Blind Love

Nov 26, 2006 21:20

Hey, thank you to all the people that have read this far, i hope you continue to enjoy it. Thank you also to my wonderful soulmate karinvam who made me this gorgeous banner- thank you darling!

PAIRING- ville/bam, slight bam/dunn and eventual dunn/linde
DISCLAIMER- unfortunately I don't own them. I can only dream and write fan fiction

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

As the night wore on, Ville and Bam amused themselves by watching Dunn and Linde, or rather, watching how Linde blushed every time Dunn smiled at something he'd said and the way he was acting like a love struck teenager. Lots of alcohol and the discovery that they had a lot in common, kept them talking and laughing together most of the night.

Around 1am Bam decided to take his lover back to the hotel, mainly due to the fact that the now intoxicated Finn was falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Ville, baby, wake up. C'mon I'll take you back to the hotel, you're half asleep already."

They said goodbye to their friends and headed out to Bam's car. They managed to get back to the hotel without any problems and they got in the elevator and pressed the button for Ville's floor.

"Bammie, I'm not going to be able to go in an elevator ever again without getting hard. I want to suck you off right now." Ville slurred, trying to sound seductive.

"That's very sweet babe, but maybe you should wait. At least until the elevator is actually empty anyway." He gave an apologetic smile to the old couple that were looking at them with matching expressions of horror on their faces.

"Oops!" Ville giggled "Sorry, didn't see you there!"

The old woman smiled politely at them as, thankfully, the elevator stopped at their floor and Bam led Ville out into the hallway. As the doors closed behind them, however, he heard the woman's husband saying something about how dreadful it was that an upper class hotel had to give rooms to those 'fucking queers'.

Bam didn't have time to think about the comment straight away as he was preoccupied with Ville who seemed to have turned into a very horny octopuss with hands that were groping him everywhere possible. But later on, as he lay watching Ville's angelic face as he slept, he wondered how people could be so narrow minded. A few months ago he might have agreed with the guy to an extent but now it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. It was his last thought before he fell asleep.

Both men were woken around midday by a frantic knocking on the door. Ville quickly threw on a t-shirt and opened the door, revealing a distressed Linde.

"What's wrong Lily? He asked, letting his friend into the room.

"Bam, can you please talk to Dunn, I've upset him and I doubt he'll talk to me." Linde sighed sadly, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"What happened? When we left, you two were getting on great." Bam said confused.

"I know but I did something stupid and I think I ruined it."

"What did you do sweetheart?" Ville joined the conversation, curious about what could have happened.

"I kissed him."

The room went deadly silent as two very shocked men tried to process what they'd been told.

"You kissed him?!"

"What did he do?"

"Did he kiss back?"

Both men were talking at once, desperate to know the details.

"He was drunk too so he kissed me back for a minute until he remembered who he was with and then he ran off. I've fucked it all up haven't I?" Linde's head dropped into his hands, blonde dreadlocks hiding his face from view.

"No. He was probably just confused, I mean, you heard him last night, he's not totally against men. I'll go home and have a chat with him." Bam offered, going into the bathroom and quickly pulling on some clean clothes, and stopping to kiss Ville on his way towards the door.

"Thanks for doing this for me Bam." Linde said gratefully.

"No problem dude. Oh, Ville, how much do you remember of last night?"

"Uh, nothing after we left the bar, why?"

"In that case, if you share an elevator today with an old couple that give you really dirty looks, don't argue with them!" Bam smirked

"What did I do last night?" Ville asked nervously

Bam just gave an evil laugh and left Ville trying desperately to remember what he'd done.

When Bam got home he headed straight up to Ryans room where he knew he'd be hiding. "Hey Ry."

Ryan was sitting on his bed absently playing with a loose thread on his pillow and lost deep in thought. He looked up at Bam's greeting and gave him a half hearted smile in return. "Hey what's up? How's lover boy?"

Bam flopped down on the bed next to him. "Nothings up with me and Ville's gorgeous as always." He replied, smiling dreamily at the mention of his boyfriend.

"Geez, now you're with Ville you're so sappy."

"I don't care!" Bam grinned. "I love him and he makes me happy. On the subject of being happy, I know another Finnish guy who's not so thrilled this morning. What happened last night with Linde?"

"He told you?" Dunn looked sick at the thought

"He said you kissed each other but then pushed him away and ran off. Why the hell did you run?"

"It's a complicated story." Dunn muttered

"Well uncomplicate it and tell me cos I'm not going anywhere until you do."

"Fine but if you don't like what I tell you then it's your fault cos I never wanted to tell you."

"Yeah ok, whatever. Just get on with it." Bam said impatiently.

"I ran because I'm confused. I wasn't as drunk as he thought I was. He only kissed me because he was wasted, he's probably pissed off at me now."

"Did you like the kiss?" Bam interrupted.

"Yes." Dunn whispered, slightly ashamed. "I am attracted to him, I mean he's a good looking guy but the thing is, I have feelings for someone that I know I can't have and I'm worried that I'm only attracted to him because I see him as a replacement for the other guy."

"Who's the other guy?"

"No one you know" Dunn replied nervously

"Well, what's his name?"

"You don't know him, trust me."

"Then why can't you tell me his name then?"

"Ok it's...." Dunn thought about lying to him, making up some random name and hoping Bam believed him but he knew his friend would soon realize he'd lied. You could call Bam many things but dumb was not one of them despite how he acted sometimes. "It's you."

"What? mean, you said...." For once, Bam was lost for words.

"I know what I said, I lied." Dunn said bluntly, swallowing around the knot of fear that had gotten stuck in his throat.

"Ry, I'm with Ville. I love him more than I thought it was possible to love another person, I'm sorry but nothing can ever happen between us." Bam said gently

"I know that and I wouldn't want you to leave Ville anyway, he's a great guy and you two are good together. I just wish that you'd realized that you were bi before you fell for Ville so that maybe I would have stood a chance."

"I'm sorry Ryan." Bam knew it wasn't his fault but he still hated to be the cause of his best friends pain. "I wish there was something I could do."

"Don't worry about it dude, I'm just glad you're happy."

Suddenly Bam thought of something he could do to make Dunn feel a little happier. "There's nothing more to this than what it is."

"What's with the cryptic talk?" Dunn asked, confused. "You normally just..." He was cut off by the feeling of Bam's lips pressed against his own and suddenly he understood. Bam was giving him one kiss, so that he could have what he wanted, even if it was just for a few minutes, but he hadn't wanted Dunn to think it meant anything more. Not willing to waste the oppertunity, Dunn ran his tongue along Bam's bottom lip, testing to see what would happen. He was mildly suprised when Bam immediately opened his mouth to allow him access but he wasted no time in exploringevery inch of it. They kissed feverishly until eventually they had to pull away to breathe.

"I have to go." Bam said, getting up from the bed.

"You're not freaking out are you? I don't want things to be akward between us." Dunn stood up too, facing Bam and almost afraid of his reaction.

"No, we're cool and I'm ok about it, but I left my boyfriend in a hotel room half naked and I kinda wanna go back and see if he's lost any more clothes!"

Dunn couldn't help but laugh at Bam's statement.

"I think you should give Linde a chance though. He's a cool guy and he kissed you because he has a crush on you not because he was drunk." Bam opened the door to leave but Dunn stopped him.

"Hey Bam?


"Thanks. For everything."

"No problem Ry." Bam hurried back to the hotel. He'd only been away from Ville for two hours but he already missed him like crazy. As he thought about his boyfriend he wondered what it would be like to give him the same pleasure he'd recieved when Ville had made love to him and he resolved to suggest it when he got back.

He entered Ville's hotel room to find Linde already gone. "Hey baby, how'd it go?" Ville asked, wrapping his arms around Bam's waist.

"It went ok. I was right, he was just confused and he is attracted to Linde."

"That's good, hopefully they'll get together." Ville leaned in to kiss him and Bam felt a pang of guilt. He pulled away leaving Ville bemused.

"Sit down, I need to tell you something." Ville did as he was asked, watching as Bam paced nervously.

"Ok. When I went home, Dunn told me he still had feelings for me but he wasn't going to do anything about it because he knows we're happy together. But the thing is, I felt really bad cos he's upset because of me and I just wanted to give him a little happiness so I ... I kissed him. He knows it doesn't mean anything and he's ok with that. Please don't hate me." Bam babbled nervously.

"Did it mean anything to you?" Ville's tone and facial expression were neutral and Bam couldn't begin to guess what Ville was feeling.

"No, I swear it didn't. I told you why I did it, I love you too much to fuck up like that. I'm not interested in Dunn I promise." Bam didn't care if he had to get on his hands and knees and beg for forgiveness, he'd do it if it meant not losing Ville.

"Baby it's ok, relax. Come here." Ville took his hand and pulled him onto his lap. "I trust you and I know you love me. I'm glad you told me and I don't mind that you did it."

"Ville, can I ask you something?"

"Of course baby, what is it?"

"Have I told you how much I love it when you call me that?" Bam grinned

"No, but I'll keep it in mind. I don't think that's what you were going to ask though!"

"Um, no. I was wondering if you ever let a guy fuck you or if you were always the dominant one."

"I've been fucked before, yeah."

"Did you enjoy it?"

Ville glanced at Bam who was blushing and staring at his hands. "Yeah I did. You want to fuck me don't you!" Ville purred

" yeah." Bam admitted embarrassed.

Ville lay down pulling Bam with him until Bam was laying on top of him with one leg either side of his body. He reached into the drawer of the bedside table and pulled out the lube, handing it to his lover.

"I want you to fuck me Bam. Ville whispered. "I need to feel you in me."

Bam sat up so he was straddling Ville's waist and pulled off both their shirts. Their pants and boxers followed shortly after.

He wrapped his hand around Ville’s erection, pumping him slowly. He watched as Ville’s head fell back against the pillows and a moan escaped from his lips. He continued to stroke Ville’s cock, even as he leaned forward to capture Ville's lips, their tongues fucking each others mouths with the same rhythm.

Bam coated his fingers with lube, sliding a slick finger into Ville's willing body, trying to remember what Ville had done to him. He slid a second finger in, pumping them in an out slowly, stretching Ville gently. Ville started to rock back against Bam's fingers. "Bam, just fuck me. I can't wait any more."

He leaned forward, kissing Ville hard, trailing kisses on any part of Ville he could reach. He coated his erection with the lube, and drew in a shaky breath as he pressed himself against Ville's entrance. "Ready?" Bam panted.

"Yes, god yes." Ville moaned. He gritted his teeth as he adjusted to the feeling of Bam pushing into him. Once Bam was in fully, he stopped, wanting to give Ville time to relax a little. "Don’t stop Bam. Fuck me."

"I don't want to hurt you babe."

"I don't care, I like the pain. Just do it."

So, his beautiful lover likes pain huh? He could do that. Bam grinned down at him. "As you wish baby." He pulled out and thrust back in hard causing Ville to cry out in pained pleasure.

"FUCK! Bam, harder, fuck me hard" Bam was pounding into Ville's body so hard that he knew the singer would have trouble walking the next day but he didn't care when it was making Ville make some of the most beautiful noises he'd ever heard.

Sliding one hand down Ville’s stomach, he let his fingers once again curl round Ville’s cock, pumping him hard and fast. He bit down on Ville's shoulder hard enough to break the skin and a shudder ran through Ville's body as his orgasm hit him, a scream of ecstasy was ripped from his throat as he exploded, coating both their bodies with cum.

Ville’s muscles spasming around him catapaulted him into his own orgasm, releasing his load into Ville's body as he fell forward onto his lover. After a few moments, he managed to pull out of him and lay down beside him, turning to face Ville nervously as he hadn't said anything.

"Ville, are you ok? Did I hurt you?"

"You bit me."

"I'm so sorry babe, I didn't mean to."

"Promise me you'll do it again."

"I promise I wont...huh?" Bam eyes met amused green orbs.

"Promise me you'll do it again. It turns me on." Ville was blushing and Bam couldn't help but tease him a little.

"So you like it rough and enjoy a bit of pain, and biting turns you on. What the hell have I gotten myself into?!"

Ville looked at him, trying to judge how serious he was, and he visibly relaxed when Bam grinned at him. "Don't tease. You had me worried there!" He mock pouted, knowing that Bam could never resist him when he pouted.

Bam leaned forward and gently bit Ville's bottom lip. "If that's what does it for you then I don't mind, you know I'd do anything for you."

Ville was already half asleep but he still managed to get enough energy together to respond. "I know, I'd do anything for you too, I love you brandon."

"I love you too, but please don't EVER call me Brandon again!" His words fell on deaf ears though as Ville had already fallen fast asleep. Bam slid over and laid his head on Ville's chest, falling asleep soon after.

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