected Visitor

"Sometime" - could be anytime after about 104 (well, except for the dreaded 301-307 of course): Inspiration

"Sometime" - could be anytime after about 104 (seriously ... I mean, it might be post S-5): Wearing of the Green

"Sometime" - could be anytime after Justin leaves home (although I think it's S-4 for some reason): Gratitude

Personally, I think this is sometime after 308, but it could be much earlier: Cleanliness is ...

Post S-5: Misconceptions

Post S-5 Justin's view of Brian: Time Was

Post S-5 Brian's view of Justin: Recognition

Post S-5 This is actually a full story comprising 37 different drabbles that was written for the "Gus-mas" challenge. There is a drabble for each of the 37 days from Thanksgiving to New Year. It's also set in the Justin!Rage universe, and might not be entirely comprehensible if you haven't read the first three stories in that 'verse: The Real Meaning of ...

Post S-5. My 2011 Gus-mas fic - 37 drabbles linked together into a single story. It's a stand alone. Reason to Celebrate

Post S-5. A St Pat's Day drabble. Loving an Irish Man

Sometime in S4 (supposing Justin "pays up" on the bet and goes back to PIFA). Spare Change

Post S5. Justin's in New York. He explains why. Reasons to Believe

Maybe slightly AU. A certain blond artist is working at Kinnetik. Words of Wisdom

Sometime post S4 Spirituality

Post S-5? Equality

Post 510 Breaking the Barrier

Sometime post 308 Who's the Pussy Cat

Post S-5 Birthday Celebrations - or Not

Post S-5? Coffee Break

A Halloween treat - sometime post S3 and they're living in the loft. Trick or Treat

Consider it somewhere in a reunited post S5 world. Valentine's Day - Taylor-Kinney Style

A companion piece to Valentine's Day - Kinney-Taylor Style. How did they come to be holding a Valentine's Day dinner? Learning From the Master

Another post reunion one. Written for Christmas in July. Generous Gift?


fic: drabbles

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