to get in the mood - a Valentine's Day drabble

Feb 04, 2013 18:49

I'm currently working on a Valentine's Day fic. Have no idea how that's going to work out.

But someone bet me that I couldn't write a VD fic in which Brian gives Justin flowers and candy for Valentine's and still keep Brian in character. I guess I'm a sucker for a challenge.

Let me know what you think.

Valentine's Day - Taylor-Kinney style

It's a well-known fact that Brian Kinney considers Valentine's Day a total crock; everyone and his/her Cavoodle knows this. So you can bet that the man who singled-handedly re-wrote the Kinney Operating Manual knows it.

Justin knows, alright. He knows Brian is never going to do the whole fucking hearts-and-flowers thing. But is a box of candy too damned much to ask?

He gives Brian a choice: "Either I get flowers or you do. Delivered to Kinnetik."

Everyone at their Valentine's dinner admires his roses. And enjoys the hand-made chocolates.

Almost as much as, later, Justin enjoys his Valentine's spanking.

For the companion piece to this (which explains how Brian got "persuaded" to hold a Valentine's Day dinner), see Learning From the Master


fic: drabbles

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