Feel the power of the sexy side of the force!

Sep 21, 2011 20:43

Characters: Anya and ANYONE! For this is open to anyone who wants to make a purchase, visit Anya, or just go in, stammer in embarrassment, and run away.
Location: Forcegasms Adult toy and holovid store.
Planet: Coruscant
When: All day
What: Selling sex toys. And chatting with friends.
Rating: PG-13

It has been frequently proven that the toys here also make good weapons. Just saying. Also? There are educational pamphlets! ...don't check out the Hutt ones. Really. )

☄firefly: kaylee frye, ☄devil may cry: dante, btvs: andrew wells, btvs: buffy summers, star wars: leia organa, btvs: anya jenkins, ☄btvs: riley finn

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Comments 119

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nomorevengeance September 22 2011, 00:58:42 UTC
[Anya is watching him eagerly. A POTENTIAL SALE? :D?]

No, no it is not.

Would you like help picking an item? I can offer helpful advice!


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nomorevengeance September 22 2011, 01:09:03 UTC
It's a pull door. [Anya looks disappointed.] Are you sure? I have many items to spice up your sex life or special alone time if you know what I mean.


slayerdom September 22 2011, 00:55:32 UTC
[ Buffy's here to visit Anya. Not to solve her can't get laid problem. Believe it.

After all, what does one do when they've stopped the Big Bad for the time being but clean up a friend's dirty laundry? Xander interfered in her business with Riley. She almost feels obligated to do the same now that he's messing things up with Anya.

She stops at a display to make general ick face at the merchandise, picking up a box and turning it over her hands with wide eyes, a furrowed brow and pursed lips. Oh. ]


nomorevengeance September 22 2011, 01:02:57 UTC
[Anya's going to ignore that ick face. You sure seemed all right with the merchandise when you were using it to kill zombies. Instead, she'll swoop over and eye the box over Buffy's shoulder.]

Oooh, good selection. Are you feeling unsatisfied because of the various attractive men surrounding you with whom you can't have sex? Because that would probably help.


slayerdom September 22 2011, 01:06:22 UTC
Unsatis-- [ Her eyes bulge a little and she drops the box like a hot brick. ] No. No, there is -- Lots of satisfaction. I have the satisfaction market way cornered. Thank you, Anya, for your ... coarse and off-putting honesty. [ She overcomes her flail. ] I'm not here to shop.


nomorevengeance September 22 2011, 01:13:51 UTC
[Anya bends down to pick up the box, frowning at her.] I'm saying this as a friend. You look like you could use a good orgasm. Or... [She gives a wide grin and gestures at the store sign.] Forcegasm!


gunslingerpoet September 22 2011, 01:38:55 UTC
[Dante saunters into the shop and looks like he belongs there.] Why hallo, babe! Don't mind if I do~ [Buy things that is]

What you got in means of protection, an'... I was wonderin'.. Does this space age universe have a Kama Sutra or was my universe just lucky?

[The latter is a serious question and fascination topic of debate. No really. He looks curious and thoughtful all at once.]


nomorevengeance September 22 2011, 03:13:03 UTC
There's the Twi'lek Erotic Compendium, which is similar. [Anya points towards the bookshelf.] And there's a condom shelf by the register. Appropriate for all sorts of differently shaped and sized genitalia!


gunslingerpoet September 22 2011, 04:30:22 UTC
[One eyebrow raise up in peaked interest and he looks over to the places she indicated.]

I'll go and check that out then, thank you. [A court nod; a dashing smirk.. and he turns around to do just that]


nomorevengeance September 22 2011, 04:55:59 UTC
[She smiles and pulls out some paperwork while she waits to do the fun money parts.] Tell me if you have more questions.


yodaknowswhat September 22 2011, 19:04:27 UTC
It's just me, Anya. [Because Andrew would never want to buy sex toys. Why would he do that? What is sex?

He looks around, looking somewhere between impressed and mildly horrified. The internet had some bizarre shit, but it's so different in real life.]

This is... Cozy.


nomorevengeance September 23 2011, 03:50:15 UTC
[Anya looks more or less happy to see him anyway, besides the disappointment that he's not going to buy things from her.]

Isn't it? I tried to give it a comfortable and soothing vibe. A lot of people who come in here seem rather flustered.


yodaknowswhat September 23 2011, 05:02:25 UTC
I don't know why they would. I mean... Who wouldn't want... A lightsaber shaped.... What is that? [He points at something... That isn't nearly as questionable as some of the other things in the shop, but like hell if he knows what it is.]


nomorevengeance September 23 2011, 05:16:57 UTC
[Looks so aren't everything, Andrew.] Oh, that's a special order item. I wouldn't touch it. It's coated in a substance toxic to humans, and I still don't trust these forcefields.


nonerfherders September 24 2011, 21:43:29 UTC
[Leia has just arrived. She's exploring this new planet. It's much like the old one. Actually it is the old one, technically. Traveling back in time really screws with your ability to use tenses correctly]

[She mutters to herself as she walks in the door, half amused and half appalled]

Forcegasm? Seriously?


nomorevengeance September 24 2011, 22:52:20 UTC
Yes, it's a pun. [Which is clearly the part this new customer is having trouble with. Or something.] See, I sell paraphernalia that can be used for sex or masturbation, which frequently leads to orgasms. And since we're in Star Wars world surrounded by Jedi and Sith and various other Force users, it's Forcegasms. [She beams.] We have lightsaber handle shaped vibrators.


nonerfherders September 25 2011, 08:11:08 UTC
Yes, I can see that. [Leia wanders over to a shelf and picks up a butterfly-style-vibrator shaped like an X-wing, looking flabbergasted] Someone designs all of these? [Leia, mistress of the obvious. It's been a strange day. And it's clearly getting stranger]


nomorevengeance September 25 2011, 20:20:55 UTC
Well, obviously. They don't just appear out of mid-air. That one's all right, but a little painful if you're not careful. [Anya thinks about it, then shrugs.] Or if you like a little pain, I suppose.


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