Pterocles Round Robin: Gen 2.4

Oct 04, 2010 18:28

2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3

Does this surprise you? Every day he makes me feel guilty for the pain I have caused him by moving out his wife (Kowri by bondchick_nett). Guilty.

So I roll this week's challenge to get my mind off it:

Hooray! A challenge that doesn't split up families! I'm all for that.

Upgraded all the seating. We'll upgrade the bedding at the end of the week, you know, when there's more than $200 in the family coffer.

Why give a possible case to the competition? It just makes no sense.

Oops. Sorry Ibis. You were only at the second level of your career anyway.

Where you running off to, little one?

STOP DOING THIS TO ME! So you've never really known your mother, I get that, but having her tell you point blank why Mommy moved out is just inhumane! I really can't take this.

In other news: Skua is damn cute. Especially since he doesn't assault me with wanting to know where his mother is- He never knew her!

I have never had a family so inclined to puddle splashing since I've started playing. And what's worse is that I totally condone it.

Also, Guillemot's a smurt'un.

I think this is the first interaction these two have had since Kowri moved out. I think they hugged or something.

"What?! We're BFFs again? I did not approve this."

In complete contrast, Ibis and Eremomela have quite a wonderful familial relationship.

... Although I might have something to say about that. Raise your child better!

New tactic: Pick the most ridiculous option available

Success! Will have to keep this in mind for the future.

He got a subsequent promotion directly after, and so I decide that he needs some good old fashion rewarding.

Since the Matchmaker completely failed, I took the liberty to randomly summon a pixel_trade  sim, which resulted in the lovely Shiloh by charterzard. I am now legally obliged to say that she isn't a prostitute.

Although they move rather quickly...

... and she abruptly has another engagement

Okay, it might be best to consider her "hired help," but it's completely consensual acts between adults.

Don't think at me like that! Albie WILL NOT stop whining about Kowri. He needed the distraction without the obligation.
Suffice to say, I AM NOT A PIMP.

Hey look, a distraction! Everybody loves birthdays!

Sadly little Skua is basically a clone of his brother :(

But he is still very much his own person and I love him for it :)

Kid spam? I think so:

I think I'm in love

Since archaeology is actually the field of work I'm probably going to pursue, I cannot morally choose for him to loot a site. Not even in the Sims.

Ethics wins!

A Double Promotion?! I think that deserves some more of that reward!

Of course Ibis had to have Emilijia (xie_belle) over as well

Emilijia: "What's with your brother and that hooker? Does he have no family values at all? Damn free-loving hippies."
Ibis: *takes deep breath*

You two never mind them. Just continue being adorable together.

*brown chicken brown coowww*


And then the unthinkable happened:

... Umm. Sure he his.

Huh. Well how could he say no?

Oddly enough only he and Guillemot were invited to this shindig. Probably because they're the only ones who are actually "friends" with Kowri.

They ended up going to the bowling alley, and of course Albie had to step up his game to win back the heart of his beloved. The competition looks fierce with the descendants of Sy Snootles and that creepy Maxis playboy.

Yeah, I wasn't too worried either. But I'm glad you're excited Albie.

Well whose a little wet blanket? Is it you?

Awww, just like old times :)

But Albie knows his wife, and now since she's FINALLY no longer furious with him, I think they might just have a chance...


*~Reunited and it feels so gooooddd~*

... and only Albie would ruin such a wonderful moment by suggesting certain restroom activities >:(

Luckily Kowri has learned to love him for it, and at least agrees to go home with him.


Kowri agrees to move back in, to everyone's pleasure :)

... on the condition that the likes of what's-her-face never shows herself here again.

So obviously, Albie has to cancel a certain service... permanently.

- - -

This one again? Fine. Let's pick the OTHER option.


I think this game plays favorites.

You'll keep this career track even if it kills me.

Hello. Who are you? We already have one Nanny already... who is still here on duty, actually.

Well, she's SUPPOSED to be on duty. Seriously, what is wrong with Nannies these days?

Oh. I see. It's a Nanny Cult, comin' to indoctrinate your kiddies about the evils of parents.
"Join us, little Skua. Jooiiin uuusss."
Luckily, Skua is too smart to fall for such followings.

Birthday time for Guillemot :)

Cheer up, Eremomela. You're not too far behind.

Oh I like him. Probably more than I should...

Yup, looks like all is well in the Pterocles home. Kowri is back, Guillemot's cute, and I'm finally guilt-free

But in a house not too far off, something rather concerning for our little family is happening...

Very concerning indeed.

legacy: pterocles, pixel_trade, challenge: round robin

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