Blind Love

Nov 26, 2006 21:26

Hey, thanks to everyone who read this fic and left me lovely comments but it's time to end the story. I am starting two new one's though so there will be more from me soon. A special thanks to karinvam because if it hadn't been for her this story wouldn't have seen the light of day so thank you darling for encouraging me and making me write!

PAIRING- gee, i don't know, take a wild guess!!
DISCLAIMER- if i owned them i'd be making them have wild sex while i recorded it.  I don't own them

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Bam woke,stretching his arm across the bed to find only sheets and matress where Ville's body should be. His eyes snapped open and he sat up finding Ville folding his clothes and putting them into a suitcase.

"Ville, what are you doing?" Bam asked groggily. Ville looked up from his task and smiled as he looked at his boyfriend. Bam's always messy hair was sticking up at all angles, the bedsheets were pooled around his waist showing off his toned chest and he was blinking sleepily at him.

"Morning gorgeous." He gave up packing and got back on the bed next to Bam. "I was getting packed ready to leave." Ville said carefully, not wanting to upset Bam.

"When do you go?" Bam asked, his voice choked.

"About 7am tomorrow morning. The band is really busy today with photo shoots and interviews so that's why I was packing now. So I can spend tonight with you and not have to worry about doing it."

"Oh." Bam looked devestated but before Ville could say anything, Bam's face changed. Ville had seen it before when Johnny Knoxville had put a snake on him, it was a mask to cover up his emotions so people wouldn't think there was anything wrong.

"Ok, while you're working I'm gonna go home and get a farewell party for you guys at my place. You'll all be able to go right?"

"Yeah that sounds great. Bam, are you ok?"

"Of course I am. We both knew you'd have to go at some point." He got out of bed and got dressed. "I'm gonna go and get started on the party. What time will you be there?"

"We should be able to get to yours by nine."

"Ok great, see you later." He left without even saying goodbye.

When Bam got back to his castle, he stormed into the lounge in his usual over the top way. "There's a party here tonight and you're all helping to get it ready."

"Another one?" Ape sighed "Why?"

"Cos HIM are leaving the country tomorrow and I want to throw thema party to say goodbye."

"Oh honey are you ok?"

"Of course I'm ok. I'm not stupid, I know he wouldn't be able to stay with me." Bam snapped. "I'm gonna go and start calling people to invite them over tonight." He walked into his room, slamming the door hard behind him.

"I guess no one's gonna be talking to Bam today!" Novak commented wryly.

While Bam spent the day nowhere to be found, everyone else did as Bam told them (as usual) and worked on setting up the party. Around 7pm Bam finally appeared.

"Where on earth have you been?" Ape scolded. "We've been working hard on your party and no one's seen you since this morning."

"I went shopping. there's not enough alcohol in the house for tonight, eapecially the way Ville drinks it so I went out and brought a load more. I got a singer to play tonight as well. I bet none of you thought of those things did you."

Everyone exchanged glances. Bam was right, none of them had thought about it. They got everything set up and Bam had managed to get Billy Idol to come over from Atlantic City to sing for the party.

By ten past nine the place was packed but there was no sign of the band, but at half nine, just as Bam was about to phone Ville and tell him he was never getting sex again, they turned up.

"Wow, Bam this is amazing, thanks man." Mige said, slapping Bam on the shoulder. The rest of the band agreed and most of them rushed straight over to the bar, leaving Ville and Linde with him.

" Dunn here?" Asked Linde nervously. "Ville told me what he said to you."

"Yeah he is. He's upstairs, go and talk to him."

"Yeah I will, thanks Bam."

"No problem dude, I hope it goes ok. Let me know if you need me to beat some sense into his thick skull for you!"

Linde laughed, somehow comforted by Bam's joking manner. Bam watched Linde go and then turned to Ville. "You're late." He said shortly.

"I know and I'm really sorry but the last interview ran later than we thought."

"You could have at least called me to let me know."

"Bam, what's really wrong? I know you're not this mad at me just for being late." Ville said gently.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm fine. I 'm gonna go and get us a drink why don't you go and find somewhere to sit." He went up to the bar and grabbed two beers before finding Ville who was happily chatting to Ape. Bam passed Ville one of the bottles and listened half heartedly to their conversation until Ape asked something that made him take notice.

"So are you looking forward to going back on tour tomorrow?"

"I cant wait. I get so bored if I stay in one place too long, it'll be nice to be somewhere else."

Bam couldn't listen to any more. He got up abruptly, knocking his beer over, and fled from the room. Ville turned to Ape in confusion.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but I better go after him and find out what's wrong." At her nod, Ville quickly left the room, following the direction his boyfriend had gone in.


Linde had tried almost every door in the building trying to find Dunn's room and he'd finally reached the last one knowing that it had to be it. He knocked timidly and was rewarded with Dunn's deep voice. "Come in."

Whe Linde walked in, he was greeted with the sight of Dunn's ass as he bent over looking for something under his bed. "I'm not going to the party Bam, I've already told you that. I'm not in the mood."

"I bet you're glad I'm not Bam then."

Dunn spun round quickly to see who it was and overbalanced, resulting in him falling on his ass. Linde tried not to laugh as he extaneded a hand to him. "Here, let me help you up."

Dunn grabbed the offered hand and allowed himself to be pulled up off the floor. "So, uh what are you doing here?" He asked, avoiding Linde's eyes.

"Looking for you. We need to talk."

"About what?" Ryan tried to play dumb but it was obvious that it wasn't working.

"Don't play games Ryan. You know we need to sort this out whether you want to admit it or not."

"There's nothing to talk about. You kissed me because you were drunk and didn't know what you were doing and I pushed you away because I'm not interested. Let's just forget about it."

"Liar." The word was said quietly but distinctly and it pissed Dunn off.

"Excuse me? What the hell did you just call me?"

"I called you a liar. Bam told me what you said to him about being attracted to me but you're scared. Just so you know, I may have kissed you because I was drunk but it doesn't mean that I regret it." Linde stayed calm which infuriated Dunn even more.

"I don't fuck guys. You just come here, kiss me and then expect me to play happy famillies with you? It doesn't work that way, I don't do that."

"Linde shook his head at Dunn's yelling. "What are you scared of? Are you worried about what people will say or are you scared that you might actually be happy if you gave us a go? You're the one who told Bam to stop thinking of people by their gender and start seeing them as a person, don't be such a fucking hypocrite. You need to stop being such a scared little boy and admit what it is you really want and get the guts to take it."

He decided to leave and give Dunn some time to think but before he could move, he found himself being slammed into the wall. He prepared himself for Ryan to hit him but instead of a fist he found Dunn's lips crashing down on his.

The kiss was passionate, sexy and everything Linde had dreamt about since he'd first met Bam's best friend. He moaned into Dunn's mouth as an inquisitive tongue started to explore.

When they finally pulled apart, Linde looked at Ryan, who still had him pinned to the wall, a hand either side of his head and their faces just inches apart.

"What was that?" Linde breathed.

"That was me taking what I want. That is what you told me to do isn't it?!" Dunn smirked

"God yes. I love you Ryan." The words were out before he could stop them and he froze at the look of shock on Dunn's face. Dunn pulled away from him and sat down on his bed.

"I don't love you Linde." Linde's heart fell and he tried not to show the pain Dunn's words caused him.

"I'll leave." He said miserably.

"No, let me finish. I don't love you. I've loved Bam for so long that it would be a lie to say that I've just stopped having feelings for him that quickly. I know nothing will ever happen between the two of us though because he loves Ville and I'm ok with that. I am attracted to you and I think if you gave me time I could easily fall in love with you. That's the best I can do right now and I'm sorry if it isn't enough."

Linde walked over to where Dunn was sitting and kneeled in front of him. Just before their lips met again, Ryan heard Linde's soft voice: "It's ok, that's all I need from you." And Dunn thought that, maybe Bam's parties weren't so bad after all.

Meanwhile, down the hall, Ville was still trying to find his lover. He stopped, sighing in frustration and running a hand through his chin length hair. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the door to Bam's editing room click shut and he quickly went over to it and pushed it open, thankful it didn't have a lock.

Bam was sitting at his computer focusing intently on the screen although Ville knew that he was aware of his presence.

"Baby, what's wrong? Please talk to me." Ville begged.

"Nothing. I just have a lot of work to do."

"You left your own party to come in here by yourself and do editing?"

"It's not my party, it's for you and the rest of HIM so why so don't you go back to it." Bam suggested bluntly, his eyes not leaving the screen.

"Bam, seriously what's wrong with you? You've been weird with me all day and you won't tell me what the problem is."

"It doesn't matter to you anyway cos you'll be gone tomorrow, if you can wait that long. You might be so anxious to go that you just decide to go some time tonight instead." Bam spat out angrily.

Ville's face softened as realization set in. "Is that what this is all about? Me leaving? I don't want to leave you but I have to."

"Really, cos what you said to Ape sounded a hell of a lot different." Bam said sarcastically. "If you really wanna leave that bad then just go."

Ville tried not to let Bam's sharp words upset him as he knew that Bam was just miserable that they had to be apart.

"Yeah I want to leave America and go touring again but it doesn't mean that I want to leave you. I'm gonna miss you so damn much but being angry at me isn't going to change the fact that I have to go. It hurts me just as much as it hurts you."

Bam finally looked at him and for the first time, Ville could see the tears shining in his skaters big blue eyes. "I'm sorry Ville." Bam whispered "I love you so much, I just cant stand the fact that you're gonna leave tomorrow and I'm not gonna see you again for months.

Ville walked over and straddled Bam's lap in the big office chair he was sitting in. "I know sweetheart but it will be ok, we'll work it out somehow. I love you." He pressed a reassuring kiss on Bam's lips that somehow turned paaionate and demanding.

Ville ground his hips down, smiling when a moan escaped the man underneath him. He placed his lips against Bam's ear and gently nipped at the lobe before speaking. "Do you think this chair is big enough for us to have sex in?"

"It's gonna have to be" Bam replied huskily "cos I need you now."

Ville wasted no time in removing both of their clothing. He knew it wasn't the time for teasing and taking their time, this was needy and desperate, a desire to prove that they still wanted, needed and loved each other. Keeping that in mind, Ville resumed his position over Bam's body and lowered himself onto Bam's erection.

Bam gasped in pleasure as the tight heat surrounded him but still managed to worry about his boyfriend. "Ville, you should have let me prepare you first, you're hurting now."

"We've already gone over this Bammie, I like the pain so stop worrying and fuck me." He rocked his hips forward, proving his point and drawing a loud moan from Bam.

Bam's head dropped onto Ville's shoulder as the Finn deliberately clenched his ass muscles around his length.

"Fuck, you feel so good Ville, ride me, please." As Ville started up a rythm that made them both gasp in pleasure, Bam made sure his lover wasn't being neglected. One hand threaded through dark hair, pulling the singer into a bruising kiss while his other hand reached down between their bodies to encircle Ville's weeping cock, pumping it furiously in time with his thrusts.

Bam watched with hooded eyes as Ville arched his back in ecstasy, a combination of Bam hitting his prostate dead on and the hand stroking his length, causing him to spill his seed over Bam's hand and his abdomen. Bam let the gripping muscles of Ville's ass bring him over the edge, releasing himself into his lover with a groan.

They sat, trying to get their breath back until Ville managed to get enough energy to climb off Bam and find his clothes that were strewn across the room.

"I better get back to the party, the guys will be wondering where I am by now." Ville grinned as he cleaned himself up with Bam's boxer shorts. "Will you come back in there?"

Bam copied Ville's actions and grimaced at the black fabric that he held in his hands. "These are definately going in the laundry before Ape sees them." He laughed. "I'll come back with you, and I really am sorry about the way I've acted today." Bam said shamefully.

"It's ok darling. I'm gonna miss you too."

"Yeah but at least you're being mature about it." Bam insisted miserably.

A quick kiss soon made his doubts disappear though. "Not inside I'm not." He wrapped an arm round Bam's waist as they started to walk back down the hall.

"Hey, before we go back, can we see if we can convince Dunn to join us? He's being miserable and he needs to have some fun."

"Of course sweetheart."

They tapped on Dunn's door and when they got no answer, Bam pushed it open to find Dunn and Linde curled up on the bed together, making out and completely oblivious to anything around them.

Ville pulled the door gently closed again and the two men grinned at each other, happy that their two friends were together.

"It's about fucking time." Bam commented.

"I know!" Ville giggled. "Thye look kind of cute together."

The rest of the party passed in a blur of drinking, laughing and drunkenly groping each other shamelessly much to the akwardness of the people around them.


Bam found himself being gently shaken awake early the next morning and he opened his eyessleepily to meet Ville's green orbs.

"Hey I wasn't sure whether to wake you or not but I've got to go to the airport now and I didn't know if you wanted to come to the airport with me or to say goodbye now." Ville sadi softly, knowing it was a tense subject.

"I'm coming with you." Bam said, getting out of bed and throwing on the first outfit he found. "I'm not letting you go until the last possible minute."

"The rest of the guys have already gone so would you mind driving?"

"Of course not, lets go.

The drive to the airport was tense to say the least. Neither man knew what to say, there was nothing anyone could possibly say or do to make the situation better and they both knew it.

The silence lasted until they reached where Ville was supposed to be and they met the rest of the band. Dunn was there, his arm around Linde's waist and both of them looked totally comfortable around each other.

The band tried to include Bam in their conversations as they waited for their flight to be announced but he could barely bring himself to reply, his heart felt like it like was shattering even though he knew he'd hear from Ville every day and they would still see each other as much as they could.

Sooner than Bam liked, the bands flight was called over the speakers and he took a deep breath suddenly feeling like he was going to throw up. His eyes blurred over with tears and barely saw when Ville grabbed his hand and dragged him away a little way so they could say goodbye in private.

He took another deep breath, promising himself he'd be strong for Ville, and looked up into his boyfriends eyes, giving him a weak smile. "I guess this is it huh?"

"It's not gonna be so bad. We can call each other and you can come out to see us whenever you want. I'll be back at some point, it's not like I'm leaving forever."

Bam knew that Ville was trying to convince them both but he didn't say anything, not wanting an argument before Ville left.

"I wanted to give you something before I left." Ville said bashfully. "It seemed like a good idea at the time but now I'm kinda thinking you'll hate it."

"I could never hate anything from you. What is it?"

Ville reached into his pocket and pulled out a small jewellers box. "Don't panic, it's not an engagement ring, we haven't been together long enough for that." Ville smiled as he handed him the box.

Bam opened it and gasped at the beautiful piece of jewellry inside it. It was a thick siver ring with a heartagram engraved on it and three diamonds embedded around it.

"It's an eternity ring. The three stones mean past, present and future. I loved you in the past as a friend, I love you now, in the present as my love and my soulmate and I'll love you in the future, until the end of my life because you own my heart now and I can't imagine ever being without you."

Bam's idea of being strong got completely fucked as he listened to Ville's beautiful words. The tears started pouring down his face and he knew there was no way he could stop them.

"God, Ville I love you so much." He managed to sob out.

"I love you too baby." Ville's voice cracked as he spoke and Bam noticed that Ville was also crying silently.

Bam pulled Ville into his arms and they shared a heated kiss, their tears mingling and soaking their faces.

They heard someone clear their throat and they pulled apart to see Dunn standing there. "I'm really sorry guys, I don't want to do this to you but Linde sent me over here to tell you that they've just announced the last call for your flight and you need to go."

Ville hesitated, not wanting to leave Bam and his heart aching, knowing that he didn't have a choice.

"It's ok Willa, I'm not gonna be lonely cos I have this." He indicated to the ring, which he was now wearing. "And every time I look at it, I'll know that you love me just as much as I love you and that nothing and nobody is gonna change that."

They walked to the gate together where the band were waiting and shared another quick kiss. "Goodbye Ville, I love you."

"Goodbye baby, I love you too my darling." Ville whispered.

Bam kept watching as the band walked away and he didn't leave until the plane had taken off. Dunn stood by him silently offering support and comfort.

"Fuck, I'm such a girl" He complained, scrubbing at his tear swollen eyes.

"No you're not, you're in love. You're gonna miss him, it's natural but you can always keep in touch with each other." Dunn said sympathetically

Bam thought back over their relationship and a smirk crept over his features. "Yeah I guess you're right, after all, there's always the internet!"
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