Blind Love

Nov 26, 2006 21:16

Wow! part 7! the story was supposed to be over by now but i cant seem to stop coming up with plot ideas!

RATING- NC17 (just for the start)

DISCLAIMER- if I owned them i would be too busy to write about them.

A.N- once again, thank you to Karinvam, my darling soulmate who has been helping me through a really difficult time i've been going through, so this is dedicated to her.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Ville's mind had stopped working. Had Bam really just asked him if he'd ever had sex in an elevator?

"Uh, no. Cos they tend to move too quickly, there wouldn't be enough time."

"Oh." Bam looked like he was thinking hard as they waited for the elevator to arrive. "You'll have to make do with getting a blow job then." The elevator arrived and the doors slid open allowing Bam to push a stunned Ville into the metal box.

"B....Bam, have you ever....I mean, do you...?" Ville stuttered as Bam pushed the button for the ground floor and dropped to his knees in front of him.

Bam grinned up at him as he swiftly undid Ville's pants, thankful that Ville didn't wear underwear very often. "Nope but I like to try most things at least once."

"But what if someone gets in on another floor?" Ville protested weakly, trying to convince himself as much as Bam, even though his obvious arousal had pretty much made the decision for him.

"Well then, you're gonna have to try and cum quickly aren't you?!" Bam didn't allow any more conversation as he lowered his mouth over Ville's cock.

Ville’s hands tangled themselves in Bam’s curls, strangled cries of pleasure escaping his mouth at Bam's inexperianced yet amazing attempts to suck his brains out through his dick.

Bam doubled his efforts, knowing that they needed to finish before the elevator reached their floor. He wrapped one hand around the part of Ville that he couldn't fit into his mouth, pumping furiously as his free hand dipped beneath the waistband of his boxers, stroking himself in a rythm with Ville.

Ville gripped Bam’s hair tightly as the skater swallowed around him, the rippling of his throat muscles almost too much to take. He'd kept as still as possible, not wanting to choke Bam but he was too close to be able to control himself. He made the mistake of looking down, and seeing Bam's mouth sliding up and down his dick while his hand worked furiously inside his boxers was too much for him. His head slammed back against the wall as shot his seed into Bam’s mouth. Bam followed a few seconds later, muffling his scream of ecstasy against Ville's thigh.

They just managed to make themselves look as though nothing had happened before the doors opened onto the ground floor and they stepped out to find the rest of the band waiting to go in.

"Hey guys!" Bam said cheerfully.

"Hey. We've just been out for something to eat but we thought you two were out on a date today, that's why we didn't invite you two out with us." Mige said apologetically.

"No problem, we are going out on a date, Ville was just a bit longer getting ready than I'd thought."

"Ville, are you alright? You looked a bit flushed." Burton asked with a frown. "I hope you're not getting sick."

"Oh he's alright." Bam replied with a grin "He's just embarrassed cos I told him how good his cum tastes." He carried on walking out the hotel, leaving the band wishing they could cut their ears off and Ville learning that it was possible to choke on air.

He hadn't got very far down the street when a strong arm wrapped itself around his waist and spun him round so he was flush against his lovers body.

"You little shit. I can't believe you did that!" Ville hissed. He was part angry, part amused and part aroused and the combination of all three was confusing him.

"Which bit can't you believe I did?!" Bam was teasing him, Ville knew it, but he wasn't going to back down.

"All of it. Someone could have seen us for a start and the guys will probably never look at us again now."

Bam pressed his forehead against Ville's, pressing their bodies even closer together. "I couldn't help it, I wanted to taste you, I'm glad I did. You taste so damn good Ville." He moaned breathily. He heard Ville whimper at his words and he smiled at the effect he was having on the older man.

"You're not mad at me are you?" He whispered, their lips only inches from each other.

"No. I should be, but I can't stay mad at you for long so there's no point."

Suddenly, Bam's tongue flicked out and traced over his lips. "Can you taste yourself on me?"

Ville was not an exhibisionist by nature but he was finding it increasingly hard to keep his self control with Bam acting the way he was. "Bam, stop or I'm gonna end up taking you against the wall."

"So?" The whispered words between them only made the whole situation seem that much hotter as Ville tried to remain strong.

"So, we're in the middle of the street, people are gonna see us."

"I don't care."


"But you do." Bam pulled abruptly away from him and started walking like nothing had happened.

"Bam, are you ok?"

"I'm fine." He replied shortly. It was obvious he was lying and it became even more apparant when Ville tried to stop him by taking hold of his hand.

"Don't. People might see us." He pulled away from Ville's touch even though it hurt him to do so.

"What? Bam, what's going on with you?"

"Me? I'm not the one who's hiding. You're openly bisexual and there's pictures of you making out with random guys everywhere and yet you're scared of people seeing you with me. Are you ashamed of me or something?"

"No of course I'm not baby, I love you, you know that."

"Then why are you so willing to be affectionate in public with everyone apart from me?"

"Because they don't mean anything to me, they weren't important so it didn't matter what anyone said about it. You, you're special to me and I don't want to hear narrow minded assholes telling us that what we're feeling is wrong."

"I don't care what people think, Ville. I didn't think you did either." Bam said sadly "I'm gonna go skating, I just need some time on my own at the moment."

"Bam, please. Don't let this get between us."

"It's not. I'm not mad at you, I just need to think. I'll see you at the bar tonight I promise." He placed a soft kiss on Ville's cheek and walked away.

After hours of skating, and going over their argument, Bam felt like the biggest jerk on the planet. It had taken him by suprise when Ville wasn't as open about their relationship as he was and he'd taken it badly. As he picked up his board and headed down to the bar, he only hoped he hadn't ruined things between them.

The moment he stepped onto the bar he spotted Ville's lean figure slouched in the corner and staring at the wall vacantly. He walked over and stopped directly in front of him, unsure of how to make things better.

Ville looked up at him, green orbs burning into sapphire blue. "Bam, I'm so sorry darling. I'm not ashamed of you I promise, I just wanted to protect you from all the people that are gonna give us problems for being together, I didn't mean..."

"Ssh it's ok." Bam interupted, sitting down next to him. "It's not your fault. I'm sorry I got annoyed and I'm sorry I walked off and left you, I shouldn't have. We don't have to let everyone see how we feel about each other, we know and that's all that matters."

Bam's mouth dropped open in shock as Ville climbed onto his lap. "Ville what are you doing?"

"I don't want to hide. I love you and I don't care who knows it." Ville pulled him into a sweet kiss which only ended when they heard laughing and exaggerated kissing noises. They looked round and realized that the teasing was being aimed at Linde and not them.

"Hey, why are you all teasing Lily?" Ville asked, curious.

"Cos we found out that...." Burton started to tell them but was quickly interupted by Linde slapping his hand over Burtons mouth, his dreadlocks swinging in his face.

"Nothing. They found out nothing, don't worry about it." He said nervously with a fake smile.

Bam and Ville exchanged an amused glance now more determined than ever to find out what was going on.

"He has a crush on Dunn!" Mige yelled from the other side of the bar, and then started running as a furious and embarrassed Linde took off after him.

"Seriously?!! Linde is attracted to Dunn?" Bam laughed.

Linde came to a stop in front of them, giving up his revenge on Mige. "Look, I know you two are really good friends and everything but please don't tell him."

"Is it true? You really have a crush on him?" Linde's face flushing a bright red and inability to take his eyes off the floor were all the confirmation they needed.

"I'm not gonna tell him but maybe you should. I don't know what will happen, but if you lie about stuff like that it never goes well, trust me." Bam said with a smirk

"It worked out for you two."

"Yeah but it nearly didn't cos we both lied to each other and we weren't sure if we could trust each other when we found out the truth."

"Maybe you should chat to him, get to know him a bit more and see what his feelings are towards other guys. Then if he seems open to it, you can flirt with him, see what happens. You deserve to be happy Lily so go for it."

"Yeah I know. Maybe I should, this is so weird though."

"I know. You've spoken more in the last ten minutes than you have the entire time I've known you!" Bam teased. Ville tried to hide his laughter by burrying his face into the crook of Bam's neck but the shaking of his shoulders gave him away.

"I'm glad you both find this funny but I'm really nervous. I've never found a guy attractive before."

"Not even Ville?" Bam sounded shocked and Linde couldn't help but grin.

"Everyone knows Ville's pretty but he's like my little brother, so no, I've never been attracted to Ville, don't look so shocked!"

"Sorry, I just thought everyone was attracted to Ville" By now Ville's face had turned beet red with the compliments.

"Guys, stop it. It's embarrassing."

"Aaw sorry babe!" Bam cooed, kissing Ville's forehead. "We were gonna have to stop now anyway cos the crew have arrived and Dunn's the first one through the door!"

Both men had evil grins on their faces as they watched Linde pale slightly. "I knew I should never have said anything!"

Bam raised his voice to call over to his friends."Hey Dunn, come and join us!" Ville chuckled as Linde started swearing at Bam in Finnish.

Dunn walked over to them sitting down next to a blushing Linde and smirking at Ville and Bam. "I thought Bam was the woman in the relationship after your date the other night but now I'm not so sure!"

Bam flipped him off, scowling in annoyance.

"Since both of us are male, it would be kind of difficult don't you think?" Ville said smoothly, diffusing his boyfriends aggravation towards his best friend.

"I'm just teasing. I think you two are good together."

"Would you ever date another guy?" Bam asked slyly, pretending not to notice how Linde's head shot up at the question.

"C'mon dude, I can't get women to notice me, how the hell am I supposed to get a guy to notice me?!"

"Quit stalling and answer the damn question! If another dude was interested in you, would you consider it?"

"Yeah sure. It pays to be open minded right?!" Dunn said with a smirk.

"Yeah definately." Bam smiled, wrapping his arms even tighter around his lover. Ville seemed to know what the skater was thinking and he nuzzled his face into the crook of Bam's neck sighing contentedly.

Dunn watched them as they became lost in their own little world. Sure he had a crush on Bam but he wasn't stupid enough to think that Bam was suddenly going to decide that he wanted him instead of Ville. He enjoyed seeing his friend so happy and serene and he wouldn't change it for the world. He snapped out of his musings when a hand started waving in front of his face.

"Huh? sorry, what?" He looked round to see Linde looking at him.

"I asked you if you wanted a drink."

"Oh, yeah thanks man, I'll have a budweiser.

As Linde went up to the bar, Dunn took a look round the pub. The rest of the crew and the remaining members of HIM were crowded round the pool table and it looked like they'd be there for a while as a tournament seemed to be taking place. Ville and Bam were still curled up together and Bam was whispering words into Ville's ear that were making the Finn blush.

And Linde, Linde was watching him, his eyes boring into his like they could see into his soul and with a look on his face that Dunn couldn't quite explain.

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