[OPEN] I'm busy taking stock of all the things that I've forgot-

Jan 23, 2009 11:13

Characters: People who're staying behind in the Victoria II~
Setting: All over the goddammed Victoria II... kinda, I guess.
Time: Later in the evening, while TACTICAL INFILTRATION ACTION is on.
Warnings: Horror! Shock! Denial all around for our unfortunate heroes and Kristoph brand of fail. And, uh. Epic trainwreck? I guess ( Read more... )

≠ sanae hanekoma, susan sto helit, ≠ mai mishou, ≠ garnet til alexandros xvii, ≠ al-cid margrace, millie thompson, ≠ kristoph gavin, ≠ deandra "dee" reynolds, ≠ agatsuma soubi, ≠ randy "ryo" maclean, ≠ larsa ferrinas solidor, phoenix wright, ≠ might gai, ≠ matilda wormwood

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Comments 95

BEAST OF THE HALLWAYS minorbook January 23 2009, 03:45:43 UTC
After hearing the announcement by she ship's current commander, Matilda hadn't known what to do. It was rather ironic that the grand Victoria, a prestigious and powerful ship that had till recently withstood and overcome all obstacle, should come to such trouble when she had been sent there for 'safety'. She certainly didn't feel safe right now. Though she had yet to see any of these creatures, she had certainly heard them, and that was enough to tell her of what would happen should she come across one of them, alone ( ... )


BEAST OF THE HALLWAYS prodigyheir January 23 2009, 03:57:49 UTC

The awful shrieks were heard before Larsa could even have time to reach his communicator. Something in his blood curled, and his gut twisted painfully. What did they belong to? Was the ship really under attack? With much of the crew away, the boy wasn't sure how much of a chance they could stand against such terrible-sounding beasts.

But rather than dwelling on it for long, he made a grab for his sword, twisting his fingers around the hilt in hesitance before he left through the door of his quarters...

... just in time to witness a beast coming right past his door, approaching a young girl toward the end of the corridor. His heart stilled, and his grip grew ever tighter. Larsa, still holding his breath, held up his sword and rammed it into the creature's back, listening to its scream and almost losing his footing at the sound.

Perhaps it wasn't his finest idea of the hour, but he had to protect the girl, who didn't seem to possess anything to protect herself with. He will round on you; prepare yourself the young lord whispered to ( ... )


Re: BEAST OF THE HALLWAYS peoplenpudding January 23 2009, 04:06:50 UTC

The monster screamed as a giant X-shaped...thing hit it square in the stomach. Millie stood a few yards away, gun hoisting on her shoulder. "Miss Matilda! Come on! You too," she called to Larsa. Millie knew that there was no way she could protect the children, but maybe she could carry them out of harm's way.

Millie reloaded and shot another X at the monster.


Re: BEAST OF THE HALLWAYS a_playboy January 23 2009, 04:25:38 UTC
It was not like Margrace to be rushing into the fray like this but considering how useless the military guards are against these beasts, the prince certainly had to do something in order to protect the passengers aboard this ship. With the admiral long gone with his troops within the icy tundra, these fiends that now lurk down the halls of the ship must before their violent rampage begins. So far the halls near his quarters were decorated with the wounded or dead, such a sight that did shock Al-Cid at all.

"Tch, some security..." He grumbled to himself as he checked the body of a slain guardsmen for ammunition for his rifle. Something told him that he'll be needing all the ammo he can find if he plans on surviving this night. Just when he heard another viscous roar within the distance, Al-Cid made his way towards the fray up ahead catching sight of Millie at first before he spotted the little emperor and the frightful girl.

"Millie!" Al-Cid shouted towards her as he aimed his gun at the next yeti that was just about to strike. " ( ... )


THE DEMON AT THE BAAAAACK thedevilsmile January 23 2009, 04:57:09 UTC
Things were very clearly. Not going as planned.

This was definitely the last thing that Kristoph had expected to happen. He had anticipated monsters (or enemies) from the Rockgala sneaking on board the vessel. He had planned a countermeasures if the ship somehow got spoiled while waiting from the infiltration to be over. He had even made sure that the patrol would return soon enough. Certainly, he had predicted teh possibility of a wild monster attack, but most of the beasts here were harmless. He had heard stories about these mystical beasts but he had never believed them in the slightest - there was no proof for their existence after all ( ... )


Re: THE DEMON AT THE BAAAAACK butterflychains January 23 2009, 05:08:33 UTC
When dear Kristoph said that there were intruders on the Victoria II, Soubi expected humans. Not large, deformed...dual tongued abominations. When he first heard the call to defend the ship, Soubi headed straight for the engine room, which was quite possibly the most important area to protect. When he arrived, it seemed that Kristoph had the same idea, and was shooting at the creature. Managing to get by the monster, Soubi joined his cousin.

"Kristoph, what is this thing?" He asked, drawing a small pistol and taking a shot of his own, aiming for an eye. Unfortunately, it missed, merely grazing the creature's face. Until Soubi knew exactly what this monster was, he was going to conserve his energy.


thedevilsmile January 23 2009, 05:34:01 UTC
His aim was straight and true, and the Eater recoiled from the force of the two simultaneous impacts that the bullets dealt, letting out a howl of pain. As it struggled to recover from the attack as Soubi entered the scene. The quartermaster noticed that arrival of the radio ops and briefly let a smirk cross his face for a moment. Good. Besides the Admiral (who was currently gone) and Jade, Kristoph could trust no body else more competent than his dear stepcousin ( ... )


butterflychains January 23 2009, 06:01:52 UTC
Yetis. Soubi vaguely recalled the stories. Large, hulking beasts that lived in snowy mountain regions and sometimes preyed upon wayward travelers. Even as a child, he didn't believe a word of it. And now, he was possibly staring one in the face. Well, they do say that all myths have some basis in fact, though how much fact that was varied from story to story ( ... )


BEAST ON FRONT DECK paddyperformer January 23 2009, 05:00:10 UTC
Dee was making her way to the top deck, minding her own business and trying to get a hold of one of her relatives through the network. Her brother had already ignored her calls, her dad was probably off in some old man gang, and the other two...well, they were worthless anyway. The only chance Dee had was with her mom.

"But, Mom! You have money. Send me a ship to get me out of here! You send Dennis money all the time, and I'm your only daughter.

"...what do you mean I was an accident, Mom? Dennis and I are twinsWhen she reached top deck, Dee finally realized how long she had been running. She dropped the device she was carrying upon being impacted with the strong, cold wind. "Goddammit it's cold up here!" She had hoped her exclamation might alert some of her crew mates to her presence and get a few of them to come to her aid, but it didn't seem like she was that lucky. "What is that horrible sound ( ... )


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highprices January 23 2009, 11:14:37 UTC
There was undoubtedly the sound of things breaking from within the ship due to either the large thumping and thrashing around of the beasts. Even their terrible roars had certainly shattered any glass near it--somehow it seemed these things in either had gotten on this ship. Either way, Hanekoma had found his way to the front deck--after all, he heard some ruckus in this direction ( ... )


paddyperformer January 23 2009, 23:05:43 UTC
Dee was vaguely aware of the girl who had joined her on the deck, but only enough to mourn that it was just her luck that on a ship full of soldiers, she had to run into a beast with the only one on the ship who looked just as helpless as her. But, then she noticed something glowing around the girl's neck. "DO SOMETHING!" Dee roared. It seemed the only chance she had now was that the beast might find the other girl to look more appetizing ( ... )


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