Pterocles Round Robin: Gen 2.0

Sep 12, 2010 02:23

Finally! An update! We begin this round with a look into the fresh new lives of Albie and Ibis Pterocles, siblings from fivesims' previous round :

"How dare you steal the heirship from me! My unique nose shall trample the globe!!!"

"Well cheer up! You can still come live with me and share in the shenanigans of this generation!"

"Oh you don't say? Well don't mind if I do!"

Then it's settled. Albie's got heir but I still get to stare at Ibis. Success.

Now get to work. I got plans for you.

Albie starts his day right by getting a job in the Gaming Career and looking through the personal ads.

... but not without having a little fun after.

Alright. Enough of that. Let's get scoutin'.

Our first sighting is needlecream's Dido, who Albie seeks out pronto.

Good interaction...

... bad interaction. Something to do with Statute 2324-1979.

Well you blew that one. She stormed off the lot soon after and would never return.

No worries though. bondchick_nett's Kowri shyly stepped up to bat, and didn't do half bad.

... except for the fact she hates brunettes?

Meh. She'll be back.


Meanwhile. I like Ibis.

I like Ibis and her incessant fascination with weather. And this week's challenge:

Go Ibis go.

Oh dear. I had my darling Ness choose for me.

Bad Ness, bad! Boyfriends should never participate in these things.

Well, at least your LTW is to get to the top of the Adventure Career.

Booty call for self-esteem boost? I say yes.

side note: see how well Ibis is doing? Four Charisma points in one day!

I think poor Ibis is getting a little desperate here. Cleaning up after the two lovebirds, it's like she knows she's destined to be infertile.

Oh don't do this to me! Fine. I'll give you a night out. Happy?

Her night out is mostly spent assaulting passer-bys about conspiracy theories about their lives being a giant game being played.

Some listen and let her rant (like telectroscope's Hob Scaleytoe)

... while others prefer to remain in denial (including, but not limited to, needlecream's Antwerp).

I think Ibis' hearsay brought the wrath of the gods... not ME god, that is. Existential sim god, hypothetically. Anyway, some townie was struck dead on the lot.

Ibis, feeling guilty about her actions (being true? false? you guess) decided to beg for the townie's life.


The ever famous VDSL founder by simpurity was not impressed by Ibis' antics.

Our dear Cecilie Falk (STILL don't know where I found her!) was at least empathetic

But Ibis tends to be a slight extremist in the best situations.

I now leave you with: THE CUTE.

legacy: pterocles, pixel_trade, challenge: round robin

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