Pterocles Round Robin: Gen 2.6 and Heir Poll

Oct 28, 2010 14:59

2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5

Post-proposal move-in makeover for Emilijia (xie_belle  )

... and a very sudden birthday for Sora.

Also for Guillemot.

Man, I really like to get these updates started, right?

Makeovers for the birthday people. Guillemot shows such promise to be a productive adult.

Hopefully he doesn't have to work too hard.

Ibis: "... So, when we're married, you're not going to cheat on me, right?"
Emilijia: "What?"
Ibis: "Good. Cuz if you did I would have to kill your firstborn child."
Emilijia: " would kill Eremomela?"
Ibis: "Only because you forced me to."
Emilijia and Guillemot: *stares*

In the lives of the other children, Skua has become a piano-maniac...

... Phainopepla is struggling to understand the concept of achievement...

... and Eremomela's strange. Probably gets it from her mother.

So that's why I could never find your homework. Er's too clever for me.

Whatever, Er's got other fish to fry. Like satisfying her needs as a Romantic.

Hello there pupil-less townie!

Pupil-less Townie: *laughs at the thought of dating the likes of her*
Eremomela: "Do you think he likes me!?"

Oh right. You're still making bank.

That's better.

Wedding time!

Some of our guests (Wanderer Behr by bondchick_nett  ) seem a little judgemental of this union.
But maybe that's just me.

Now this makes no sense. Weren't you booing her down just the other day?

I can NEVER get enough of this :)

I'd hate to be stereotypical, but it has been said, they play a lot of softball

Pupil-less Townie: *creeps*
Ibis: "Yeah. You go ahead and stay away from my daughter."

While the couple is off honey-mooning, we've got another birthday to celebrate!
Doesn't look like party guest Alejandra (brilliantcat ) is too impressed

Poor Phainy grew up badly. Probably because she wasn't smart enough to learn how to do anything

Blah blah blah your needs.

Sora: "It's not fair. Why does Phainy get so many more pictures when she grows up than I did?"

Well. Who wants to claim ownership?

The boys are first to the scene and are completely useless.
Guillemot: "OH MY GOD! I never told Kristin she had nice tits!"

Phainy: "Heehee. Tits."

Wow. Nanny seems awfully calm about this...

Guillemot: "Oh crap. I think the food's burnt."

Lobster Thermidore? LOBSTER FREAKIN' THERMIDORE? There's only one who could have done this:

Seriously though. You are utterly useless. I'm this close to banishing you and your friggin cult.
I think you have motive to kill my family.

Guillemot reflects upon his near-death experience and decides to invite Kristin over to "talk"

Now this I wasn't expecting. How sweet!

Seriously? Like seriously? I think Albie has a thing for wanting what he can't have >:(

Well good job there mom!

How familiar!

And how lovely!

It truly is a shame that you weren't destine to be heir.

I though of some good porno names for the couples, namely:
Ibis & Emilijia: HOT LESBIAN ACTION!

Albatross & Kowri: HOT READING ACTION!
Yeah. That's all I got.

And who is this tall, dark, handsome stranger?

Why it's Bloopy Pants Foster by juri_anne ! I think Er's interested in him!

Good Points: Just as outgoing and crazy as Er...

Negative Points: Massive hypocrite?

Er's not all that picky, but turns out he's having none of it.

Thanks Bloopy. Now I'll be cleaning up this all day.

Sora: "It isn't fair! Why does everyone wanna help me with my homework?!"

Did I mention how crazy Skua is on the piano? He's nearly maxed creativity from it.

Oh look, adult time!

That. Suits. AWESOME.

You are keeping it and you shall be suave.

Peter Ottomas? Really?

You can't see it, but she's heart-farting on him. I normally wouldn't care, but Peter Ottomas? I'm gonna have to draw the line.

Sora: "It isn't fair. Why does everyone care about Er's love life and not mine?"

Ibis: "Because you are a whiny, lonely spawn of a slut who should be tickled angrily way more often than is necessary."

Sora: "Hehe. You just called yourself a slut."
Ibis: "WHAT?! Oh. Right." *fumes*
Sora: *plus*

What with Ibis remaining unemployed, she's become a very productive member of this over-crowded household.

Even Emilijia has taken to rising before the sun in order to get the best catch...

... catch of boots, that is.

Er's gotta stay on top of the local scene if she has any hope of finding herself a man.

Eremomela: "Well. We have weeds. That's about the only interesting thing going on here."

Does this surprise you?

It is nice to see Phainy so happy for once.

Peter keeps coming back to the lot, so I decided to let Er indulge in her sick desire.

Eremomela: "Oh he is SO DREAMY!!"
Peter: "You're crush is remnant to a pile of stinky garbage to me."
I'm glad he said it and not me.

But enough of these shenanigans! Important things are taking place!

Sora: "Auntie Emilijia, what's happening to mommy?"
Emilijia: "Only things you'll hopefully never live long enough to experience, dear."

Not a day over 26 sim!days.

Albatross: "Alright! Emilijia got BOOBS!"

Just focus on what you're doing, please.

Albatross and Ibis make good looking elders :)

And don't think 'cuz they're old the lovin' don't stop.

Hey, I hate to interrupt you from doing something useful...

... but I got a legacy to finish.


The school year is getting pretty serious for me now, and I though this was a good place to stop
before you never heard from me again.
So my thoughts are that Guillemot and Sora are the only ones eligible for heir, since Skua is an exact clone of his brother.
I also thought I'd offer Sora and Phainy as teens since they're so much younger than their "siblings."
I'm also thinking (I'm so THINKY today!)  if Sora wins heirship we can start her round as an emancipated teen, since she's, you know,
unwanted. But I'll leave it all up to you - comment what you think!
Naturally the other lovely offspring are up for grabs. Just be gentle with them!


Guillemot Pterocles

Sora Pterocles



Eremomela Pterocles

Skua Pterocles

Phainopepla Pterocles

With that, VOTING TIME!

Poll Pterocles Gen 3 Heir 

legacy: pterocles, download: sims, pixel_trade, challenge: round robin, heir poll

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