I have a movie question, has anyone watched 30 Days Of Night?
I heard that dogs die in it, how do they die and is it tolerable in any way at all? I really love horror movies and such but if an animal dies I can't watch it. Any experience with this movie would be greatly appreciated THANK YOU! :D
xlosing_myselfx wrote in
Oct 03, 2007 23:08
i saw the new documentary sharkwater last weekend. it was all about the shark fin soup industry and how corrupt the entire seafood industry is. most of it i already knew, but actually seeing the things these people do is still shocking. it is a good movie, but its kind of hard to watch. after it let out, we talked to the people working in the
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sophia_corvino wrote in
Apr 18, 2007 22:28
I just wanted to tell everyone THANK YOU for letting me know about this movie. I had no idea it was out there and I just watched it tonight -- God, I feel like I was emotionally drug around by a tractor. I watched it for free but I am buying it so that I have something to show people, and to watch every now and then myself so that I never get too
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arielastar wrote in
Nov 16, 2006 18:57
following up with someones post about Fast Food Nation, i saw a free screening of it this morning..Eric Schlosser & Richard Linklater(director) were there afterwards for a Q&A
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bloody_keri wrote in
Nov 13, 2006 13:18
The 'Fast Food Nation' movie comes out this weekend. I haven't read the book yet although it's on my list. I thought it was mostly about the health issues - the shit (literally) in meat, etc., but apparently it also focuses on the cruelty on factory farms and in slaughterhouses. There's at least one scene shot in an actual slaughterhouse, and I don
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