Blind love

Nov 26, 2006 20:50

Hey! another chapter so soon! i bet you're sick of me already but the words just keep coming! and to my soulmate karinvam, i told you i wouldn't make you wait to long!!!!

Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

April Margera had made up her mind. She was going to talk to Bam about his strange behaviour. The decision came after a call from Johnny Knoxville telling her about what had happened at filming and asking her if she knew what was going on. She knocked on the door of his room before entering, to find him rummaging through his clothes.

"Hi honey, what are you looking for?"

Bam glanced briefly at her before sticking his head back inside the wardrobe. "I'm looking for my copy of Ville's jacket, the 'your pretty face is going to hell' one. I'm going out and I want to wear it."

"It's hanging on a chair in the pirate bar where you left it. Before you go and get it, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Yeah sure." replied Bam distractedly. As she began to talk, he tried hard to listen, he really did, but his excitement and nerves about meeting William were too distracting and he eventually tuned her out.

"...... and I've been having an affair with Don Vito and I'm leaving your father for him."

"WHAT?" Bam almost fell out of the closet (no pun intended) from the shock. He looked up at his mom who was smirking at him.

"I thought that would make you pay attention!"

"Please NEVER say that again."

"Trust me, it was as repulsive for me to say as it was for you to hear." They both repressed a shudder at the thought.

"Ok, so I'm listening I promise. What's up?" Bam asked, sitting down next to her.

"I was hoping you could tell me. You've been acting really strange lately and everyone's worried about you. Johnny called me and told me about what happened yesterday at filming."

"I'm fine, stop worrying. I've just been spending a lot of time on the computer lately. I've made a friend on a chat room and I talk to him about the situation with Ville." Bam bent the truth slightly, not wanting Ape to know all the details.

"You told someone about Ville?" Ape asked shocked. "But what if they tell the press?"

"I'm not that stupid. I didn't use my real name and I didn't give any name for Ville so nobody knows."

"Why don't you talk to me?"

"It's weird. I need to talk to someone who doesn't know me so well, I feel more comfortable that way."

She sighed heavily knowing that she couldn't do anything to help her son with what he was going through and that she couldn't force him to talk to her. She could only wait patiently and be there if and when he needed her.

"Ok. Just remember, I'm here if you need me." She left him choosing which shirt would look best with his black pants with the chains on.

Bam entered the park with a black beanie pulled low over his face to try and disguise himself a little. The butterflies that had been fluttering around his stomach all day had turned into a flock of birds and as waited for William to arrive, he debated whether or not just to leave and forget the whole thing.

Just as he was deciding to leave in case William turned out to be an axe murderer or something, his cell phone beeped with a message from Ville. It read; Before you hate me, I want you to know I'm sorry.

Bam decided that Ville must have sent the message to the wrong person as he couldn't think of why he would ever hate him. He deleted the message and put his phone away just to see the shadow of someone standing in front of him.

"Hi." Came a familliar, yet nervous voice.

"Ville? What are you...." All of a sudden it all clicked. The name, the way he never said where he lived- all of it. He looked up at Ville, the hurt and betrayal clear in his eyes.

"You're William. How could I be so stupid?" He gave a bitter laugh, angry at himself almost as much as Ville.

"Why'd you do it? You knew I was talking about you, fuck, even Vito could've worked that one out, why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm so sorry Bam, I..."

"Shove it Ville, wait, sorry...WILLIAM. That's what you're going by now isn't it? Or is that just when you want to lie to your friends?" Ville winced at the anger and pain in Bam's voice but didn't object, he knew he deserved it.

"Was all this just a big joke to you? How could you let me tell you all these feelings I've been having and spill my guts on how fucking confused I am when you knew I had no idea it was you I was talking to? I hope it gave you a good fucking laugh Ville." He couldn't stop a few tears of embarrassment and anger slip down his face and Ville immediately reached out to wipe them away.

"Don't touch me." The words hit Ville hard and he withdrew his hand close to tears himself. He'd had no idea it would affect Bam this badly and if he had, he never would have done it.

"Bam please, I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you."

"How did you even know it was me?"

"I didn't to start with. I just noticed you were new and I wanted to say hi but after you said about your friend staying over, I realized."

"Then why the hell didn't you tell me?" Bam was aware that his yelling was attracting some strange looks but he didn't care.

"I knew you wouldn't tell me if you knew who I was and I wanted to see if it was just a crush or whether it was deeper than that."

"I can't believe you lied to me like that. You totally betrayed my trust. I don't even know what to say to you any more."

Ignoring Ville's protests he turned and started to walk away, his heart aching. He tried to be strong and walk away without tears and without turning back but he failed on both. As he reached the gates he turned to look back at the man he still loved, despite how angry he was, and the sight made his heart catch in his throat.

Ville was sitting on the floor by the fountain, his knees pulled up to his chest and his face buried against them. It was obvious he was crying and he didn't seem to care where he was or who saw him.

Bam wanted desperately to keep walking, his anger at Ville still strong, but he knew he couldn't leave Ville there looking so vulnerable and unhappy. It made him feel like the biggest asshole on the planet even though he knew he shouldn't care.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly made his way back to Ville's shaking form and stood in front of him unsure of what to do. After a few minutes Ville seemed to registar his presence and he looked up at him with tear swollen eyes.

"You're an idiot coming out without a jacket, you're gonna get cold." Bam akwardly, taking off his and placing it over Ville's shoulders.

"Why are you being nice to me?"

"I don't fucking know. Maybe cos you always manage to look like a kicked puppy." Bam said irritably, and regretted it immediately as more tears fell from Ville's beautiful emerald eyes.

Bam sat down on the floor next to Ville. "You really hurt me, you know."

"I know."

"Then why the hell do I feel like a complete bastard for making you cry?"

"Because you love me." The softly spoken words made Bam's whole body go still and his blood turn to ice. Was now the time when Ville tells him in no uncertain terms that his feelings aren't welcome? that he was disgusting for even thinking it?

"You do love me don't you?" Bam looked over to see Ville watching him intently, like he really cared about the answer. Bam wanted to lie, to laugh it off so there was no way Ville could crush his heart like he had the potential to do, but he found he couldn't.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do love you. I don't want to. This whole guy loving another guy thing is kinda weird for me, but I do."

"I know you don't trust me and I don't you don't really like me at the moment but I love you too. Remember our last internet conversation?"

Bam blushed at the memory.

"I meant it all, I wasn't doing it to make fun of you or hurt you, I just couldn't stand knowing that you'd never tell me how you felt."

Bam slid an arm round Ville's almost girlish frame and pulled him against him. "You really love me? I don't know what to believe right now. I never thought you'd lie to me like that and I've never had feelings for a guy before and it feels strange."

"I do love you so much and I understand you not trusting me right now. I know it's weird for you sweetheart, can we try though, please? We can take it slow. Let me take you on a date or something to see how you feel about it."

"A date?!"

"Yeah, or something like that, it's up to you, just please, don't give up on what we could have just cos I'm a fucking idiot."

"You're not an idiot Ville. I was just embarrassed that I told you all those things, and upset that you lied to me. I'll need time to get over that and get used to wanting to be with another man but I'd like to go on a date with you."


"Yeah, it'll be odd though, usually I'm the one taking someone out on a date!"

"I'll be nice to you, I promise!" Ville smiled angeliclly at him causing Bam to smile back despite himself.

"Come on, lets get you back to your hotel, It's getting dark now and this park isn't the safest place to be!"

Bam walked Ville back to his hotel and they made plans for Ville to pick him up from his house at 7pm the next evening, but he wouldn't tell him where they were going.

Just before Bam left, Ville stopped him with a brief, gentle kiss that made Bam's spine tingle. As he headed home, he realized with a start, that for the first time in a long while, he couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.
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