
May 10, 2007 06:24

Things have been kinda out of whack lately, one way or another. I'm still working on the next chapter of Reverb, and might even get it done this weekend, but in a totally mind-numbing all day off site wan ... er ... meeting on Monday (because goodness knows, I've no actual work to do and can so afford to have a whole day out of the office and it's pure coincidence that I've worked till past eight the last two nights and will be working likely till nearly midnight tonight - and unfortunately I'm not kidding!) ...

Anyway ... my only defense against the boredom and frustration on Monday was to revert to my tried and true defense of thinking bj and these two are the result.

The first is a very direct result of how I was feeling about a particular issue (although the ending was purely bj inspired).

It's called ...


This is a piece of shit.

Why the fuck can’t they just do what they’re fucking told the first time for once?

What the fuck is the use of being the boss if none of the fucking staff seem capable of getting one fucking thing right occasionally?




“I’ve booked my flight home for Friday, can you get off work to pick me up?”

“Benefit of being the boss, Sunshine.”

“I love you, too.”


After the call …

“Cynthia, tell the art department that they can go with those graphics and let Ted know the copy is fine.”


The second came about because in a moment of pure desperation I generated for myself a random list of words and chose three that had to be used in a drabble. (I told you the meeting was long, boring and totally pointless.)

The words were "hazy", "found" and "lover". (I sort of cheated a little on the last one when I came to use it.)

It's called ...


One October day Justin found himself sitting in the park thinking about his relationship with Brian. Jewel colors glowed unexpectedly bright against the hazy sunshine and although the crisp breeze carried a hint of ice, he felt snuggly warm.

‘It’s like Fall,’ he mused. ‘Sometimes undefined and misty, but sometimes almost unbearably vivid. And even when it’s cold on the outside, somehow inside it’s warm and safe.’

Brian arrived then with a grunted greeting and his kiss was brisk and unemotional, but he carefully tucked his lover’s scarf more snugly into place.

‘Warm on the inside,’ Justin grinned to himself.

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