Halloween drabble

Oct 30, 2012 08:11

Hi everyone

Sorry I've been MIA for the past couple of weeks. The little 'calm before the storm' period in my worklife has ended and the storm has hit with a vengeance. I'm now in the middle of two major projects and have been working the most ridiculous hours - not just long hours, but at weird times of the day and night and even weekends. (To give you an idea, yesterday I started work at 3.00 pm and on Thursday I start work at 3.30am.)

Anyway, just wanted to give a heads up that I will be posting my "traditional" BJ Halloween fic in the next day or so. It's the 10th year running that I've done this, so that's kind of fun ... and scary, really. Just like Halloween itself. *g*

As an appetizer, here is a little Halloween drabble that came to me last night during the weekly conference call.

Prompt words were: slide, candy, broom.

Trick or Treat

Justin's tempted to let it slide. He knows it's not likely any kid will dare to trek up the stairs and knock on the door of the man they probably regard as scarier than Vlad himself.

But it's the principle of the thing. If some brave (or stupid) kid does come knocking, Justin wants to be sure there's candy ready for them.

Brian's all for giving them a "trick" rather than a "treat", and chasing them off with a broom.

So they compromise.

Candy is made available.

But the decorations up the stairs and on their landing are really scary.


fic: drabbles, fic: halloween

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