(no subject)

Nov 26, 2006 20:47

here's another update, hope you enjoy!


PAIRING- vam obviously!!!!

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Bam didn't get back online until the next day as he'd had a skate demo he'd forgotten about. As soon as he had the chance the next evening, he switched on his computer and waited impatiently for it to load up. As he logged onto his msn he found himself biting his nails anxiously as he waited to find out if William was online.
his msn screen was about to pop up when he heard his mom screaming at him from downstairs.


Sighing heavily, he went downstairs and pushed Novak into the pool, leaving him to get the keys from the bottom.

As he once again entered his room, he saw the flashing orange box that told him someone had messaged him. He raced to his computer and clicked open the msn box.

love is death incarnate says: Hey beautiful, how are you today?

Jackass extrodinaire says: Beautiful?!

love is death incarnate says: sorry, did I make you uncomfortable? I didn't mean to

Jackass extrodinaire says: No it's ok, I'm just not used to people (guys especially) calling me beautiful. I'm ok I guess, how are you?

love is death incarnate says: You guess? What happened? I'm ok, a little tired but I'll live!

Jackass extrodinaire says: You were right about my friend, he called last night.

love is death incarnate says: That's good. But why do I get the feeling that you're not totally happy.

Jackass extrodinaire says: I don't know, it's complicated. I pretty much told him that I wasn't worried that he hadn't called, then I told him about this girl I've been going on dates with and that I didn't see it going anywhere, then he told me it was over with his girlfriend.

love is death incarnate says: Why did you lie about being worried and why the hell did you tell him about your girlfriend if you have feelings for him?

Jackass extrodinaire says: I didn't want him to think I was pathetic and clingy and I don't have a clue why I told him about Missy. Every time I talk to him, I just become an idiot. My brain goes dead and I have to say something to him so I just end up saying absolute crap.

Jackass extrodinaire says: I bet he thinks I'm a total idiot. I can't help it though, I mean, just hearing his voice on the phone last night was too much, I....

love is death incarnate says: If he's really your friend then he won't think you're an idiot. You, what? You can't finish your sentance there!

Jackass extrodinaire says: I can't tell you, just forget it

love is death incarnate says: No way. Come on, you can tell me, I promise I won't laugh or anything. I know we haven't been talking like this for long but you can trust me.

Jackass extrodinaire says: Ok...... even just hearing his voice turns me on so much....... I had to jerk off after talking to him last night. *blushes*

love is death incarnate says: Oh.

Jackass extrodinaire says: See, I knew it. You're either laughing at me or thinking I'm a freak who jerks off to my straight, male, best friends voice.

love is death incarnate says: No!, don't worry so much, I'm not doing either of those things. Can I ask you something? What do you like so much about this guy anyway?

Jackass extrodinaire says: Everything. He's got the deepest, most beautiful voice I've ever heard, sexy green eyes, a great body and he's more stunningly gorgeous than any man or woman I've ever met. He has the greatest personality too, so darkly romantic, really talented, intelligent and he's got a great sense of humour.

love is death incarnate says: Wow. That's quite a list

Jackass extrodinaire says: *blushes again* Sorry about rambling, it's just that you're the only person I can really tell all this to. My friends would tease me so much and there's no way I'm having this coversation with my mom or dad.

love is death incarnate says: Do they all know about your feelings for him?

Jackass extrodinaire says: Yeah, apparently, I've been really obvious about it, but thankfully not obvious enough for him to notice. The thing is, I know I'm not good enough for him. I'm childish and irresponsible and I'm always breaking stuff and pulling pranks on people. He's more the tortured artist type, I'd probably be the last person he'd look at. But I can't let anyone know how much it hurts me cos I'm not supposed to hurt, I'm supposed to be the happy upbeat guy that doesn't know how to be sad.... It's really tiring.

love is death incarnate says: Oh sweetheart, don't say you're not good enough. He'd be an idiot not to want you. *hugs* (I better get a hug back or I'll sulk!) Let's talk about something else to take your mind off it for a while.

Jackass extrodinaire says: Thanks. *hugs back out of fear for you sulking* what do you want to talk about?

They chatted randomly for hours about everything from bands they liked to politics and poetry and Bam found both their messages becoming more flirtacious as the night wore on. Finally Bam glanced up from his computer screen and looked at the clock.

Jackass extrodinaire says: Fuck! it's 5am here! I should really go but I'll talk to you tomorrow night if you're online.

love is death incarnate says: Yeah I'll be here hopefully. Night beautiful, sweet dreams *winks suggestively*

Jackass extrodinaire says: LOL! I'm sure I will! *gives you my best sexy smirk* you too. Talk to you later.

Bam signed off and shut down his computer, rubbing at blurry eyes. He slid into his bed and fell asleep almost instantly, a smile on his lips.


Ape was worried about her son. Well, she was always worried about him, but years of him doing stupid stunts that could hurt him had toughened her somewhat. But this had her concerned. For the last few weeks Bam barely came out of his room and everytime she looked in on him, he was typing furiously on his computer.

She'd tried to look at what he was doing one day but he'd quickly closed the page and told her to keep her nose out. She'd thought about talking to him about it to see if he was ok but he didn't seem depressed. In fact, the only time she saw him without a smile on his face was after conversations with Ville. Pretending not to love him was harder on Bam than he was willing to admit.

Bam had taken to leaving his computer on all the time in case William was ever available to talk but he always made sure to lock the keyboard so no one could access his computer.

He was getting out of the shower when he heard a frustrated voice coming from his room.

"What the hell dude? Why can't I get on your computer?"

"Novak, get the fuck out of my room." Bam yelled back.

"But... but, lesbian porn." Novak whined as Bam walked innto the room, clad in just a pair of boxers.

"I don't fucking care. Get out of my fucking room."

"Fine. Chill man." Novak turned to leave. "Ever since you realized you're crazy about Ville, you've been bitchy as hell. Do something about it already." He left before Bam had the chance to reply.

Shaking off the creepy feeling he got when he thought of Novak actually making sense, he clicked open his instant messenger page to find a greeting from William that had obviously been there a while.

love is death incarnate says: Hey gorgeous.

love is death incarnate says: hello?

love is death incarnate says: you there?

Jackass extrodinaire says: Hey. Sorry I took so long to reply, I've only just stepped out of the shower.

Bam typed back a response quickly, looking round his room for his favourite HIM shirt.

love is death incarnate says: Oh that's ok. What are you wearing? **leers suggestively** are you decent?!

Jackass extrodinaire says: Can boxer shorts be classed as decent?!

love is death incarnate says: what type are they?

Jackass extrodinaire says: black calvin kleins

love is death incarnate says: sounds sexy!

Jackass extrodinaire says: LOL! you know you want me!

love is death incarnate says: actually............

Jackass extrodinaire says: actually, what?

love is death incarnate says: I do want you. You have no idea how gorgeous you are.

Jackass extrodinaire says: neither do you. You haven't seen a picture of me, how can you say that I am? I'm not sure what to say.

love is death incarnate says: I meant your personality but I'm sure you're just as stunning in looks. It's not that bad is it? Me wanting you, I mean. It's not like I hit on people I talk to online all the time but I can't talk to you without imagining what it would be like to kiss you.

Jackass extrodinaire says: It's not bad, I guess, it's just kinda odd. I can't believe you could feel like that towards me when you've never met me

love is death incarnate says: I don't need to. I can imagine what you'd feel like pressed against me as I kiss you. I'd
bite your lip and slide my tongue in your mouth and I can feel you run your fingers through my hair.
Jackass extrodinaire says: you shouldn't be saying this. You know I love someone else.

love is death incarnate says: Do you mean that? I know you love him but I don't think you're really that upset with me or you would have just logged off. Don't be scared of this, no one's gonna know except us.

love is death incarnate says: I want to kiss all of you, I want to watch your face as you cum.

Jackass extrodinaire says: Oh god. This shouldn't be turning me on but it is.

love is death incarnate says: tell me you want me to kiss you.

Jackass extrodinaire says: I do. Kiss me before I change my mind

love is death incarnate says: Impatient! I'm gonna kiss you gently, teasing your mouth with my tounge as I slide my leg in between yours and push my body against yours. Can you feel how hard you make me? Do you want me?

Jackass extrodinaire says: Yessssss. Oh fuck, I shouldn't but I do want you

love is death incarnate says: What do you want me to do? Tell me!

Jackass extrodinaire says:
I want you inside me, I want you to fuck me til you cum inside me
love is death incarnate says: Oh fuck, you're so fucking hot.
I'd slip my hand inside your boxers and start stroking you

Jackass extrodinaire says: Oh god, I can almost feel you

love is death incarnate says: good. I can feel you too. I wanna stroke you harder, and thrust myself against you so you can feel how much I need you.

Jackass extrodinaire says: I wanna take off your clothes so I can explore your body. I want to kiss down your neck and collarbone

love is death incarnate says: I'll tip my head back to give you better access as I pump your erection faster. Oh god, you feel so good. Bite me, please, I'm so close.

Jackass extrodinaire says:
Oh fuck, I'm cuming. I'll bite down on your neck to bring you over the edge
love is death incarnate says: Oh that was so hot, I just came so hard.

Jackass extrodinaire says:
I don't believe I just did that
love is death incarnate says: You're not freaking out are you?

Jackass extrodinaire says:
I don't know. It's just that I always thought that the only time I would do anything sexual with another guy was if my friend returned my feelings.
love is death incarnate says: ............I have to tell you something.

Jackass extrodinaire says:
Oh shit, can it wait? I have to go. I'm not avoiding you I promise, I just realized that I'm late for something.
love is death incarnate says: Ok. Look, I'm in WestChester tomorrow, can we meet?

Bam sat stunned for a moment before swallowing the lump in his throat and responding.

Jackass extrodinaire says:
Yeah sure, I guess.
love is death incarnate says: Ok how about St Jame's park in front of the water fountain at 5pm?

Jackass extrodinaire says:
Ok, gotta go, see you tomorrow
love is death incarnate says: bye beautiful

Bam logged off quickly and only just remembered to clean himself off before rushing downstairs and out the door, arriving at the filming location for the new Jackass movie fifteen minutes late. And much to everyone's annoyance he didn't get any better.

After what seemed like the hundredth time of Bam being so distracted that he messed up his scene, the director sent them all home for the evening.

He didn't notice the black looks he got from the rest of the jackass crew, the concerned look form his mother when he got home or the curious looks from his friends. He was completely oblivious to everything apart from the fact that the next day he was going to meet the man that, for a few moments of his day, made him forget about the pain of loving Ville.
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