Blind love

Nov 26, 2006 20:35

Hey part two is here (if you hadn't already guessed by the title) it's kinda short but i hope you enjoy it anyways!!!

DISCLAIMER: everyone knows i dont own them, i just like to pretend that i do!

Chapter 1

Ville replayed the conversation he'd just had with an unsuspecting Bam, in his head. He'd pretty much admitted he had feelings for him. Of course he never would have said any of it if he'd known it was Ville he was talking to, but either way, Ville was glad he finally knew why Bam had been so weird with him. He couldn't honestly say he'd never thought about being with Bam like that, after all he was a good looking, talented guy with a great personality even if he was a bit childish at times.
Maybe this was a blessing. He could see Bam's true self, the side of him that wasn't showing off for his friends and trying to act tough. Maybe he could see if the slight feelings he had for him could develop into something stronger, deeper. He was startled out of his reverie by Burton's head poking round the curtain of his bunk in the tour bus.

"We're now stopping at a gas station, if you want more cigarettes or something you'd better come now because we won't be stopping again until we reach the hotel."

"Ok thanks, I'm now coming." He shut down his laptop and exited the bus. He entered the store and quickly brought his cigarettes and a few other bits and pieces that caught his eye. He managed to leave the store relatively unnoticed apart from a group of three giggling teenage girls that had stared at him openmouthed as he'd walked past, then started squealing about how cute he was when he smiled at them.

He shook his head, smirking to himself as he left the store and sat down on a bench to light up a cigarette. As he pulled his lighter out of his pocket, his cell phone came with it and he remembered what Bam had said.

**he hasn't called me since he left a week ago.**

With a sigh, he dialled Bam's number and listened as it rang.

"Yo, Bam Margera speaking."

"hey Bam bam."

"V...Ville, hey. How was your trip?"

"Good thanks. Sorry I havent called you in a while, we've been really busy and I haven't had much time."

"Yeah I figured that's why I hadn't heard from you."

**Liar** Ville thought, but he didn't express his opinion, instead he decided to keep things safe for now. "So have you been up to much since I left?"

"Not much, it's been pretty boring here now filming has finished. I've been spending most of my time surfing the net and going on a few dates with this chick called Missy. I don't think anything serious is gonna happen between us though."

"Why not?"

"I dunno, she's a nice girl and everything, I just can't really see myself being in a relationship with her. Anyway have you heard from Jonna?"

"No, I think it's over completely now and to be honest I'm not as upset about it as I thought I'd be so I guess it's for the best."

"I'm sorry man."

"No, don't be Bammie, it's fine. Look, I have to get back on the bus so I'll talk to you later."

"Ok, don't leave it so long next time, yeah?! Bye Willa."

Bam hung up the phone and groaned in frustration. Talking to Ville and hearing his deep voice had given him a hard on. He entered the bathroom and got into the shower, where he'd been headed when Ville had called.

As the hot water sprayed over him, he let one of his hands wander down his body. He circled one nipple then then other, pinching them harshly but loving the feelings it created.

His other hand trailed down his chest to cup and fondle his balls before moving to encircle his
cock. He teased the head with one finger, spreading the precum over his length.

Bam grasped his cock firmly and began to stroke. His other hand crept around to his ass and
brushed against the pucker of muscle there. Slightly nervous, as he'd never even thought about touching himself there before, he plunged a wet finger inside of himself. He forced himself to relax against the intrusion before adding another and letting his fingers brush the spot inside him that would send him over the edge.

He was almost there. He pressed hard against his prostate, stroking his cock faster and more desperately, as he climaxed, his ass muscles clenching around his fingers.

He leaned up against the shower wall for support and waited for his legs to stop shaking so much. He'd never realized that having something up his ass could be so erotic, but now he knew his mind was filled with images of Ville fucking him, of how it would feel having him buried deep inside him.

He banged his head against the wall in frustration as his cock twitched at his thoughts and he quickly got out of the shower and got dressed, desperate to go and join his friends in throwing watermelons at Don Vito in an effort to take his mind off things he couldn't have.

He walked out onto the deck in time to see a melon narrowly miss his uncle's head. Laughing as Vito screamed something that Bam wasn't sure was actually in a proper language, he walked over to the table and sat down next to Dunn.

"Man, what took you so long? He's been going mad out here, normally you wouldn't miss a chance to piss him off."

"Ville called, I was talking to him."

"I should have guessed that you were talking to your boyfriend!" Dunn sighed with a smile

"WHAT?, what? Ville's not...I mean we're not...I mean, huh?"

"Oh come on dude, it's so obvious you have a thing for him that even Vito knows about it. Everyone's cool about it but you need to tell him before he gets back with Jonna or something."

"Everyone knows? But I'm not gay, I can't like Ville like that." Bam laid his head on the table in defeat.

"No one's saying you're gay, you could be bisexual but you need to stop trying to convince yourself that you don't feel anything, especially when you know deep down that you're crazy about him. It's just gonna fuck you up if you don't accept it."

Bam looked up at Dunn's sympathetic face. "Wow. When did you get so smart?!" He teased

"Hey, I've always been the smart one of the group it's just taken you dumb asses this long to notice!"

Bam grinned at his friend before going into the kitchen. "Hey Ape, can I ask you something?"

"Sure honey, what is it?"

"What do you think about me and Ville being so close?"

"If you mean, do I know that you're in love with him and am I ok with it, then yes I know and I'm fine with it. He's a charming young man and very polite, you could do worse!" She smiled gently at Bam who stood with his mouth open, a shocked look covering his features.

"It really wasn't difficult to see, Bam, I mean for goodness sake, you have a poster of him above your bed, it gives it away a little."

Bam was having a hard time breathing through his panic. Had he really been that obvious? "Do you think he knows?"

"I don't think so, he doesn't seem to know but maybe you should tell him."

"I can't. He'd hate me and I don't think I could live knowing that the reason we weren't friends any more was because I couldn't keep my feelings to myself. I need to have him in my life, even if it means just as a friend.

"I can't tell you what to do but I think you'll be making a mistake if you don't tell him. Just know that me and your father will be there for you whatever you decide."

"Thanks Ape." He kissed her on the cheek before running upstairs into his room, he needed to tell someone who wasn't as close to him what had happened and ask for their advice, and he thought that his new online friend would be the perfect person to listen to his unrequited love for Ville without judging him.

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